Fist of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, Shocking the Monument of Great Desolation

"What is my origin?"

Wu Yun was a bit lost in thought of him.

The words on the Great Desolation Monument obviously meant something.

If you're just curious about Wu Yun's origin, it obviously doesn't make much sense.

It can't be that he saw my time travel identity… Wu Yun is a bit confused, if so, it's not good news.

"Huangyun should have told you about my origin. You should be curious about some strange things that happened to me. In fact, I am curious too. But I can't explain the reasons for many things." Wu Yun pondered for a while, and then slowly said:

"I just want to say that if you understand these kinds of things, you'll naturally understand, and if you don't understand, I won't explain too much. Coming to me and asking what's wrong, involves too much cause and effect, it's not good for you or me if I say it." , just pretend you don't know, otherwise I can only say that the water is very deep here, it involves many things, like karma and reincarnation, and I can't control it, even if we understand it, we have to pretend we don't understand it, the Heaven's secrets must not be leaked, sometimes understanding is also a kind of problem, and not knowing it can be a kind of luck. Do you understand?"

Monument to the Great Desolation:" ? ? ?" "What do I know? What did you say? What did you tell me? I was confused and didn't know what Wu Yun was talking about, but it sounded terrifying and it seemed that the cause and effect were too great to reveal. Is this the son of the plane? Could it be that the will of the plane is warning me?"

"Ahem, since that's the case, then let's not talk about this, let's talk about the strange demon king's palace that I suppressed."

The Monument to the Great Desolation had to change the subject. There are too many mysteries about Wu Yun, and he's not sure if it's good to keep knowing about him, it's better to solve the current problem first.

"With your ability, how long can you suppress it?" Wu Yun asked, pretending to understand the king.

The Great Desolation Monument said in a deep voice: "In less than three years, the erosion of that thing has become stronger and stronger, and it is already difficult for me to suppress it. If I let this thing out of trouble and let it rip the space fault, the world will be destroyed again. It will be a disaster that no one can avoid. You are my last chance, if I can't find hope in you, it will truly be a disaster for the world."

"In addition to you, there is another little man, he has many old people that I am familiar with. Friend, if I had not met Wu Yun at this time, I am afraid that I would have chosen him in the end."

After Wu Yun heard this, he smiled slightly. , "It's the same if you choose to believe me. The person you mentioned is called Lin Dong, and he is my sworn brother. I gave him the Devouring Ancestral Talisman."

"Are you willing to give your friend something as important and powerful as the Ancestral Talisman?" The Great Desolation Monument was obviously surprised.

"What is the problem, not to mention the relationship between Lin Dong and me? There is no difference between him and me, just the ancient desert stele you know, you should have seen it, what I have is much more powerful than the ancient talisman. " Wu Yun smiled slightly.

Great Desolation Monument: "So you still want my Great Desolation Sutra?"

Wu Yun: "There are so many skills that I don't get overwhelmed. I'm trying to find inspiration in various martial arts. My martial arts are a bit too high. It's very difficult, so I need to find inspiration in different levels of martial arts, your Sutra of The Great Desolation has been so magically transmitted by Dao Zong, it should also be a good martial art, and it can help me practice those high-level martial arts for a while!" Light and shadow flashed, and the Great Desolation Monument showed a figure directly, and the light and shadow of the vicissitudes of life appeared in front of Wu Yun, blew his beard and looked: "What, do you mean, My Great Desolation Sutra is just for you to practice other martial arts? A springboard to learn?"

"The Great Desolation Sutra was created by me in the past, and when, within ten thousand miles, it will be a completely barren and red land, and the vitality of thousands of miles, gathered in one body, can break the sky ".

"Even if it's the Great Desolation Emperor's Code you cultivated, in terms of lethality alone, it can't compare to my Great Desolation Classic, and another physical training martial art you practice, the Qingtian Hualong Jue, barely even matches up." can compare with him." The Desolation Monument is in a hurry, the Great Desolation Scripture is its proudest crystallization, but Wu Yun dismisses it as a stepping stone to practice other martial arts.

He can not bear this wrath!

"Sure enough, it is quite powerful, but if it is only comparable to the Qingtian hualong jue, I am right, and it is a bit of a promotion of your martial arts," Wu Yun said awkwardly, having already figured out the impact of the Great Desolation. The cautious kind of him seems to regard him as some kind of mysterious existence with a long history, so he is feared by some, but admired by some.

Only World Tree and Golden Crow, these two can be seen in Wu Yun, and one can already understand how extraordinary Wu Yun is.

"It's not that I don't believe it. In this world, I haven't seen some martial arts that can surpass my Great Desolation Sutra from ancient times until now. Just in terms of lethality, my Great Desolation Sutra is also one of the As you said, it's hard for me to imagine the kind of depth Wu Yun mentioned, even Tianwu Xue is just a stepping stone, I wonder if you can show it."

The spirit of the Great Desolation Monument trembled, and an ancient voice came out, and he was very upset.

If there is such a kind of martial arts, it must not come from this world.

He used to follow the ancestor of the talisman, even if he was an existence like the ancestor of the talisman, he also highly respected the Great Desolation Sutra created by him.

Wu Yun pursed his lips and smiled. The martial arts skills on his body, such as the strength of the suppressive prison of the god elephant, the abrasive thoughts of the god of chaos, the body calligraphy, the thug fist, the suppressive chaos of Jue, and the fist of the reincarnation of the six paths are definitely above the others. Sutra of the Great Desolation.

Not to mention, both the secret word and the secret word line!

"Then I will simply show you two types of martial arts. Although I have not successfully cultivated well, I still have some power!",

Wu Yun will open his eyes to the Great Desolation Sutra, not only to gain the abilities from it, but also to be able to suppress it, this made the Great Desolation Monument really think it was amazing.

At this time, Wu Yun is still inside the Great Desolation Monument, in front of his actual body, an ancient yellow stele about ten feet high, with traces of black lines coming out of the bottom of the stele, these lines Black are like the devil's tentacles, evil and cold, twisting slightly and constantly eroding from the stone tablet, like a virus.

These black lines seem to writhe silently, as if possessing some kind of spiritual intelligence.

Looking at this appearance, it seems that the palace of the strange demon king that the stone tablet is suppressing is trying to erode the Great Desolation Monument.

"How do you want to display it?" The Great Desolation Monument asked curiously.

"Use the suppressed Demon King Palace below your stele as my test subject, can I let my real body in?" Wu Yun looked at the black lines that were constantly struggling to spread out, and suddenly had an idea.

There's nothing more compelling than making weird monsters outright.

"What, you are only at the seven yuan nirvana level, no matter how powerful your martial arts are, it is impossible to cause any damage to the strange demon king's palace, and even if you are accidentally contaminated with these devilish energies, it can corrode your body." ." The Monument of Great Desolation said in surprise, he thought that Wu Yun was crazy.

This Different Demon King Temple is equivalent to a strong man in the double reincarnation state, even if he is suppressed by it and lets Wu Yun attack, it is impossible to pose the slightest threat to the Different Demon King Palace. The demonic energy is even more powerful, it has not reached the Profound Profound Realm, and there is no strong person with continuous anger in the body, so it is difficult to resist.

"Aren't you the one who suppressed it? As long as you can hold it down, you don't have to worry about me. The devil energy from him can't help me. In fact, this isn't the first time I've been in contact with this devil energy."

Wu Yun said confidently, practicing With the strength of the elephant god suppressing the prison, possessing the blood of heaven, plus the innate version of the male body of the suppressing god and the strength of the physical body of him. The body is not inferior to these strange devilish energies. He has tested it on the ancient monument in the desert.

Under the powerful dominant blood, the demonic energy can only be the grandson of the turtle.

It was only then that the Great Desolation Monument was reminded of the other palace that Huang Yun suppressed, and it was also the reason why Wu Yun made a move. He had been in contact with these strange monsters before, and he was not an inexperienced newbie.

"Okay then, but you have to be prepared. If I want your attack to hit him, I will definitely be attacked by his magical energy. That magical energy won't do much damage to me, and it will definitely pour into your body with all its might. If You can't get rid of the devil energy in your body, or even suppress it, you can suffer a lot." The Great Desolation Monument warned again as it is extremely wary of the Strange Demon King Palace.

Wu Yun is still confident, he is serious about dealing with the strange demon, "Let my body in, there is a barren cloud, even if I can't suppress it, it can absorb the demon energy from my body, you just need to suppress the strange palace of the demon king."

The Great Desolation Monument has already seen the horror of the World Tree, and in the barren cloud, the Strange Demon King Temple is the food of the World Tree.

He did not hesitate any longer and immediately called Wu Yun's body into his inner space.


In front of the Great Desolation Monument, Wu Yun's figure suddenly disappeared under the beam of light.

"What's wrong, where is Wu Yun?",

Wu Dao was very surprised and immediately rushed towards the Great Desolation Monument, but he couldn't find any trace of Wu Yun.

Chen Zhen, Gu Mo, Ying Huanhuan, Lin Dong, and the others all changed their expressions, not understanding what happened.

This is the first time this kind of thing has happened.

In the past, even if he understood the Great Desolation Sutra, he would not suddenly disappear.

"Don't panic, you should have entered the Monument of Great Desolation. Our sect has supported it for so many years, so it shouldn't be harmful to Wu Yun," Ying Xuanzi's voice suddenly sounded on the mountain, making her worried people a little calm.

However, Ying Xuanzi couldn't figure it out for sure, and he couldn't see through such a sacred object like the Great Desolation Monument.

Of course, there was Wu Yun who couldn't see through.

Just when they were worried and couldn't understand it, the Nadan River in Huangdian suddenly boiled and rushed backwards towards the mountain peak where the Great Desolation Monument was located, and merged with the mountain peak where the Great Desolation Monument was located. Monument to the Great Desolation. .

"Is the Monument of Great Desolation absorbing power?"

Chen Zhen's face changed. There have been too many changes this year. In general, the Great Desolation Monument absorbs Danhe's power just to transmit it, but he has absorbed it once now, and now it was even more terrifying, almost absorbing the entire Dan River, which is really unusual.

At the monument, Wu Yun faces the real body of the Great Desolation Monument and performs exercises to mobilize the strength of the whole body.

On the ancient yellow body of the Great Desolation Monument, the black lines became more and more intense.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

"You dare to believe the words of this child, hahaha, yes, let me out a little more and I will devour this child"

. After a while, a black shadow loomed over and appeared on the ancient monument.

When the black shadow appeared, the surrounding atmosphere turned gloomy and cold, and a dark evil force attacked Wu Yun.

At the same time, an ancient yellow light was shining from the Monument of Great Desolation, suppressing those demonic auras.

"It's time to start!" The Great Desolation Monument said in a deep voice.

Wu Yun nodded and immediately began to show martial arts. The Tyrant Blood in his body circulated rapidly, almost burning, and the terrifying heat increased. The Heartfall Flame in his body also burned madly, forming a transparent, colorless and intense flame on the surface of his body.

The force warmed up, and Wu Yun's physical strength was fully mobilized.

In the dantian, Wu Yun also used the Bajiquan Yi that Wu Yun had been using for a long time.

This time, the first martial art he will use is Six Paths of Reincarnation Fist!

This powerful boxing technique comparable to his Baquan, even superior to Baquan, contains the meaning of reincarnation, and is the best technique to deal with this kind of reincarnation.

Although Baquan is also powerful, it is mainly based on strength, and it is mainly dominated by domineering suppression.

And the Fist of the Six Paths of Reincarnation is the Tao!

The Monument of Great Desolation looked at Wu Yun in a daze, stretching out the strength of him to check every detail of Wu Yun's martial arts. As Wu Yun gathered his strength, the Monument of Great Desolation was shocked to find that there was a trace of power in his body. In boxing skills you could find the meaning of reincarnation.

"Impossible, it's just a mistake in the seven element nirvana state, how could I touch the meaning of reincarnation?"

The ghost was also full of shock at this time, and there was a bit of panic in his voice, but unfortunately, his The shadow was captured by the surrounding people. The withered yellow light was tightly confined.

Right now, Wu Yun's power had gathered at its peak and there was a trace of disorder within the entire Great Desolation Monument.

Tyrant's blood surged and fists clenched, all of which were sparked by secret words.

six! path! wheel! back! fist!

Wu Yun paused at each word, and with a burst of shouting, he struck this concoction Six-Dao Samsara Fist, which was infused with various forces, onto the black phantom on the stele's body.


The entire Great Desolation Monument trembled, and the ghost in the monument actually had cracks, and the strong demonic energy dissipated at this moment. Under the Fist of Reincarnation, the Strange Demon King Palace, which had been suppressed for many years, was a bit uneasy.

However, Wu Yun's current attack only dealt a small amount of damage to him and was unable to seriously damage him at all.

There is still a big gap between them.

But this is not very harmful to the strange demon king's palace, but it is extremely insulting.

Not to mention Wu Yun's seven-element nirvana state, even the wheel mirror is not enough to make him move. So far, he has been hit by a person who is considered to be an insect.

The Great Desolation Monument was also shocked. He originally thought that it would be good for Wu Yun to release some magical energy, but he did not expect that the attack could damage the main body of the Different Demon King Palace.

This boxing technique is too powerful!

His Great Desolation Sutra is certainly beyond comparison!



I am taking longer to upload the chapters since I am paying more attention to the translation since many people are having problems with it, so how long would it take to do this every day with 10 chapters with all the fanfics that I am uploading, I found 2 solutions:

1) Upload a chapter of all the fanfics per day.

2) upload 10 chapters of a fanfic every day, that is, you should wait between 6 or 7 days to be able to read another 10 chapters again.

Waiting for your opinions, I say goodbye.