Trading with Aokiji, Shocking Aokiji

Hearing Wu Yun's answer, Qingzhi was obviously taken aback.


Few young people dare to make such a choice.

Wu Yun said sincerely, "I passed the Azure Dragon Trial, so the inheritance of the Azure Dragon Palace should belong to me and should not appear in the options.

Of course, the inheritance of the Azure Dragon Palace is nothing more than two high-level spiritual martial arts. , can't be compared with the inheritance of the senior Qinglong King.

But I still hope that the senior can give me all!"

"Hehe, the ambition is not small, and I want everything. Simple, young people can't be so greedy." Aokiji smiled slightly.

"Are you greedy? This is just my innermost thoughts. If I can get them all, who would be willing to choose one of the two? Seniors might as well tell me how I can get them all." Wu Yun said leisurely, with a kind Aokiji's peers communicate in tone.

The martial arts and martial arts in his hands are much more powerful than the advanced spiritual martial arts and Qingzhi's inheritance, so he is not worried about losing these two.

The reason why Wu Yun wanted to get all of them was naturally to prepare for the expansion of the Great Desolation Sect. Qingzhi's inheritance and these two high-level spiritual martial arts are very suitable to fill the gaps in the Great Desolation Sect's spiritual martial arts and celestial martial arts.

"You are really different. Being able to receive the inheritance of the Great Wild Emperor proves that your potential is extraordinary. I admire you very much for a young and strong man. However, you seem to be a little too proud. You have just passed through the crisis and have not grown up. , nothing, the inheritance of Azure Dragon Palace can indeed be given to you, but mine is not so good."

After finishing speaking, Qingzhi raised his eyebrows, and his slender palm slipped out from the green shirt, shining green light, in front of you. Its fingertips are wrapped around and condensed.

call out!

Qingzhi pointed out with his fingertips, and immediately a majestic blue light gushed out, condensing into a miniature green dragon in mid-air, with scales shining on the green dragon, that kind of power, even Wu Yun felt a little danger fluctuations.

"The inheritance of Qinglong Temple and mine are both included. Since you want them all, it's up to you!"

Qingzhi stood up from Qinglong Xuying's head, waved his sleeves lightly, and the miniature Qinglong immediately turned to the sky and roared, Under its roar, the dark clouds in the sky surged wildly, and one after another thunderbolts crashed down one after another.

He obviously wanted to teach Wu Yun a lesson, to let him know that he could not be so proud just by receiving the inheritance of the Great Wild Emperor.

At the same time, it is also necessary to see if Wu Yun has other abilities besides the inheritance of the Great Desolate Emperor. If not, then he is so proud that he is really not qualified to receive his inheritance.

After all, a good character is also the foundation for a strong man!

Wu Yun is so greedy, it's not a good heart!

Thunder swept across the sky, and the dragon scales on the miniature green dragon's body became more and more dazzling. The next moment, the dragon's tail flicked, and those thunderbolts were directly blasted away.

The thunder exploded, but the green dragon turned into a blue light, carrying a nearly destructive shock wave, rushing towards Wu Yun in midair as fast as lightning.

The blue light hadn't moved yet, but the sea of ​​thunder around Wu Yun had been crushed into a huge depression of nearly a hundred feet!

Wu Yun's face became serious. Even if Qingzhi was a phantom, he couldn't be underestimated. After all, the other party was a strong person in the mirror of reincarnation.

However, he, Wu Yun, is not easy to provoke.

With a strong physique and the accumulation of many exercises and martial arts, Wu Yun has not really shown his strength for a long time.

Even he himself didn't know how powerful it could be.

Now, this phantom of Qingzhi just allows him to let go of his hands and feet and do a big job.

"Boom!" The

blue light came along with the thunder, and Wu Yun could already feel the terrifying energy contained in the blue light. If it was hit by a strong person in the three-element nirvana state, he might be killed on the spot!

However, Wu Yun was not afraid.

In the dantian and on his Yuan Dan, there appeared a series of complicated formation patterns.

It was the ancient formation of Qiankun. After Wu Yun deciphered the formation, he practiced the formation directly in his dantian. This is a cultivation method he learned through the true interpretation of runes, and the formation was engraved in his body.

This kind of formation that was completely inscribed into the dantian by myself through practice has been integrated with the body, and it can be used without hindrance, just like one's own arm, which can be used very well.

In the flesh, purple blood flows!

In Niwan Palace, spiritual power is surging!

On the Talisman Embryo, the power of devouring, the power of thunder, and the power of wind also appeared one after another.

"Ancient Qiankun Formation, melt!"

Wu Yun shouted, the power of Tyrant Blood, spiritual power, power of wind and thunder, Yuan force, and gravity were all integrated into the ancient Qiankun Formation.

The fused power became a wave of chaotic, gray-black energy.

The moment this energy appeared, Aokiji obviously couldn't sit still, his eyes widened suddenly, "This is the power of fusion, spiritual power, origin power, thunder power, devouring power, bloodline power... he How could there be so much powerful power in my body."

That strand of energy formed five gray-black chaotic beams of light, which violently burst into the sky from Wu Yun's body, and even the dark cloud was torn apart Open, the thunder in it was also scattered by these beams of light.

"The Hand of the Great Desolation Prisoner!"

Wu Yun yelled violently, and five beams of gray and black light shot up into the sky, directly turning into five ancient giant fingers of gray and black, and then the giant fingers fused to become a giant finger that seemed to have broken through the sky from ancient times. The big gray and black hands that came.

Behind the big hand, an illusory figure appeared, it was the spirit of the Great Desolate Emperor.

Compared with the spirit that appeared when Lin Dong casted it before, what Wu Yun casts now is more solid.


The big hand collided with the blue light, and the huge energy fluctuation swept away the entire sea of ​​thunder, and the sea of ​​thunder under Wu Yun was directly pushed out of a vacuum.

There was a crack in the blue light, and the light and shadow of the blue dragon inside was about to be shattered by Wu Yun's fused palm. Qingzhi frowned, and waved his palm again, and another more intense blue light swept towards Wu Yun.

"Heaven bullying blood, bullying fist!"

Wu Yun shouted angrily, the mass of Bajiquan in his dantian trembled, a stream of fisting gathered on Wu Yun's fist, and at the same time, the blood in Wu Yun's body emitted With the bright purple light, the blood on the arm became boiling, and strange beast shadows appeared on Wu Yun's body.

The appearance of these beast shadows made Wu Yun's aura soar again.


He yelled loudly, and rushed out of Baquan after merging his fist intent.

With a simple and rough punch, a huge purple fist mark was formed immediately.

The purple fist seal smashed into the blue light, and immediately shattered the blue light. The phantom of the green dragon inside finally couldn't bear it, and cracked inch by inch.

As the miniature green dragon phantom shattered, the three green rainbows inside appeared.

One of the most intense green rainbows shot directly into Wu Yun's body, and a huge amount of information flooded into his brain frantically, and in the end, it converged into five dark blue ancient characters.

"Blue Sky Transforming Dragon Art!" The

five ancient characters are vast and majestic, with an indescribable majesty permeating faintly.

This is the inheritance of Qingzhi, a powerful martial art that has reached the level of Tianwu.

Wu Yun grabbed the other two balls of light, held them in his hands, and without rushing to check them, he cupped his hands at Qingzhi,

"Thank you, Senior Qinglong King, for your gift!"

Qingzhi looked serious, and nodded slightly, "There are talented people from generation to generation, each leading the coquettish for hundreds of years, I never imagined that there are young people like you in this Eastern Profound Realm."

It was beyond Qingzhi's expectation, This young man, just in the Nirvana Realm, was able to unleash an attack power even stronger than that of a five-element Nirvana Realm expert.

Moreover, Qingzhi felt that this was not Wu Yun's limit.

He seems to have a more powerful killing move that he hasn't used yet.

But it's a pity that his phantom can no longer reveal more things.

Now, he has completely recognized Wu Yun's strength.

"Your physical body is very strong. If you practice my Qingtian Hualong Jue again, you will definitely be able to improve to a higher level. However, to practice Qingtian Hualong Jue, you need the spirit of a heavenly dragon." Qingzhi's

face was still full of surprise, Obviously, he was very pleased to meet such an outstanding young man as Wu Yun in this place, because he understood that this world needs strong people to protect it, and young people like Wu Yun are the hope to protect this world in the future.

As a person who came from the catastrophe, Qingzhi was naturally happy to see Wu Yun grow up, so he would not be stingy if he could support him.

With a wave of his sleeve, the huge green dragon under his feet roared out, and finally turned into a dark blue beam of light and rushed out.

The dark blue light beam swept across the sky, and finally rushed directly into Wu Yun's body. The blue light froze immediately, and the surface of Wu Yun's body wriggled crazily. The domineering blood in Wu Yun's body was suppressed.

Qingzhi pursed his lips, and sighed again in his heart, the blood power in Wu Yun's body was able to suppress the powerful Heavenly Dragon Qi, what kind of monster is this.

"Dragon's Qi is the foundation of the dragon clan's cultivation, and the body of an ordinary human cannot easily accommodate it."

Qingzhi originally wanted to say that it would be difficult for Wu Yun to adapt to the Tianlong's Qi, but now the Tianlong's Qi is being suppressed by the other party. No matter how powerful he said, he would slap the Dragon Clan in the face.

"Ahem, but you don't seem to be an ordinary person."

At this time, Wu Yun had already experienced the Heavenly Dragon Qi in his body suppressed by the blood of the heavens. Become extremely docile, and slowly blend into his body.

Then on Wu Yun's skin, the blue light wriggled crazily, and finally something like a blue cuticle penetrated out.

His skin turned blue!

"Oh, the green dragon skin has condensed so quickly!"

Qingzhi nodded slightly after watching this scene.

As he expected, the opponent's physical body was indeed very powerful.

However, Qinglongpi is just the beginning.

The blue light on Wu Yun's body became more and more intense, and on the blue skin, strange and complex lines appeared, and these lines formed special scales.


Aokiji said shyly.

At this moment he is not calm.

Wu Yun is a human race, not a dragon race, and he has cultivated Qinglonglin so easily, which is even more dragon race than the dragon race.

Qingzhi: "I'm really more and more curious about you, and I really want to see you grow up quickly."

"Lei Hai will disappear after I disappear. In this Azure Dragon Palace, there is a Danhe, this is the last benefit for you."

Qingzhi was about to leave, looked at Wu Yun, and couldn't help sighing,

"I hope to grow up soon, and I will see you again in the future, and I hope that you can already be in charge of one side The world needs a strong man who can change the world!"

He has great expectations for Wu Yun!

Lei Hai is about to disappear too... Wu Yun was shocked immediately, and hurriedly said, "Wait a minute, Senior Azure Dragon King!"

Qingzhi looked at him suspiciously, thinking that Wu Yun was going to say something like gratitude.

Wu Yun chuckled, and said cheekily,

"First of all, thank you for your Heavenly Dragon Spirit, and Danhe, but I also want this Thunder Sea!" Qingzhi

laughed angrily, "I said you are really greedy, why don't you I want everything, but this Lei Hai has to be reserved for the next trialer."

"Senior Azure Dragon King, I don't want you for nothing this time, I can trade things for you, and I guarantee you won't lose money." Once Wu Yun was also a little embarrassed about the blank ticket, so he laughed.

"Give me something to trade?" Aokiji was obviously interested.

"I'm really curious, what can you come up with that can impress me?"

Wu Yun has a lot of secrets, and even he can't peek out all of them.

"Senior Qinglong King, as a powerful dragon, his physical strength is unparalleled in the world, but his mental strength is not so powerful. I have a secret skill of spiritual power here, which may be helpful to you."

Wu Yun smiled, He was going to give the Azure Dragon King some benefits as well.

Qing Pheasant is the elder powerhouse he admires the most in martial arts. There is no doubt about the quality of this dragon, and he is so generous to Wu Yun, Wu Yun is embarrassed to keep his votes in vain.

Give Aokiji some benefits to make him stronger, and it will also be good for dealing with strange monsters later, anyway, Aokiji will never become his opponent.

The most important thing is that this huge sea of ​​thunder is too important to Wu Yun, and it can definitely help him speed up the pace of building the Great Desolation Sect. If you don't give Qingzhi the benefits, persuade him, he may really not give Wu Yun.

As soon as Wu Yun touched the top of his head with his palm, one after another mental power gathered crazily, imprinting a copy of the huge information of the Sword Art of Calming Chaos.

"I caught it, Senior Azure Dragon King, this deal is a big deal for you!" Wu Yun said with a smile, and shot the brand of Ping Luan Jue at Qing Zhi.

This Ping Chao Jue can be said to be the most powerful spiritual attack method.

It can completely make up for the shortcomings of Aokiji!

Even, it was enough to make the attack power of his primordial spirit exceed that of the physical body.

Qingzhi was just looking forward to it, and didn't think Wu Yun could come up with anything that would make his heart beat.

However, after accepting the pacification decision.

Qingzhi immediately put on a shocked face.

Just after a rough comprehension of the information, he knew that he had made money from the strength of this martial arts, and he had made a lot of money.

At his level, it is very rare to have something that shocks him.

Qingzhi immediately smiled and said, "Lei Hai gave it to you, do you want anything else?"