Absorb the Qi of Nirvana and Overcome the Nirvana of Six Elements

One of the nine secrets, the secret of Xingzi!

[Xingzimi: The fastest secret skill, practiced to a high level, can go up to the nine heavens, go down to the nine secluded worlds, and can travel through them regardless of the prohibition of the formation. When the realm is extremely high, it can even pause time. ]

Wu Yun couldn't help laughing excitedly, he is very good at writing secrets.

The ones who signed up last time are all secrets. He hasn't had time to practice properly, but he just got a general feeling because there is not enough time.

However, the exercises obtained by signing in will be directly imprinted in Wu Yun's mind, which is equivalent to letting him get started from the beginning.

Therefore, although he has not practiced in depth yet, Wu Yun has initially mastered the information of the exercises from the moment he received the information and was able to perform them.

Although the proficiency is somewhat lacking, it also saves the most difficult step of getting started.

Like Jun Zi Mi, Wu Yun now has a one-thousandth trigger success rate.

A thousand attacks may trigger a ten times critical strike!

One in a thousand sounds like a very small probability.

But in fact, it is already very high.

With Wu Yunxian's attack speed, if he only pursued speed, he could send out a thousand attacks in one second.

What kind of concept is this? It's equivalent to Wu Yun's use of the secret words of "Jianzi", seconds and seconds, and flat A will hit a critical strike!

If you fight with people of similar strength, you can carry them all away with a flat A.

There is no doubt about the power of the secret technique.

In the future, Wu Yun's perception will increase again, reaching one percent, one tenth.

At that time, it was a critical strike from a skill, or even a critical strike from a big move!

Leapfrog fighting should not be too easy!

Jie Zi Mi is so powerful, Xing Zi Mi can be imagined.

Cultivated to the extreme, it can even affect time.

This kind of esoteric technique, successfully practiced, is not arbitrarily free on the plane of the Profound Sky Continent.

However, no matter how excited, Wu Yun still didn't immerse himself in the secret technique to practice. The most important thing right now is to receive the empowerment from Danhe!

Above the Dan River, Chen Zhen looked at Wu Dao and said with a smile,

"Let's do it!

" It turned into a huge spur of primordial force, inserted vigorously into the Dan River below, and then stirred violently like a giant stick.

Chen Zhen also made a move, causing the Dan River to set off huge waves.


As the huge primal force stirred up the Dan River, the Dan River boiled instantly, and the waves surged wildly. Then, a black vortex also quickly formed on the surface of the Dan River.

The black vortex quickly extended into the bottom of the Dan River, and the dark vortex path was like the mouth of a devil, making one's hair stand on end.

The vortex was obviously expanding rapidly, and when the mouth of the vortex expanded to a range of about ten feet, a ray of golden light suddenly appeared in the deep darkness.

As soon as the golden light appeared, it was like a meteor piercing through the darkness, shot out of the vortex as fast as lightning, and finally shot into the sky. Suddenly, an abnormally violent fluctuation spread out.

"Nirvana Golden Qi!"

The disciples on the surrounding platforms showed greedy expressions, as if everyone wanted to go up and take a few breaths.

"Wu Yun, sit at the bottom of the Dan River and absorb the golden energy of Nirvana. If you can't bear it, crush this jade and I'll take you out!" With

a wave of Chen Zhen's sleeve robe, a piece of golden jade flew towards Dan. In the middle of the river, at the same time, Yuanshen sent a voice transmission to Wu Yun.

Wu Yun took the golden jade piece, and his body was already in the center of the vortex. Without hesitation, he gushed out majestic energy to wrap himself and go deep into the bottom of the river.

Following his entry, Wu Dao and Chen Zhen made another move, directly freezing the vortex.

Chen really withdrew his own energy, and as soon as his body floated, he landed on a platform, and said lightly, "The next step is to see his ability, the longer he persists, the greater the benefits!" Wu Dao

also came over, with a smile on his face. With a smile, "Hey, how long do you think they will last!"

"It should be six days!"

"Well, six days is not bad!"

Wu Dao stroked his beard and said confidently, "But I think at least eight days!"

Chen Zhen was startled when he heard this, and said slowly, "You really like him. Among the younger generation, the only one who can last for eight days after receiving Danhe empowerment is that girl Xiaoxiao."

"Of course. In my heart, Wu Yun is no worse than Xiaoxiao that girl!" Wu Dao said with a smile.

Chen Zhen: "Hehe, do you dare to think further? Back then, Senior Brother Zhou Tong was directly under the Dan River after absorbing the Nirvana Gold Qi before ostentatiously showing it. Do you think Wu Yun can compare with him!"

"Zhou Tong Brother's words..."

Wu Dao didn't dare to say it anymore, Zhou Tong is a genius who has comprehended the Great Desolation Sutra, although he is optimistic about Wu Yun, he still feels that he is still far behind Zhou Tong.

"Hmph, you old guy!" Chen Zhen shook his head and laughed.

"I also hope that he can persist for a few more days. Our Desolate Palace has been quiet for too long, and it's time for some serious news!"


As the dark vortex in the Dan River took shape, the disciples of the Desolate Palace had not dispersed yet, and all of them They began to practice on the platform, but most people still had no intention of cultivating. Their eyes were all looking at the vortex of the Dan River, like a black python, rushing into the Dan River!

At this moment, in the depths of the vortex, where the disciples could not see, streaks of golden light gradually brightened.

The bottom of the Dan River!

Wu Yun's purple eyes looked at the large piece of golden light that gradually condensed, and felt an extremely violent and vast fluctuation.

"The power of the primordial spirit!"

This fluctuation made Wu Yun feel a familiar taste.

Mu Shi Yuanshen in Lin Langtian's body, as well as Zheng Zhong Yuanshen who had just absorbed, all have this kind of aura, and their power attributes are generally the same as the Nirvana Golden Qi.

It's just that in comparison, Nirvana Gold Qi is the Qi of the primordial spirit without a master, which is very pure and easier to absorb.

Sitting cross-legged at the bottom of the river, Wu Yun felt tremendous pressure pervading towards him.

The air of Nirvana here was squeezed by the condensed vortex of Chen Zhen and Wu Dao, and became extremely solid, like Nirvana magma, which was a little bit reluctant for his strength to resist.

At least the strong in the six-element nirvana state can bear it safely.

Under this pressure, the domineering blood in Wu Yun's body was already slowly functioning.

The Divine Elephant Suppressing Prison Strength, and the Blue Sky Transformation Dragon Art are all in operation!

Subconsciously absorbed the rich Nirvana Qi around him into his body.

The nirvana golden energy at the bottom of the river was increasing, and soon the golden light enveloped Wu Yun. The nirvana golden energy was extremely violent and heavy, and his pressure was also increasing.

Constantly squeezing Wu Yun's Yuan Force made it impossible for him to extend his Yuan Power.

The golden light became viscous, and the Nirvana golden energy was already rich to a certain extent.

"Then let's start absorbing it!" The corner of

Wu Yun's mouth curled up, and he directly withdrew his energy, no longer resisting the squeeze of these nirvana gold qi.

When the kung fu works, the pores relax, and the nirvana gold energy is directly absorbed into the body.

The violent nirvana golden energy washed Wu Yun's meridians and flesh, as if it wanted to destroy Wu Yun's body.

However, Wu Yun's body is indestructible, the domineering blood flowing in his blood can easily absorb the Nirvana gold energy, and the god elephant's prison power is added to the operation, and billions of particles in his body become active one after another, just like a dry sponge meeting water , Absorbed crazily.

The violent nirvana golden energy instantly lost its temper and turned into nourishment for Wu Yun's body.

"It's a bit slow, devouring runes!"

Wu Yun pondered, and the devouring runes in Niwan Palace flickered, and the powerful devouring power spread all over Wu Yun's body, forming small vortexes one after another, speeding up the absorption speed.

At the bottom of the dark Dan River, a ball of golden light lingers, which is extraordinarily dazzling, but in this river bottom full of terrible pressure, there are only golden bubbles that burst from time to time in the golden light ball, emitting tiny crisp sound.

In the rich golden light, Wu Yun sat cross-legged in peace, his body was filled with countless small vortexes, and the viscous Nirvana golden energy was like streams of water, continuously pouring into his body, and the dense rushing sound, quietly is ringing.

In the blink of an eye, five days have passed!

Not only did the number of people on the Danhe platform not decrease, but more and more.

Ordinary direct disciples can last for five days.

Many people think that Wu Yun should come out on this day.

Reminiscent of the situation of those disciples before, everyone wanted to see the embarrassment of this champion disciple.

Due to the huge pressure under the Dan River, the disciples in the past were all covered in blood when they came out, and they were in a panic.

However, everyone stared at the whirlpool, and at night, Wu Yun still didn't come out.

"Good boy, hold on!" Wu Dao couldn't hide his joy and relief on his face.

"Five days, among the direct disciples, he is quite outstanding!" Chen Zhen nodded and agreed.

"However, Danhe is strange, and the pressure below will become more and more terrifying day by day. The next few days will be the time when it is really hard to resist."

"Hey, as long as you persist for three days, you can equal that girl Xiaoxiao!"

... the

sixth day!

Seventh day!

Eighth day!

There are more and more people on the Huangdian Dan River. All the time, everyone felt that Wu Yun was going to come out in a second, but Nadanhe was still calm, and Wu Yun was not seen.

In the depths of the Danhe River in the Temple of Heaven, there is a training platform for Ying Xiaoxiao!

At this moment, Ying Xiaoxiao was sitting cross-legged on the platform, her whole body was filled with the air of Nirvana, as if she was in the clouds and mist, giving people a sense of ethereal fairy!

Suddenly, with a whoosh, Ying Huanhuan landed on the platform.

"Sister, it's not good!"

Looking at Ying Huanhuan who was out of breath, Ying smiled helplessly, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

Ying Huanhuan: "Sister, remember the last time I told you about giving up ?" Did Tiandian go to the champion disciple of Huangdian, Wu Yun?

He went to Huangdian and got the reward of Danhe empowerment.

Now, he has been under Danhe for eight days.

The most outrageous thing is that he has not There is no sign of coming out yet.

I will soon surpass you, sister!"

She finished speaking in one breath, gasping for breath, looking at Ying Xiaoxiao.

"You can persist for eight days without coming out!" Ying Xiaoxiao said with a little surprise.

"Yeah, I was worried that that guy would be crushed to death by Danhe!" Ying Huanhuan patted her chest and said worriedly. Although she felt that Wu Yun was arrogant, she still didn't want anything to happen to Wu Yun. Those who persist for eight days prove that their talent potential can be compared with that of the sister who is currently the first genius of Daozong.

Ying Huanhuan is naturally happy to see such a genius appear in the sect!

"You don't have to worry about that. Youchenzhen and Wudao are two senior uncles, so there will be no accidents!" Ying Xiao laughed.

"If you don't come out at a time like this, you're either crushed and unable to move freely.

Or you're going to absorb all the Nirvana gold energy at the bottom of the Dan River like Senior Zhou Tong did back then!"

Ying Huanhuan listened to her sister . When Zhou Tong was mentioned, his eyes lit up. Almost all the disciples of Daozong knew this name, and he was a figure whom the disciples admired extremely.

A ruthless man who singled out Yuanmen and took away three elders!

"How is it possible, sister, do you think that guy can be compared with Senior Zhou Tong?" Ying Huanhuan said in surprise.

Ying Xiaoxiao: "That's not true. Compared with Senior Zhou Tong, it's not enough to just absorb the Nirvana Gold Qi, at least you have to comprehend the Great Desolation Sutra."

"However, being able to persist until now proves that his talent and potential are amazing enough "

"Eight days, it should be soon!"

She looked in the direction of Huangdian, not only looking forward to it.


Wu Yun was under the Dan River, and as he absorbed more and more Nirvana Gold Qi, his physical body became stronger and stronger, and now he can ignore the pressure under the Dan River.

He gathered the golden energy of Nirvana into the dantian.

This is the pure Qi of Yuanshen, which is the key to breaking through the realm of seven-element nirvana.

Ordinary people dare not do this.

Because this primordial spirit is extremely violent, even in the six-element nirvana state, it may not be able to bear it.

But Wu Yun didn't have any worries in this regard, the primordial spirit was very docile in his body.

He is only in the five-element nirvana state now, and he is still far away from the seven-element nirvana state. This power of the primordial spirit is not enough for him to break through, so it is stored first.

After absorbing all the Nirvana gold energy, it is already the tenth day!

Zhou Tong needed thirteen days to finish, but he was three days ahead of schedule.

However, Wu Yun was not in a hurry to go out. Now that Danhe empowered him, it was just right for him to hit the Six Elements Nirvana Realm.

Without hesitation, Wu Yun started to trigger the Six Elements Nirvana Tribulation!

With the arrival of the eleventh day!

On the Dan River, dense crowds of people have gathered, not only those from the Desolate Hall but also those from other halls.

They were all discussing whether Wu Yun would be the next Zhou Tong!

Even Chen Zhen and Wu Dao are looking forward to it!

Even in the dark, some figures of the older generation are secretly paying attention to Danhe's situation. They mutter to themselves,

"Can my Taoist sect produce another Zhoutong?"

With more and more disciples, the platform Above, there were many figures, but they formed four distinct circles, and at the top of the four circles, there was a figure standing proudly.

They are the top four personal disciples of Huangdian at present!

To the east is the elder brother Pang Tong, who is extremely strong, dressed in gray, with a tight face, no smile, and thick arms that are extraordinarily long, like the arms of an ape, exuding an amazing sense of power!

To the south is the second senior brother Song Zhou. Contrary to the senior brother, he is thin and thin, but his eyes are piercing, occasionally flashing a dazzling light.

To the west is the third brother Jiang Hao, wearing a dark red shirt, with an indifferent face, with his arms crossed, staring coldly at Danhe in the distance, with a slightly unkind expression.

Beside him stood Tong Chuan with a slightly embarrassed expression, and he looked at Jiang Hao who was hesitant to speak.

To the west is the fourth senior brother Fang Yun. He is the youngest of the four direct disciples. He is extremely talented and powerful. After only two years in the Huangdian, he has reached the same level as the veteran disciples like Pang Tong.