The Origin of the Golden Egg, the Divine Beast Golden Crow

Desolate palace!

The mountain where the Great Desolation Monument appeared was already full of people.

The genius disciples from the other three palaces, Ying Xiaoxiao from the Heavenly Palace, Qingye from the Earthly Palace, and Mu Li from the Hongdian all came to observe.

The senior officials of Daozong, those palace masters, elders, including the head teacher Ying Xuanzi, were all secretly paying attention to the situation at the Great Desolation Monument.

Chen Zhen and Wu Dao stood on the top of the mountain and presided over the overall situation.

The six personal No. 1s of the Desolate Palace have already reached the Great Desolation Monument.

"Get ready to start!"

Chen Zhen looked at the towering Great Desolation Monument solemnly, and said, "Remember, if you can't hold on, you can withdraw, don't be too reluctant. Although the Great Desolation Scripture is powerful, the most powerful It's still me."

"Yes, Palace Master!"

Wu Yun and the six clapped their hands together, and they came to the Great Desolation Monument.

Pang Tong and the others were clearly not trying it for the first time. They sat down skillfully and began to communicate with the Great Desolation Monument.

Wu Yun felt the vast desolation of the Great Desolation Monument, and felt like returning to the ancient vast land.

Suddenly, a slight fluctuation came from the ancient monument of the Great Desolation, and the soul of the monument, Desolate Cloud, said, "Master, this monument of the Great Desolation makes me feel a little familiar, and there is also an aura of strange demons."

Next to it, Lin Dong He also felt unusual fluctuations, and his pupils shrank suddenly. He first glanced at the Great Desolation Monument, then turned his head to look at Wu Yun, and said in surprise, "Brother, the stone talisman has responded. This Great Desolation Monument seems to be in harmony with The stone talismans are somewhat connected."

"Don't be nervous, these are fetishes that existed in ancient times and have their own spirits, so they are friends compared to before." Wu Yun comforted, "It's a good thing, there is a connection, maybe there is still a relationship. You can find a relationship, if you can communicate with the soul of the Great Desolation Monument, you may be able to get the Great Desolation Scripture."

"However, this Great Desolation Monument does not seem to be in good condition, it has the same problem as the Great Desolation Ancient Monument, They are all contaminated by strange demons."

Wu Yun's gaze quickly locked on some subtle changes on the Great Desolation Monument that others could not notice.

On the vast and majestic monument, the surface of the monument was a little yellowed due to the passage of time. There are a few small cracks that spread like reptiles, but it doesn't seem to be a particularly big problem for the entire monument.

But when you look carefully, you will see that on the rough surface of the stele, there are some small black spots that are difficult to detect with the naked eye.

Lin Dong also noticed those small black spots. He stretched out his hand to touch them, and a trace of extreme coldness and strange fluctuations entered his body. The fluctuations were cold and lifeless, faintly carrying a kind of erasing The weirdness and evil of everything in the world.

Lin Dong suddenly withdrew his finger, a pale color appeared on his face, and stared at those little black spots in horror.

"Brother, this is the strange devilish energy from the Great Desolation Ancient Monument."

Lin Dong said in a shocking voice transmission.

"In this Great Desolation Monument, I am afraid that a so-called strange demon king is also sealed."

"Well, it should be like this, and looking at the situation, the state of the Great Desolation Monument is worse than that of the Great Desolation Ancient Monument. Get ready. Let's try to communicate with its soul." Wu Yun nodded, he is naturally aware of the situation of the Great Desolation Monument, and the reason why he has the confidence to obtain the Great Desolation Monument is because of this, as long as he can communicate with the monument soul of the Great Desolation Monument, He can persuade the Great Desolation Monument to give him the Great Desolation Scripture.

Wu Yun and Lin Dong sat down.

Seeing this, Chen Zhen waved his sleeve robe, and suddenly a majestic arrogance swept out of his body, and finally turned into a horse, flew across the sky, and landed on the huge surface of the Great Desolation Monument.

After receiving Chenzhen's power, the Great Desolation Monument made a humming sound, and then a series of dark yellow rays of light shot out from the monument, and finally enveloped Wu Yun and the six people in front of the huge monument.

The familiar feeling came again, Wu Yun's body trembled suddenly, and he felt an irresistible suction rushing out from the surface of the monument, and his consciousness began to blur in an instant, and the sight in front of him was also quickly darkened. .

Enveloped by the light, the bodies of Wu Yun and the six remained motionless in the beam of light, and their spirits had already left their bodies.

"Sister, what are the tests of the Great Desolation Monument?" In the sky, Ying Huanhuan asked curiously.

Next to Qingye, Mu Li and other direct disciples also looked at Ying Xiaoxiao curiously. Apart from the direct disciples of Huangdian, Ying Xiaoxiao, a special status of the proud daughter of heaven, had the opportunity to comprehend the great Desolation Sutra.

Ying Xiaoxiao frowned slightly, her eyes looked at the huge stone tablet in a daze, and immediately said softly: "This Great Desolation Monument itself possesses extremely powerful power, if you comprehend the Great Desolation Monument, you will be sucked into it." There will be an endless barren land, there is no end, no life, only barren."

"So, what is this test, how did you do it, big sister?" Qingye also thought about it and asked .

"I failed the test, so I don't know what the Great Desolation Monument wants, but I chose to sit in place." Ying Xiaoxiao shook his head, remembering the days spent in the desolation , it's really hard, and most importantly, you don't know what to do.

"The Great Desolation Sutra is indeed not that easy to comprehend. Our Taoist sect established our sect here because we discovered the Great Desolation Stele. This stele has unusual divine power. Many elders have tried it before, and they all I can't move it, and I can't control when it opens, if we can easily comprehend the Great Desolation Sutra, Yuanmen will be left behind by us long ago."

"Look at them, I hope it can bring surprises."

Ying smiled and watched Xiang Wu Yun and Lin Dong had to admit that they were indeed the two most promising.


Wu Yun looked at the gray sky, surrounded by the endless vast land, the ground was grayish-yellow, and occasionally there were some withered grass, but there was no life at all. Endless cracks spread from the ground, boundless boundless.

Wu Yun was somewhat familiar with this scene, it was similar to the spiritual world of the desolate demon eye.

Wu Yun's insignificant figure stood in this vast world. The desolation seemed to turn people into loess and be buried here forever, which made him feel a little breathless.

What to do?

Wu Yun thought, this place seems to be the same everywhere.

On the other side, Lin Dong was also in the same environment. He couldn't help sighing. He was more familiar with this single scene than Wu Yun. It was a similar scene when he refined and devoured the ancestral talisman.

"Hey, let's go!"

Without hesitation, Lin Dong chose to take a step forward, as his name suggests, he is not the kind of person who likes to wait, even if there is nothing, he still has to move.

In the desolate world, after choosing a direction at random, Lin Dong strode forward.

After thinking for a while, Wu Yun didn't leave or sit down, but began to practice. The martial arts he practiced was the Great Wilderness Emperor Code, and he was going to practice the martial arts in the Great Wilderness Emperor Code here.

For a person who knows the plot, walking, sitting, or doing whatever he wants has nothing to do with the test of the Great Desolation Monument.

What the Great Desolation Monument wants is the kind of arrogance with great talent, who is expected to grow up to deal with the strange demon king it suppresses.

Letting them enter the world in the monument is to observe the Great Desolation Monument and find out their talents.

If you want to make the Great Desolation Monument tempt you, you have to show the strength to make it tempt.

The Great Desolation Emperor Code was created by the Great Desolation Emperor, and the Great Desolation Emperor and the Great Desolation Monument knew each other. Wu Yun was planning to practice the Great Desolation Emperor Code so that the Great Desolation Monument could see that he was the inheritor of an acquaintance.

Tell the Great Desolation Monument... You see, your good brother the Great Desolation Emperor is optimistic about me and is willing to hand over the inheritance to me. Do you want to invest too!

In addition to the Great Desolation Emperor Code, Wu Yun also displayed the Chaos Talisman Embryo, with the powerful devouring power, wind power, thunder power, gathering spirits, and seals on it... Many original runes that have been able to brand some parts of the Chaos Talisman Embryo Both Wen and Wu Yun showed their strength.

Let the Great Desolation Monument see that he has cultivated the complete devouring rune, as well as the thunder, wind, flame and other runes that are about to be perfected.

In addition, there is also the fusion power method of the Qiankun ancient array in the dantian, which can fuse multiple powers.

Wu Yun completely regarded this comprehension of the Great Desolation Scripture as an interview, so he showed his talent to his heart's content.

No matter in terms of Yuanli, Mental, Fusion, Martial Arts, Spiritual skills, etc., he is worth investing in.

Including his strong physical constitution, I believe the Great Desolation Monument can also be detected.

Moreover, before Wu Yun sat cross-legged, he also deliberately unsealed the seal on the Great Desolation Monument, allowing the Great Desolation Monument to investigate the situation inside the Great Desolation Monument. He also specially instructed Huang Yun to fool the Great Desolation Monument as much as possible The soul of the stele told the Great Desolation Stele to follow Wu Yun and have a bright future.

As time passed day by day, Wu Yun was immersed in cultivation.

Perhaps it is because there is a real connection between the Great Desolation Monument and the Great Desolation Emperor. It is very handy to practice the Great Desolation Emperor Code in it, and the spirit of the Great Desolation Emperor's martial arts condensed is also extremely solid.

Faintly, Wu Yun sensed a force secretly watching him.

Wu Yun continued to practice, not in a hurry. He believed that the Great Desolation Monument must be more anxious than him.

Outside, in the beam of light, the mini Great Desolate Ancient Monument worn by Wu Yun's chest emitted a glimmer of light, and a faint wave spread above it.

No one saw that a breath had penetrated into the ancient monument of the Great Desolation.

Ancient Monument World!

As the soul of the stele, Huang Yun immediately sensed the visitor from outside the sky.

It stretched out a green branch, came to the sky, and transformed into the appearance of Wu Yun, only wearing a green dress, standing on the branch of the world tree.

In front of the barren cloud, there is a withered yellow ray of light. Seeing the barren cloud, the ray of light begins to condense, and an old figure slowly emerges. The old man is full of white hair, with a gentle smile on his face , Seeing Huang Yun's appearance of turning into Wu Yun, he couldn't help feeling a little bit, things are different.

At the beginning, the soul of the ancient stele of the Great Desolation was the appearance of the Emperor of the Great Desolation, but now when we meet again, it has changed its appearance.

The Sri Lankan is dead!

"Little guy, do you still remember me?" said the stele spirit of the Great Desolation Monument.

"I know you, but I don't remember clearly!" Huang Yun was a little confused, vaguely felt that he had some impression of this old man, but he just couldn't remember it, and they seemed to be very familiar with each other.

Huang Yun said, "Senior, I have been severely injured, and many memories are no longer clear. It was the new owner's World Tree that nourished me again, and I was able to restore my current appearance."

"World Tree?" Great Desolation Monument The spirit of the stele looked in surprise at the big green tree that almost penetrated the entire space in the space of the ancient stele. This tree is full of vitality and has the power to make it want to be addicted.

"Unexpectedly, there are such fetishes in this world!"

"You are no longer the original you. This World Tree and the Ancient Monument of the Great Desolation have been integrated by you. It seems that the ancient monument of the Great Desolation can still grow, and I am afraid it will not take many years. , you can surpass me."

"Do you know that I created you when you were a baby tablet in the first place, and then gave it to that boy, the

Great Desolation King?" The change is too fast, the former son has grown into an adult now, and the blue is better than the blue, and there is a tendency to surpass it and become the supreme god.

"You are seriously injured like this. It seems that the boy of the Great Wilderness King is no longer here!"

"The old master is indeed dead!" Huang Yun didn't know how to face his biological father, and felt a little uncomfortable for a while.

"What's your new master's name? Tell me about him?" The stele spirit of the Great Desolation Monument inquired about Wu Yun's situation. Obviously, Wu Yun successfully caught his attention.

"My new master is very good. He is a very magical person. He has extraordinary luck and can often get some powerful opportunities..."

According to Wu Yun's previous confession, Huang Yun told some things about Wu Yun's awesomeness. I listened to the Great Desolation Monument, intending to create a character full of mystery, great luck, and prophetic ability.

"Could he be the son of a newborn plane?" After listening to the Great Desolation Monument, he thought to himself.

In its view, the only person who can be favored by luck in this way is the son of the plane.

"Senior, do you know what this egg is?"

Barren Cloud rolled up the golden egg with a branch and showed it to the Great Desolation Monument.

This is also one of the tasks Wu Yun entrusted to it. This golden egg has always been mysterious, and Wu Yun thinks that an old fetish like the Great Desolation Monument should know about it.

"It seems to be..."

When the Great Desolation Monument saw the golden egg, it was so surprised that it could not speak. It directly approached, carefully observed the intricate pattern on it, and felt the breath inside,

"It should be it!"

"Unexpectedly It still exists!"

"Shouldn't it go to a stronger plane?"

"I thought it didn't exist in this plane, I didn't expect it."

"You can get it, your new owner is definitely a child of the plane. "The

Great Desolation Monument murmured excitedly, as if the golden egg had a great history.

Huang Yun was also a little excited by what it said, and couldn't help asking, "So, what kind of monster is it?"


"No, it's a divine beast!"

"The divine beast born when the world first opened, Golden Crow!"