Heaven Rank Spirit Treasure, Bring It For You

Heavenly Spirit Treasure!

The black iron seal is only the size of a palm, quietly floating above Song Tai's palm, the black dragon entrenched on it is shining with strange light, and there seems to be an invisible dragon roar coming from the opened dragon's mouth, making people The surrounding space freezes.

In the entire auction house, everyone's eyes were focused on the black iron seal at this moment. Their eyes were hot and greedy, as if they wanted to melt the black iron seal.

This is the purpose of their visit this time!

The reason why three of the four super dynasties did not make a move before is because they want to save the Nirvana Pill until now to compete for the heavenly spirit treasure.

As long as you get the Heaven Rank Spirit Treasure, your strength will be substantially improved, and you will be able to achieve a good ranking in the subsequent Hundred Dynasties War.

Now is the real battle!

"Black Dragon Roaring to the Sky Seal, a heavenly treasure, the auction price is 10 million."

Song Tai's voice sounded in the audience, and the words 10 million echoed in people's ears.

At this price, most people choose to give up directly.

Only the super dynasty has the strength to compete.

"Twelve million!"

Fengyun Dynasty's people spoke first, Feng Cang raised his hands to bid, they are bound to win this heavenly spirit treasure!

On the other side, Mu Lin took a cold look, and then shouted, "Fifteen million!"

While saying the price, his face was a little pained.

Obviously, this price is almost reaching the limit they can afford.

Mo Fen from the Lihuo Dynasty and Wu Tuo from the Forest Dynasty also started asking for prices, and soon the prices reached 20 million.

"I know your background very well. It is impossible for you to surpass mine in the number of Nirvana Pills. You Mulin have the most. You should have 23 million Nirvana Pills. Hehe, I have 25 million!"

Feng Cang glanced at Mu Lin coldly, and smiled triumphantly.

Before the start of this auction, he had bought people from these dynasties and inquired about the Nirvana Pill wealth they possessed, so he was sure to outperform the other three super dynasties. Some are not sure!

Mu Lin, Mo Fen and the others' expressions turned ugly, and they all looked at Wu Yun one after another. Although Wu Yun was the only one who didn't bid, they all felt that Wu Yun was the only one who could compete with Feng Cang!

"Wu Yun, you have bid so much just now, do you still have the strength to compete with us for the heavenly spirit treasure?"

Feng Cang and Meng Lie also looked at Wu Yun curiously, they didn't want Wu Yun to come up with enough Nirvana pill to fight for.

"27 million, this is our entire property, if you can exceed it, I will give it to you!"

Wu Yun pretended to grit his teeth.

"Hmph, then this time, you're doomed!"

Feng Cang finally couldn't help laughing, then turned his head to look at the Sen Dynasty, and said, "Wutuo, lend me your Nirvana Pill!

" This is the reason why their Fengyun dynasty is confident. Even if they cannot compete alone, they can finally combine the power of another super dynasty.

When he shouted, both Mu Lin and Mo Fen had chills and anger on their faces, and they looked at Wu Tuo with contempt.

Mu Lin: "Wutuo, you guys... actually joined forces in secret!"

Mo Fen: "Damn it, Wutuo, you are such a dog!"

Originally, the four super dynasties of Vientiane City were all hostile to each other, and the relationship was definitely not good, let alone Speaking of partners, because they all know that they will only become competitors.

But now that the Fengyun Dynasty and the Forest Dynasty have united, this is not good news for the Lonely Moon Dynasty and the Lihuo Dynasty.

"Feng Cang, you have to pay exactly what you agreed to afterward." Throwing the Qiankun bag, Wu Tuo also said with a faint smile while the audience was watching.

"Don't worry, you are absolutely indispensable!"

"Now, let me see what else you can use to compete with us. The Heaven Rank Spirit Treasure belongs to our Fengyun Dynasty!"

Feng Cang said incomparably proudly.

"Brother Wu Yun, if you are not reconciled, our Lonely Moon Dynasty can help you!"

At this moment, Mu Lin said via voice transmission, what he meant was that he wanted to give Wu Yun his Nirvana Pill.

"Thank you, brother Mu Lin, for your kindness, no need!" Wu Yun said via voice transmission, his tone was quite relaxed.

When Mu Lin heard Wu Yun's reply, she couldn't help but froze for a moment.

Wu Yun didn't want to compete with Fengyun Dynasty for the Heavenly Rank Spiritual Treasure. What did he mean? Didn't he know that Fengyun Dynasty would trouble him immediately after getting the Heavenly Rank Spiritual Treasure?

Mu Lin's eyes suddenly lit up!

There is only one possibility, Wu Yun is not worried about Feng Cang who owns the heavenly spirit treasure!

Feng Cang: "Master Song, I'll offer 30 million, so you can announce the result!"

Song Tai looked around and saw that no one was bidding, and then he announced loudly, "The Black Dragon Roaring Sky Seal, the final auction price, Thirty million Nirvana Pills!" In

Feng Cang's hands, a universe bag filled with thirty million Nirvana Pills flew up to the stage, and then fell into Song Tai's hands. Seeing this, the latter also waved his hand, and the black iron seal was It turned into a ray of black light, and was finally caught by Feng Cang with a crazy smile on his face.

As soon as he got the Black Dragon Roaring Sky Seal, his eyes immediately became fierce, and he flew directly into the sky, looking down at Wu Yundao,

"Wu Yun's miscellaneous, quickly hand over Luo Tong, otherwise, today I will ask you not to live, not to die!"

"I just want to tell you that if you want Luo Tong's life, you have to hand over the Heaven Rank Spirit Treasure." Wu Yun looked at Feng Cang with a smile on his face.

At this time, Luo Tong was lifted by Lin Dong, and his fingers grabbed Luo Tong's neck, making a threat to Feng Cang.

"If you think you can threaten me with Luo Tong, then you are really naive!" Feng Cang didn't bother at all, at this time the Black Dragon Xiaotian Seal had already been imprinted spiritually by him.

"Fighting is prohibited in the auction house. If you want to fight, go outside." Song Tai's voice suddenly remembered that fighting here has destroyed the auction house, and he will not be able to use it in the future.

"Wu Yun, come outside for me!"

Feng Cang flew up and left the venue directly.

"It's just a heavenly spirit treasure, why are you so confident." Wu Yun shook his head, and then flew out of the venue.

The reason why he doesn't compete with the Fengyun Dynasty people is because he knows that Feng Cang will definitely come to trouble them, that is to say, everything that Feng Cang gets will be his, so there is no need to compete with his own courier. .

"Hey, it's really interesting, there's something to grab again!" Xiao Diao smiled and followed.

The people in the arena also flew out, no one wanted to miss such a lively show, even that Song Tai flew to the top of the auction house with great interest, watching.

He was very interested in Wu Yun, and wanted to see what kind of support this young man had, so he dared to use the strength of the three-element nirvana to fight Feng Cang, who possessed the heaven-level spirit treasure and the four-element nirvana.

As soon as Wu Yun came out, Feng Cang with a ferocious face shot directly, his palm prints danced, and four tornadoes whizzed out in an instant.

In the storm, there was an incomparably violent elemental force, and even, in the midst of the storm, there was a huge face looming on it, full of monster aura.

"Big Demon Wind Palm!"

Four huge storms whizzed across the sky like raging wind dragons, and the strong wind pressure directly washed out four huge cracks in the ancient building below.

Very powerful spiritual martial arts!

This kind of power, Mu Lin and other powerhouses in the same four-element nirvana state, looked solemn when they saw it.

"Great Desolation Meteor Palm!"

Wu Yun patted his palm lightly, and a huge palm print descended from the sky. Within the pitch-black palm print, there was a starry sky flickering indistinctly. The stars fell down, and a tall phantom appeared in the void.

This is the Spiritual Martial Arts from the Great Desolate Emperor's Canon!


When the palm print fell, the tornado palm was blocked and annihilated on the spot.

Feng Cang's eyes became more and more fierce, but deep in that sharpness, some dignified colors began to surge.

Without using the Heaven Rank Spirit Treasure, his strength would not be able to suppress Wu Yun. Now that he has displayed such powerful spiritual martial arts, not only can he not gain the upper hand, but he can even be easily cracked by Wu Yun.

"Hurry up and use the Heaven Rank Spirit Treasure, or your trial time will be over!" Wu Yun said jokingly.

"Hmph, that's as you wish!"

Feng Cang's side immediately became darker, black light swept across the sky, and a black iron seal the size of a palm suddenly emerged from Feng Cang's hand, a terrifying wave that moved countless people. , waves emanating from the black iron seal.

As soon as the Heaven Rank Spirit Treasure came out, everyone's eyes turned to it.

They were very curious about the power of these 30 million heavenly spirit treasures.

Feng Cang stepped forward suddenly, and the energy in his body roared out, and finally poured into the black iron seal in his hand continuously. With the crazily pouring in of Yuanli, the black iron seal suddenly burst into buzzing sounds, and the black dragon perched on the iron seal, the closed dragon's eyes, slowly opened.

An extremely astonishing fluctuation suddenly swept away, and there were even faint dark clouds gathered in the sky.

"Black Dragon Roaring!"

Feng Cang shouted violently after he was already insane.

The imprint in the hand keeps changing, the black dragon opens the dragon's eyes, the dragon's mouth suddenly opens, and in the next moment, a vigorous and ancient dragon's chant erupts, as if descending from the nine heavens!


Black sound waves, mixed with a kind of destructive fluctuation, swept out from the dragon's mouth crazily!

The sound wave is like the substance, according to what Song Tai said before, even the Nirvana Golden Body in the Four Elements Nirvana Realm can't bear it.

"I'll see what you can do to block it!" Feng Cang said proudly.

If the heaven-level spirit treasure driven by the strength of the four-element nirvana state cannot beat a three-element nirvana state, then Feng Cang can go eat shit!

"Do I need to block it!" Wu Yun said disdainfully with a corner of his mouth curled up.

"Thunder Knife!"

He shouted, and a sharp silver-purple Thunder Knife appeared in his hand. The blade shone with bright thunder light, and at the same time, spiritual power and Yuan power poured into the knife crazily.

With a wave of both hands, the Lei Ling Tian Knife was extended fiercely, and the light of the knife shot out, and the bright thunder light of the knife collided with the almost substantial black sound wave.

The ancient and solid buildings below were cut into pieces one after another.


The majestic energy burst out, and the people around had to step back quickly to avoid being affected.

The thunderous sword light swept across, cutting through all the sound waves.

"Tsk tsk, it's another heavenly spirit treasure!"

Song Tai's eyes stayed on Wu Yun's hand, looking at the Thunder Spirit Sword in his hand, he was amazed.

"Well, Wu Yun actually has a heavenly spirit treasure, no wonder he is not afraid of Feng Cang at all, it turns out to be his hole card."

"It seems that this time the Fengyun Dynasty has kicked the iron plate!"


The appearance of the Lei Lingtian knife made people The people around were amazed, they all thought that Wu Yun's confidence came from this heavenly sword.

"Heaven-rank spirit treasures are also divided into strengths and weaknesses."

"The saber in your hand should have just been promoted to the ranks of heaven-rank spirit treasures, but the one in my hand has a dragon spirit."

Feng Cang said coldly, and immediately the handprints continued to change, one after another surging energy continuously penetrated into the black iron seal, and the body of the entrenched miniature black dragon also gradually brightened at this moment, the body above the body The black scales also became clearer.

"The black dragon roars to the sky seal, and the dragon's spirit appears!" The

surging black light surged out from the black iron seal at this moment, and in the huge black light, the black dragon entrenched on the iron seal, Unexpectedly, it also roared out, and its miniature figure swelled up at an astonishing speed in the black light.


The sound of the dragon's chant spread again, the dragon's power shook, the black dragon ascended to the sky, and the dark clouds gathered.

Mo Fen: "It's not easy to have a dragon spirit. This heavenly spirit treasure is not easy."

Mu Lin: "It's just a broken dragon spirit, but it's enough to make Feng Cang invincible in the four-element nirvana!"

Xiao Diao: "It's complete My dragon spirit is not the opponent of big brother." As soon as the

black dragon appeared, the sky became a bit darker, and some people couldn't even bear the power of the dragon and fell from the sky.

"Bite him!"

Feng Cang yelled, and the spirit of the black dragon swept towards Wu Yun, opened its mouth and bit him.

"Hehe, I'm very hard, you can't bite it!" The

blue light burst out, and a series of blue dragon scales appeared on Wu Yun's body. Soon, the whole body was covered with a layer of scales, and at the same time A green dragon phantom appeared, hovering beside Wu Yun.

"It's also a dragon spirit!"

"My God, what kind of monster is this Wu Yun? Why does he also have a dragon spirit, and a more powerful green dragon spirit."

"This time, Feng Cang is probably going to cry."


Everyone They all looked at Wu Yun in shock, not understanding why he had such a heaven-defying thing.

This is the spirit of the Azure Dragon formed by Wu Yun after refining the air of the sky, and it is also the first divine form unlocked by his super-body, the Azure Dragon Divine Form.

This green dragon spirit has merged with him, it is very complete, and it is much stronger than the incomplete dragon spirit in Feng Cang's hand.

The black dragon bit it down, Wu Yun stretched out his hands, and directly grabbed the dragon's mouth. This was the sharp black light continuously shooting out of the black dragon's mouth.

Ding ding...

However, these black lights can't penetrate the scales on Wu Yun's body at all.


There was also a sound of dragon chant coming from Wu Yun's body.

"Watch me perform for you, tearing the black dragon with my hands!" The

blue light burst out in his hands, and his hands turned into dragon claws, tearing the black dragon's mouth open.

The dragon spirit dispersed, turned into a black glow and returned to the black dragon howling sky seal.

Wu Yun swept away at a high speed, followed closely behind, and in an instant, he came to Feng Cang and grabbed him.

"Heaven-ranked spirit treasure, bring it here!"