Wind and Thunder Tribulation, Superposition

Chang Wei who was in the Six Elements Nirvana Realm was killed with one blow!

Instantly interrupted the connection between Cao Yu and Feng Tianzhentu.

As soon as Wu Yuncai made a move, the top combat power of Xixuanyu was weakened.

This undoubtedly greatly increased the confidence of everyone in Dongxuanyu.

They shot out one after another, and killed other experts in the Western Xuan Region who were setting up formations, preventing those people from setting up formations.

"Who the hell are you?!"

Cao Yu's eyes were full of fear, and his heart was filled with doubts.

The attacks and methods Wu Yun showed just now made it hard for him to believe that this was a contestant in the Four Elements Nirvana Realm.

If it wasn't for the other party's age, he would have suspected that some old guy from the super sect was hiding his identity.

"As you can see, I'm just an ordinary player in the Hundred Dynasties War!"

Wu Yun replied with a faint smile.

"No matter who you are, don't try to stop us today." Cao Yu's expression was ferocious,

he stared at Wu Yun, and then shouted, "Call for reinforcements, call Big Brother Motong who is guarding the outer layer of the space!" Come in!"

Hearing Cao Yu's shout, a man in black who was arranging the formation hastily took out a ball of light from his Qiankun bag, crushed it, and suddenly a golden light flashed out, directly entering the space. Disappear.

"Is it time to call someone? I'm afraid you won't be able to wait!"

Wu Yun said coldly, and then the Lei Ling Tian Dao in his hand whizzed out, and the fierce thunder light of the Thunder Sword wrapped Cao Yu.

One after another Lingbao appeared in Cao Yu's hands, and he fought fiercely with Wu Yun.


Beyond the ancient space!

A dark space zone, this is the entrance of Xixuan Domain to enter the ancient space.

At this time, in the darkness, there were ten figures sitting cross-legged quietly, and their bodies were filled with an extremely astonishing fluctuation, which far surpassed that of Qin Tian and even Cao Yu. and others.

A golden light broke through and shot out from the space channel.

"Brother Motong, Cao Yu and the others seem to be in trouble. Chang Ling is dead, let us go to reinforce."

The man who caught Jin Guang was stunned, and quickly raised his head to look at the front, where a thin figure was sitting cross-legged , in his arms, holding a big black knife.

"What a bunch of waste. According to the plan, aren't they facing the geniuses of the major dynasties participating in the selection? Even those young and strong men can't deal with it?

How can we leave here at this critical time ? Come here?"

Motong stood up and cursed, he was really hesitant.

But when he thought that the core task of arranging the formation was on Cao Yu and the others, he sighed and decided to go for reinforcements.

"You stay here, I'll go and see the situation!"

However, just as Motong was about to leave, he suddenly felt a vibration in the space, his pupils suddenly constricted, and he turned around quickly, only to see a ray of light shining in the darkness. , he felt a sharp momentum.

At the end of the light, the space was torn apart, and dozens of figures flashed over.

Among the group of people, the one standing in the front is a graceful figure, her jade feet are lightly touching the void, and there are bursts of green light under her feet, and the bright blue sky lotus floats quickly.

Then her elegant voice sounded, before the person arrived, the voice had already reached the ears of Mo Tong and others.

"Hehe, Mo Tong, you came all the way from the West Xuan Territory, why don't you let us know in advance that we, the East Xuan Territory, can also do our best to be a landlord!"

Mo Tong's Adam's apple surged, and he subconsciously clenched his hands Hei Dao, his complexion gradually serious, he stared at the figure in front of him, although that figure was very beautiful, Motong at this moment could not give birth to the slightest desire.

There was an unconcealable fear in his eyes.

"Ling... Ling Qingzhu, I didn't expect you to be dispatched." Mo Tong said in a shy voice.


the top of Baichao Mountain!

Facing Wu Yun's fierce attack, Cao Yu's face was gloomy, with anger surging in his eyes.

"Do you think I'm just relying on the power of the array?"

He snorted coldly, and then sealed his hands like lightning, and the space around him suddenly squirmed crazily, followed by astonishing black lights gushing out of the space , like black giant dragons, converging in front of him.

"Sealing the sky formation diagram!"

Black light intertwined like lightning, and after a while, it turned into a black formation diagram with a size of nearly a hundred feet. On the formation diagram, there seemed to be mountains emerging, an extremely astonishing fluctuation, looming. Spread out.

The formation diagram hangs across the sky, looking extremely strange, the formation diagram squirms, as if even the world is suppressed under it.

"I am also one of the masters of the Fengtian Formation!"

Cao Yu looked crazy, he controlled a corner of the Fengtian Formation in his hand, and now he is urging the power of this part of the formation with all his strength, and his body is a bit unbearable, but, But it can get stronger power.

"Hehe, is this your reliance?!"

Not only was Wu Yun not afraid, but he laughed instead. He never thought that Cao Yu could give him such a surprise.

Zhengchou couldn't get in touch with the Fengtian Formation map hidden in the space, and the piece in Cao Yu's hands is a good entry point.

"Since you took it out, then I'm not going to be polite!"

Wu Yun put away the Lei Lingtian knife, and then the chaos talisman embryo in Niwan Palace suddenly spun rapidly.

His strong mental power gushed out crazily, forming a physical barrier of spiritual power around him.

A series of thunder runes were smashed into the sky by Wu Yun.


Above the sky, thunderclouds suddenly gathered rapidly, and dark clouds surged, covering the sky layer after layer.

Wind blows!


Wind and Thunder Tribulation!

"What is Wu Yun doing, why is he triggering the wind and thunder calamity at this time!"

"No, he is only the three-sealed celestial talisman master, why are the thunder clouds so dense?

" Horrible."

"It really is a freak!"

"Crossing the catastrophe at this time, are you looking for death? My Heaven Sealing Formation Map can interrupt your wind and thunder catastrophe.

" Stay here!"

"I've refined so many tree-pattern runes, big brother, I'm afraid it's not as simple as surviving a catastrophe!"


Wu Yun triggered a mighty wind and thunder catastrophe, which immediately made everyone's expressions change, and they talked one after another Speaking of it, many people don't understand why Wu Yun did this.

In their eyes, crossing the catastrophe is a life-and-death test, and every time they cross the catastrophe, they must prepare carefully and strive to meet the wind and thunder catastrophe in the best condition.

And Wu Yun not only had to survive the calamity in the battle, but also at such a critical time.

They can't understand it!

After getting the ancient tree of celestial symbols, Wu Yun has been cultivating it with the green liquid from the palm of the sky bottle. During this period, he has absorbed a lot of tree pattern runes, and his spiritual power has increased a lot, but he has been suppressing it all the time without breakthrough.

For today!

In the original book, when Lin Dong faced Cao Yu and the others, it was a tribulation of three winds and thunders, which resolved the crisis this time.

Wu Yun knew the plot, so he naturally made preparations in advance. Anyway, whether it is useful or not, preparation is always there.

The only difference is that Lin Dong was only a Tianfu master of the first seal at the time, and what attracted the superimposition of the three wind and thunder tribulations of the second seal, the third seal, and the fourth seal.

And now, Wu Yun is already a Sanyin Tianfu master! And he wants to attract more than three.


Between the sky and the earth, thunder raged, and countless thunder pillars poured down from the thunder cloud crazily, exploding towards the figure below.

The violent thunder was directly detonated by the thunder rune that Wu Yun shot into the sky.

With Wu Yun at the center, all the strong men in the surrounding Xixuan Region could not avoid it, and they frantically stayed away from Wu Yun one by one.

Cao Yu's complexion changed drastically, his Heaven Sealing Formation was being bombarded by the power of the Heavenly Thunder, and it was impossible to stop Wu Yun from crossing the catastrophe.

His Thunder Tribulation is too strong!

Four Seals of Wind and Thunder Tribulation!

Five seals of wind and thunder!

Six seals of wind and thunder!

Seven Seals of Wind and Thunder Tribulation!

Wu Yun moved continuously, and the thunder clouds in the entire space were attracted by him.

It seems that the upper limit has been reached. When he wanted to trigger the Eight Seal Wind and Thunder Tribulation, he faintly felt the suppression from this space.

Simultaneously arouse four lightning calamities, and it is the thunder calamity above the three seals, one calamity is stronger than one calamity.

The power of these four overlapping plus thunder calamity is even more terrifying than the wind and thunder calamity of Du Jiuyin Tianfu master alone.

The thunder that completely enveloped Bai Chao had already formed a sea of ​​thunder in the sky.

With such heavenly power, I am afraid that even the strong in the Nine-Yuan Nirvana Realm will be intimidated and dare not approach him!

And this is not a single target attack, but a range attack!


The thunder is roaring, and there are already endless thunder beams pouring down from the sky.

On Baichao Mountain, the people from the East and West Xuanyu regions became alert and felt that their lives were in danger, so they had to stop fighting and move away from Baichao Mountain.

It's just that many people from the Western Xuanyu wanted to leave, but they couldn't. They were entangled by Wu Yun's spiritual power, and they were dragged by him to cross the tribulation.

Especially Cao Yu who was the closest to Wu Yun, he was almost at the center of the thunder storm just like Wu Yun.

"Fuck, I fuck Wu Yun, let me out quickly!" "

Ah, what kind of monster is this?" "

Is Lei Ting his family? " , but unfortunately, their cries were drowned in the thunder. Everyone in Dongxuan Region retreated and looked at the terrifying thunder on Baichao Mountain from a distance, with indescribable emotions on their faces. Inhale the cold air, swallow the saliva! "Lin Dong, what kind of monster is Wu Yun? This kind of lightning calamity can be induced by people at the level of Nirvana?" "Jiuyin Tianfu Master, I'm afraid I can't bear this thunder calamity!" "I don't know if Wu Yun can be safe ." Get over it ." "It's unimaginable!" "We are not at the same level as him at all!" "Before playing with us, it was just a small fight. With Wu Yun's strength, I'm afraid it is enough to compete with those super sects. The middle-aged people compete!" Everyone looked at the Baichao Mountain surrounded by thunder with complicated eyes, and felt a sense of powerlessness in their hearts. Competing with abnormal peers like Wu Yun, each of them will be covered up, and Wu Yun is as dazzling as the sun.

Lin Dong: "My elder brother has always done things differently from ordinary people, just get used to it!"

Lin Dong also swallowed his saliva, and responded lightly to everyone.

Although they were a little surprised, they were not worried that Wu Yun would not be able to survive this catastrophe.

Wu Yun has long been used to playing thunder!

In a sea of ​​thunder!

Those strong men in the Western Profound Realm didn't last long before they were wiped out under the bombardment of thunder!

Cao Yu is no exception!

After they died, the universe bags were all taken into the ancient monument space by Wu Yun.

Cao Yu's corner of the Heaven Sealing Formation Map also fell into Wu Yun's hands.

With that corner of the Fengtian Formation Map, Wu Yun wrapped his mental power upwards to sense the position of the Fengtian Formation Map.


The terrifying thunder beam almost surrounded Wu Yun.

However, Wu Yun, who was in the midst of the thunder, did not show any fear at all, and was even a little excited.

He finally didn't need to be suppressed, and he could completely explode.

The body is constantly glowing with purple light, and blood is flowing!

The divine image suppresses prison strength, and the muddy calligraphy works on its own.

The thunder hit him like a tickle.

His physical body has been tempered by thunder for a long time. When he was tried in the Azure Dragon Hall, his body had already acquired a certain degree of immunity to thunder.

Now, it has become so strong that it is not afraid of these thunders.

He even condensed thunder runes on the surface of his body, using his body to attract thunder, so that the power of thunder became the nourishment of his body.

In the Niwan Palace, the chaotic talisman was spinning rapidly, and the devouring rune on it shone brightly, forming a black and deep devouring vortex in the sky above Wu Yun's head.

The violent thunder power, after being swallowed by this vortex, turned into streams of pure energy and flowed into the body.

And on the chaotic talisman body, a series of bright talisman patterns were formed.

There are thunder runes and wind runes.

"Cao Yu, you bastards!"

High in the sky, Zheng Zhong, who sensed the movement below, said angrily.

"What kind of monster is this kid in Dongxuanyu? Damn, this thunder calamity, even I feel chills down my spine!"

In the rune prison, Liu Tong, the old man who realized the way, and others also sensed the terrifying thunder outside.

"It's that Wu Yun?!" Liu Tong felt breathless. Qin Tian, ​​whom he had placed high hopes on, was so useless, and this Wu Yun who appeared out of nowhere turned out to be the key savior.

"Good boy, you did a good job!" The old man Wu Dao was overjoyed.

"Not only is he physically strong, but his mental power is also terrifying." The beautiful woman of the Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace, her eyes lit up with brilliance, her appreciation for Wu Yun went up to a higher level.

The others were also extremely happy, and they wanted to recruit Wu Yun to their sect at all costs.

"Wu Yun, come and help us break through this rune prison!" Liu Tong shouted.

Wu Yun in the thunderstorm was feeling the position of the Fengtian array map with all his heart, and didn't listen to what Liu Tong said at all.

"Found it!" He smiled happily.

Then with Lei Jie, he broke into the sky.

Under the expectant eyes of Liu Tong and others, Wu Yun directly crossed the rune prison, tore apart the space, and stepped out.

"What is he going to do?"

"Why didn't you help us break the prison!"

Liu Tong was confused, and the others were also a little puzzled!

However, Wu Yun has already entered the space crack.

Wu Dao old people are just trapped and there is no danger, so Wu Yun is not in a hurry to rescue them, and their prison can hold Zheng Zhong and others.

Good for Wu Yun!