Inheritance of Di Wuzong, bring it to you

Before this, Wu Yun and Lin Dong had only seen so many Nirvana Pills in the underground palace of the Great Desolation Sect.

With Wu Yun's mental strength swept away, there are at least two million Nirvana Pills in this alchemy room.

Even if he had seen the big scene, he couldn't help swallowing at this moment.

Because this is just a relatively small-scale alchemy room in the alchemy field, which contains this amount of Nirvana pills.

If they are all opened, it is enough to imagine how huge Nirvana pill resources are stored in this pill field.

This fiery red color directly made their eyes red.

Wu Yun's mental power surged out, opening the doors of the alchemy rooms one after another, and the fiery red pills poured out like a torrent, and then pulled by Wu Yun's spiritual power, these pills were sucked into a space The gate leads to the underground palace in the space of the ancient stele.

The Dan Mountain that had been consumed by Wu Yun and the others piled up again.

And there are even more of them!

The reserves of Nirvana Pills in this pill field are in the hundreds of millions, which is very rich.

It can be seen that in the eyes of these ancient sects, Nirvana Pill is just the most basic resource.

Of course, this thing is also an indispensable resource for everyone to practice.

"Brother, this Tiangang Alliance is really rich. It has been so many years, and they still have so many treasures left behind. It is hard to imagine how powerful they will be before." Lin Dong said with emotion. It is already the whole world, but now it seems that this world is far more vast than he imagined.

Xiao Diao: "There are indeed some things in this sect alliance, but there are many existences in this world that are stronger than them. Dongxuan Domain is just a part of this world. When you join the super sect, you will be able to see this world. In general, the stronger you are, the smaller this world will be for you."

Wu Yun: "Xiao Diao is right, second brother, don't let go of your imagination, maybe the world we live in is just a drop in the ocean.

One day, we will be strong enough to walk out of this world, and you will find that we are like heaven. A world like the Xuan Continent is as numerous as stars, a vast universe, and even more vast and boundless worlds, waiting for us to explore!"

Lin Dong and Xiao Diao swallowed, and looked at their elder brother in admiration.


This is the pattern of Big Brother Reincarnation.

His vision has seen the world beyond.

What is outside the world?

Wu Yun's words seemed to contain too many things.

Those things have exceeded their understanding and imagination.

Even Xiao Diao once imagined whether there is a more powerful world besides their world.

But now, according to the big brother, it seems that he has been to other worlds.

That's why I dare to say that the Profound Sky Continent is just a drop in the ocean.

Seeing the admiration of the two younger brothers, Wu Yun couldn't help laughing, "Let's go, find the Life and Death Revolving Pill, astronomy stuff, and I will teach you slowly in the future!"

Wu Yun went deep into the alchemy field go.

The pill rooms on the periphery are all Life and Death Nirvana Pills, and the truly precious pills are all hidden inside.

Xiao Diao and Lin Dong looked at each other, and they both saw the shock and confusion in each other's eyes... Astronomy? It should be something very deep and secret.

In the depths of the alchemy field, there is a larger alchemy room. Wu Yun faintly felt a wave that even made his heart palpitate.

"I've already sensed the aura of the life-death runner pill!" Xiao Diao's demon spirit was floating, and couldn't help but exult.

Finally, they came to the largest alchemy room. Compared with other places in the alchemy field, this alchemy room appeared to be older. On the yellowed gate, there seemed to be traces of ancient runes faintly. The infinite energy fluctuates and spreads out.

Wu Yun pushed out his palm lightly, and saw the runes on the ancient gate light up, which actually ejected all the force Wu Yun pushed out just now.

Xiao Diao: "This should be a protective method, which cannot be broken by force. No matter how powerful the attack you unleash, unless it is completely exploded, it will rebound all the power."

Wu Yun nodded. The formation is like a spring, if the attack cannot reach its limit, if it is directly destroyed, no matter how much it is attacked, it will be futile.

Xiao Diao said again, "If you destroy it violently, it may cause unnecessary losses. The elixir inside should be extremely precious. You can use the power of devouring to swallow all the power of the runes on it."

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome. The power of these runes is already very weak, just wipe them out."

Wu Yun's mental power surged out, and he outlined a series of obliteration runes, which entered the gate, and soon the ancient runes on the gate were quickly Dissolving, obliterating the invisible.

"Boom!" Within

a few seconds, Wu Yun successfully dispelled the power of the rune and pushed open the door.

Boom... Following the opening of the door, a terrifying elixir erupted violently like a volcano that had been sealed off for thousands of years in the alchemy room behind.

The alchemy was as real as it was, spraying out from the alchemy room, even Wu Yun was caught off guard and took a few steps back, and then the alchemy flew into the air, like a column of smoke, fortunately it was blocked by the formation shield above, otherwise it would be like setting off fireworks Usually, everyone can see it.

Entering the alchemy room, the elixir is lingering inside, and all kinds of strange elixir lights make the whole room look extremely soft.

The elixir room is very wide, and there are some huge stone pillars arranged one after another. On each stone pillar, there is a elixir suspended. These elixirs have different colors and are different from each other.

But each one exudes an astonishing aura, and the energy in it is countless times stronger than that of Nirvana Pill.

These elixirs can be seen at a glance, and they are not elixirs formed by the condensed energy that is usually used for cultivation.

It is a precious pill that is really refined with a variety of elixir.

Wu Yun looked at the first pill, the color of the pill was silver, round and full, and its name was marked on the pillar below the pill,

"Du'er Pill!" Both

Wu Yun and Lin Dong appeared on their faces. The color of surprise.

Du'er Pill is a kind of elixir that can increase the chance of success in passing through Nirvana!

Nine kalpas of nirvana, one kalpa is stronger than one kalpa!

The further you get to the back, the harder it is to get through.

Such a crossing pill is worth at least three million nirvana pills.

Wu Yun didn't hesitate, and shot out a burst of energy to grab the elixir. Suddenly, Du'er Dan trembled, and an astonishing elixir gushed out, faintly, as if forming an illusory human shape, trying to block Wu Yun. big hands.

This level of elixir already has a self-defense mechanism.

However, in the face of Wu Yun's powerful hands, he couldn't resist at all. Wu Yun easily scattered the pill energy, and then grabbed Du'er Dan in his hands.

Take a closer look, the elixir is silver in color, surrounded by elixir patterns, like stars.

"Brother, Life and Death Revolver Pill!"

Xiao Diao said excitedly, as soon as he entered the alchemy room, he immediately looked for the Life and Death Revolver Pill.

His demon spirit quickly floated over, and stopped in front of a black ancient stone pillar in the center of the alchemy room.

Wu Yun and Lin Dong flew over immediately, and looked up, they were at the top of the stone pillar.

There is also a elixir suspended!

However, this elixir is even more different.

It was a elixir with alternating black and white colors, like a blend of yin and yang.

It is very quiet, and the other pills in this pill room all exude amazing pill energy.

Only this elixir, if it wasn't seen with the naked eye, Wu Yun would not be able to feel the slightest elixir from it, and it didn't even have a taste, it was more like a decoration.

Xiao Diao's demon spirit spun around the pill, the excitement in his heart couldn't be suppressed at all.

This elixir is his hope of rebirth.

"Xiao Diao, what are you looking at, quickly take it off!"

Seeing Xiao Diao circling around the pill, Lin Dong urged.

"It's not that simple, there is a ring of life and death!"

Xiao Diao shook his head, staring at the pill with a serious face, and slowly explained,

"The Life and Death Wheel Pill can only be refined by those who have penetrated the Profound Realm of Life and Death. It has a strong energy of life and death.

When the elixir is formed, a life and death ring will be born around it. This kind of thing cannot be seen with the naked eye, but when people who are not in the Profound Realm of Life and Death touch it, the vitality of the body will disappear in an instant. "

What should we do? Can you break the code?" Lin Dong frowned when he heard about the Profound Realm of Life and Death. That was the realm after the Nine Yuan Nirvana Realm, and it was still far away from them.

"Of course it can be cracked, it just takes time."

Xiao Diao said confidently.

"Little Diao, quickly crack the circle of life and death, second brother, let's put away the other pills first."

Wu Yun walked to the other pillars and began to collect the pills.

The elixirs here are all at the same level as Du'edan.

There is Fenglei Dan who helps the Tianfu master overcome the tribulation!

There is Yunshen Pill that can enhance spiritual power!

There is a dragon blood pill that strengthens the body!


There were hundreds of medicinal pills, and Wu Yun and Lin Dong took them all away without any hesitation.


A powerful wave spread, Xiao Diao finally cracked the ring of life and death, and obtained the life and death turning wheel pill.

"Let's go, let's go, there are many treasures waiting for us in the four great Xuanzongs!"

Wu Yun didn't want to delay, so he hurried out of the alchemy field.

At this time, Xuan Su and the others had almost moved all the massive elixir outside into the ancient monument space.

After the last elixir was also moved in, Wu Yun asked Xuan Su and others to return to the ancient monument space, and then put away the ancient monument.

Wu Yun asked Da Zhuang, Mu Qianqian and Jiang Xue to go in.

Only Baiyun and Xiaoyan were left, their combination of two tigers.

Then he played a series of annihilation runes to wipe out all the remaining breath of the medicine sea, making it impossible for people to see the prosperity here.

Dozens of pill spirit corpses outside were damaged, but for Wu Yun's harvest, it was totally worth it.

Withdraw the formation, put away the blood cloud, the crocodile bone puppet and many alchemy corpses.

The two and the two tigers rushed to the depths of the island.

However, before flying far, Wu Yun stopped.

"Hehe, come out!" Wu Yun sneered, looking at a giant tree.

However, the big tree did not respond.

"Hand of the Eight Desolate Emperors!"

Wu Yun surged his vitality directly, condensing a huge blood-colored handprint, and struck it.


The giant tree exploded, and a figure in red robe flew out.

"I remember your aura. It was the formation you used to attack just now. I didn't expect you to still want to follow me!"

Wu Yun said coldly. Those people were the violent wolf Tian Zhen.

"I'm just passing by, goodbye!"

Tian Zhen thought inwardly, and fled quickly.

He just stayed to see if he could still pick up the leaks. By the way, he wrote down Wu Yun and others, planning to find friends from the Super Dynasty to rob them in the future, but he didn't expect to be discovered.

"Hmph, I want to leave!"

Bai Yun and Xiao Yan had already rushed out, and Bai Yun's speed was so fast that he was blocked in front of him in an instant.

"Wu Yun, what do you want to do?"

Tian Zhen said with a solemn expression, extremely fearful, not to mention the four of Wu Yun, just Wu Yun's two second-level puppets were enough to kill him.

"There is a price to be paid for spying on us. Hand over your universe bag and spare your life."

Wu Yun said flatly.

Tian Zhen: "Wu Yun, don't go too far. Others let me, Tian Zhen is not afraid of you.

" The bags will be thicker."

"Shoot, suppress him!"

In an instant, Bai Yun and Xiao Yan moved, and Bai Yun slapped out a palm, and the terrifying white tiger palm came down.

The thick black stick in Xiaoyan's hand also whizzed away.

"Wan Lang Po Jun Fist!"

Tian Zhen yelled in a deep and cold voice, and his surging energy turned into thousands of galloping wolf shadows, hitting Bai Yun and Xiao Yan respectively.

After all, he is one of the four overlords in the Northwest, and a strong man in the quasi-ternary nirvana state, so it is naturally impossible to capture him without a fight.

Countless wolf shadows rushed, and Tian Zhen's strength was far beyond that of ordinary dualistic nirvana.

"White Tiger Town Demon Seal!"

"Heavenly Demon God Transformation, Tiger Roaring Transformation!"

Yuan power vibrated, various martial arts lights collided, and it was gorgeous!

Both Baiyun and Xiaoyan were only in the one-element nirvana state, and although they had a solid upper hand against Tian Zhen, they still couldn't crush them.

"Hmph, you forced me to force Wu Yun!"

Tian Zhen spat out a mouthful of blood and said hoarsely.

He stepped on the void, the sky behind him was dim, and there seemed to be a huge phantom emerging vaguely.

A special wave spread, and that phantom seemed to have the power to shake the world.

"The spirit of martial arts!"

Both Lin Dong and Wu Yun's expressions became serious.

"He's practicing spiritual martial arts!"

No wonder Tian Zhen had the courage to fight them, it turned out he had such a trump card.

"Wu Zong Zhuan Tian Jue!"

Tian Zhen yelled angrily, the huge phantom behind him seemed to stretch out its giant arms and plunge into the sky, and the energy of heaven and earth exploded at this moment.

The vast sky seemed to shrink under the arms of the huge phantom, and finally turned into a stretchable light curtain, and an extremely powerful wave rippling crazily.

Lin Dong: "This fluctuation may have reached the level of middle-level spiritual martial arts."

"This should be the number one guardian sect, the inheritance of the Earth Martial Sect."

Wu Yun laughed and said, "I'm still regretting that He sent the inheritance of the Emperor Wuzong!"

At this time, the light curtain was grasped by a huge phantom, and then blasted the air with a fist, fiercely blasting away at Xiaoyan.


Xiaoyan shouted angrily, and a phantom also appeared behind him.

At the same time, a vast and majestic fist erupted with his fist.

Low-level spiritual martial arts, plus Bajiquan!

Xiaoyan collided fiercely with Tian Zhen!


The huge Yuan Force fluctuations spread, and the surrounding towering trees were destroyed. Many people looked towards this side in surprise.

"Oh my god, it's Lingwu school!"

"It's Tian Zhen, that idiot, haha, it's him, he messed with Wu Yun."

"Haha, that idiot Tian Zhen betrayed us before, and now he deserves it. "


The people around who recognized Tian Zhen gloated that most of them participated in the previous attack on Yaotian, but were left behind by Tian Zhen.

With a collision, Tian Zhen was seriously injured again!

Bring it here, Tian Zhen... Wu Yun flew up, and the Heavy Prison Peak slammed down fiercely, suppressing Tian Zhen to the ground, and then said coldly,

"Hand over your Qiankun bag and the inheritance of the Earth Martial Sect, otherwise, Die!"