The top of Baichao Mountain, the eight super sects, all sign-in secrets

While Wu Yun was suppressing Qin Tian, ​​Lin Dong, Bai Yun, and Xiao Yan were also suppressing the other two members of the Tianyuan Dynasty.

Absorb the seal of Nirvana and grab the bag of heaven and earth!

According to their usual style, they also stripped Qin Tian and others.

Now, everyone in the Great Yan Dynasty has reached the Nirvana Seal above the heaven level, and Wu Yun and the others are also advanced to the Purple Gold Nirvana Seal.

The breeze was blowing, and a man in a green shirt came with a sword and stopped on top of a giant tree. He looked at the woman in blue,

"Lan Ying, what's the situation, someone can take care of Qin Tian!"

Lan Ying frowned . Shu Zhan, with a smile on his face, said excitedly,

"You were not here just now, I enjoyed watching it so much, Qin Tian, ​​who was in the six-element Nirvana state, was suppressed by Wu Yun, and directly snatched the Nirvana seal and Qiankun bag, haha, this It may be the worst of the Tianyuan Dynasty."

They come from the Xian Dynasty among the top ten super dynasties, and there is no harmony between the Xian Dynasty and the Tianyuan Dynasty. Said to be extremely excited.

In previous years, the champions of the Hundred Dynasties War were all taken away by the Tianyuan Dynasty. Before that, they also believed that this time it was likely to be taken away by the Tianyuan Dynasty. After all, Qin Tian is too terrifying, the six-element nirvana state!

But who would have thought that Wu Yun, who appeared suddenly, would be so suppressed!

"Who is this Wu Yun who is so powerful?"

Qingfeng said curiously.

"That's the man with elegant purple hair, more handsome than Qin Feng, and holding a bright thunder sword in his hand!" Lan Ying pointed at Wu Yun and said, little stars flashed in her eyes. Wu Yun's strong crush just now was so absolute. The strength of Sweeping is simply the Azure Dragon God of War.

"Is there anything else you want to say, if you don't have any, let's go!" Wu Yun put away the Lei Lingtian Saber, glanced at Qin Tian and the others, and said coldly.

These few people just came out to pretend to save people, and they didn't die, but if they were stubborn, Wu Yun didn't mind sending them on the road.

"Let's go!"

Qin Tian clutched his chest and led the other two back into the forest in a panic.

The setback just now hit him hard, he lost all arrogance, and he didn't even dare to say a harsh word.

On Wu Yun's heavy prison Yanshan, only he knows how terrifying the power of that domain is, and the coercion Wu Yun gave him was even more terrifying than when he faced Emperor Tianyuan.

You know, Emperor Tianyuan is a strong man who has reached the Nine Yuan Nirvana Realm.

What a concept!

Wu Yun has such strength at such a young age, it is simply not something he can provoke.

Although I don't know why Wu Yun is only in the four-element nirvana on the surface, and he has just passed through the nirvana.

But combat power will not deceive people!

Qin Tian regarded Wu Yun as a monster in his heart.

"Could it be that he is a reincarnation!" As he

ran around in a panic, Qin Tian thought in his heart that only this could explain why Wu Yun possessed a powerful combat power beyond the realm.

However, Wu Yun turned around and forgot about them. Now Wu Yun's strength surpassed those of his peers by a large margin. People like Qin Tian could no longer be considered a threat by him.

"Brother, this time the harvest is good. These guys from the super dynasty have a deep background, and there are many good things in the universe bag." Lin Dong said with a little surprise after checking the universe bags of several people.

"Well, put them away first, and put them into the treasure house of the Great Desolation Sect!"

Just as they were researching the harvest, two voices broke through the air.

"Hey! Hey!"

A man and a woman flew down from the giant tree and came to the team of the Great Yan Dynasty.

"Immortal Dynasty, Blue Sakura!"


"I've seen Brother Wu Yun!" The

two looked at Wu Yun with admiration, and called the elder brother directly, and greeted him warmly.

"Oh, the Immortal Dynasty!"

Wu Yun knew that this was also one of the top ten super dynasties.

Lan Ying: "Watching Brother Wu Yun fight just now is really exciting. I didn't expect that even Qin Tian would be manipulated at will by Brother Wu Yun."

"So, what do you mean?"

"Hey, Brother Wu Yun Don't get me wrong, we just want to make friends with you, and we are about to climb to the top of Baichao Mountain. I hope that when we meet Brother Wu Yun, you will be merciful."

Wu Yun: "Oh, this is simple. If you meet us, you admit defeat That 's enough."

This big brother really doesn't know how to chat... Lan Ying and Qing Feng were at a loss for words for a while, they didn't expect Wu Yun to speak so directly.

Maybe this is the demeanor of the strong.

"When I meet Brother Wu Yun, I will definitely admit defeat, but when I meet others, I have to fight anyway." Lan Ying laughed.

Lin Dong and the others looked at the two curiously, and Xiao Yan was full of fighting spirit. He could feel that the strength of these two was not weaker than the Song family's three demons just now, and might even be stronger.

Lan Ying: "By the way, Brother Wu Yun, this Qin Tian comes from the Tianyuan Dynasty, and the Tianyuan Dynasty is the head of the eight super sects, the direct line of the Yuanmen, Qin Tian's family has a very high position in the Yuanmen. , now you and Qin Tian are quite conflicted, and I am afraid that joining Yuanmen will not be so easy.

I think you can think about it and join Jiutian Taiqing Palace. Our Immortal Dynasty belongs to Jiutian Taiqing Palace. Of course, I Not for my own sake, but really for your own good, our Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace not only has a profound background, outstanding people, but also has all kinds of stunning beauties, it is definitely your best choice!"

"Oh, Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace, I believe this, the stunning beauty is indeed very attractive!" Wu Yun couldn't help but feel a little sad.

On this point, he has the most say!

"That's right, so, brother Wu Yun, you should choose Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace!" Lan Ying said with a smile.

Wu Yun's strength is undoubtedly the champion of the Hundred Dynasties War. If she can join the Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace in a foolish way, it will be considered a great achievement.

"Hey, shameless, a dignified super sect needs to use beauty to attract people." Su Rou muttered softly.

For Lan Ying's constant winking at Wu Yun, she couldn't bear it.

"Ahem, let's talk!" Wu Yun coughed dryly.

"Let's go, I won't bother you, see you in Baichaoshan."

Feeling embarrassed, Qingfeng took Lan Ying to leave quickly.

Lin Dong, Su Rou and the others came from low and mid-level dynasties, so when they faced the super dynasties, they were immediately wary. Naturally, they couldn't call them friends, at least they had to get acquainted with them.

The people around also quickly retreated, the big fish eat the small fish, and they were also worried that the Yan Dynasty would snatch their Nirvana Seal.

"Let's go and have a look at Baichao Mountain!"

After Wu Yun and the others rested for a while, they continued to move forward.

As the fog in the forest dissipated, finally, the majestic and prominent Baichao Mountain could be seen in the center of the forest.

The top of Baichao Mountain is not sharp, it looks like it has been flattened by a sword.


Suddenly, on the Baichao Mountain, there was an ancient and melodious bell chanting.

The sound of the bell spread throughout the forest. Everyone who heard the sound of the bell changed their expressions. They raised their heads one after another, looking wildly at the top of Baichao Mountain.

At this time, above the top of the mountain, the clouds and mist gradually dissipated, and a round of bright sun seemed to be floating from the top of the mountain. Then, a majestic and majestic voice resounded in this world.

"Haichao Mountain is opened, and those who have the Nirvana seal at the level of heaven, go up the mountain immediately!"

The sound was so loud that it seemed to spread throughout the ancient land.

finally come!

Everyone looked at Baichao Mountain with fiery eyes, a year of penance, for today.

At this moment, many people had already gathered at the foot of the mountain. They heard that they needed the Heavenly Nirvana Seal to climb the mountain, and those who did not have the Heavenly Nirvana Seal were in a hurry. Some directly attacked their companions.

The war is on the verge of breaking out, and there is no emotion at all.

"They all have the Nirvana seal!"

Wu Yun looked at the people in his team.

After the continuous express delivery of these super dynasties, their Nirvana seal has also successfully reached the sky level or above.

Hey, hey, hey...

There are already many figures looting towards Baichao Mountain.

The names of Wu Yun and others have long been spread in this core area. When they came to the foot of the mountain, everyone who saw them stepped aside.

No one dares to move their minds.

As Wu Yun rushed out, there was a large number of breaking wind sounds behind him. The people of the Great Yan Dynasty followed Wu Yun closely and climbed up to Baichao Mountain. Many people at the foot of the mountain could only cast envious eyes.

Baichao Mountain is extremely steep, the mountain wall is like a blade, straight into the sky, and there are no roads around it. If you want to go up the mountain, you have to step up the mountain in one breath.

But at this time, around this mountain peak, various sounds of breaking wind kept ringing, and figures moved like locusts with their own unique skills, and went straight to the top of the mountain with frenzied expressions.

Although there is a standard of heaven-level nirvana seal, there are still many people who can achieve it.

The mountain is steep, but most of the people who can walk here are strong people who have experienced at least three nirvana catastrophes, and it is not difficult to walk with restraint.

Among the team of the Great Yan Dynasty, there are still a few who are still in the second level of nirvana, Wu Yun poured out his spiritual power to help them fly.

After about a few minutes, they climbed to the top of the mountain under the eyes of countless jealous eyes.

Different from the gloom in the forest, the dazzling sunlight blooms on the top of the mountain, like the dawn, which makes people feel excited.

At this moment, there are already many figures on the top of the mountain.

Wu Yun and the others looked at the scene on the top of the mountain. The entire top of the mountain was a flat and smooth bluestone square. A sense of illusion.


Suddenly there was movement in mid-air, where there were many lines of light intertwined, and eight seats appeared in the blink of an eye.

Then a few figures appeared, they sat down casually, all of them exuded terrible coercion, covering the entire mountain top, that kind of aura, almost all above the Nine Yuan Nirvana Realm.

Super sects, they finally showed up!

The rulers of the Eastern Profound Realm, the existence of giants, all dynasties are dependent on them.

There was silence on the top of Baichao Mountain. Under the gaze of the eight people, these geniuses from all the great dynasties put away their arrogance.

"Brother Wu Yun, the person sitting first on the right is the person from Yuanmen." At some point, Lan Ying had already walked to Wu Yun's side and introduced him.

Wu Yun and the others looked over curiously. It was a middle-aged man with slightly gray hair. His face was a little wrinkled, and his lips were as thin as a knife, looking a bit sinister.

He was wearing a white robe, and on top of the white robe, there was a round of black and white, alternating black and white, like the ups and downs of yin and yang, which fits quite well with the word Yuan.

The patterns on the clothing are similar to those of the Tianyuan Dynasty!

Lan Ying: "It's ugly, isn't it? It doesn't look like a good person at first glance. You see, the elder of our Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace is that kind and kind big sister!"

Among the eight people, there was only one woman, who was very prominent, and it was easy to see that she was a beautiful woman who still had a charm, she was dressed in a moon white dress, and she looked quite graceful and refined.

"It's Big Sister!" Wu Yun nodded in approval.

That beautiful woman is indeed bigger than the average older sister!

Yep? Why did you only pay attention to the big sister... Lan Ying glanced at Wu Yun suspiciously. What he emphasized was not kindness and kindness?

"Also amiable!" Wu Yun added.

"Brother, look, it's that old man!"

Lin Dong said excitedly.

On the left side of the seat, they saw an acquaintance, an old man who had appeared in the Four Profound Hall.

Xiao Diao: "He really is from a super sect!"

Lan Ying: "Do you know him? He is an enlightened old man of the Dao Sect, very powerful!"

"I met him once before, so I still know him!" Wu Yun He said lightly, he was not surprised by this.

Lan Ying rubbed her chin, feeling a little embarrassed. She never expected that the people from Daozong would contact Wu Yun and the others in advance. This is stealing people.

"Oh, Dao Sect is not easy to join. Although in terms of strength, Dao Sect is not as good as Yuan Sect, but the harshness of recruiting people is stricter than Yuan Sect. Of course, this is not difficult for Brother Wu Yun, but Dao Sect It is the one with the fewest disciples among the eight super sects, and it is not lively enough, speaking of it, it is better in our Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace." Lan Ying said quietly, wanting to seize the opportunity to persuade Wu Yun.

At this time, people on the top of the mountain are talking to each other.

After arriving here, everyone is basically able to join the super sect, so the atmosphere between each other has eased a lot.

"This should be Brother Wu Yun, please work hard. Before, the four generals of Fenglin Huoshan were ignorant and caused trouble for Brother Wu Yun. Now I will say sorry to Brother Wu Yun on their behalf."

A group of people left Come over, the man with the square face who is the leader said politely.

Wu Yun looked over and saw the four generals of Fenglin Shanhuo who had been robbed by him in the team. He immediately understood that they belonged to the Daqian Dynasty, and the three leaders should be their three kings. The five-element nirvana state.

It's not bad compared to Heavenly Demon Dynasty!

"Brother Gan Jin, you're welcome, there's nothing I'm sorry about. I also robbed them of their Qiankun bags, and everyone is evened out." Wu Yun said with a single word.

Now that their Great Yan Dynasty has made a name for themselves, those who have had conflicts with them will naturally have to weigh it up and find a way to resolve the conflict.

Even Qin Tian, ​​Song Zhen and the others fell into Wu Yun's hands, so the others naturally had no confidence to face them.

Wu Yun didn't take these people to heart at all, and after spending his time waiting for others, he discussed with Lin Dong and the others.

People around are also talking about the eight super sects,

Yuanmen, Wanguimen, Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace, Daozong, Fugu, Shenzong, Jianzong, Honghuangdian!

Which one is right to join?

Every super sect has a side they are good at. Jianzong practiced swordsmanship, Wanpuppetmen cultivated puppets, the body of the master of the Great Desolation Palace, Shenzong, and Fugu were good at spiritual power.

Yuanmen, Daozong, and Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace also practice martial arts, which is very inclusive!

[Ding, when you arrive at Baichao Mountain, do you want to sign in? ]

At this time, Wu Yun received a system prompt in his mind.

"Sign in!"

[Sign in successfully, get a reward, "Nine Secrets of All Words"! ]


Hi, I'm making this section because I want to ask you, what other fanfic would you like me to upload?

Since I will start uploading them after about 2 to 4 days later.

-doupo canqion (Battle Through the Heavens)

- another of doulo (combat continent)

- Grow history with a copy system

- naruto story, with a character with gojo satoru powers

- quanzhi fashi (full time magician)

-other(give a name)

I hope your comments and that you liked today's chapters.