Wu Yun and Ying Huanhuan, Qin Xiao Ensemble

The majestic power is under Wu Yun's control.

At this moment, Wu Yun also finally understood why the Great Desolation Sutra could become the strongest martial art of the Taoist sect. This was almost in a rather domineering gesture, forcibly borrowing the energy from the earth and turning it into his own. use.

From a certain point of view, this is similar to the devouring power of the Devouring Ancestral Talisman, except that the power borrowed from the Great Desolation Sutra will explode in a very short period of time, forming an extremely terrifying attack, while Devouring the Ancestor Talisman The talisman will devour and digest the power, and turn it into the power of its master bit by bit.

These two things, one for the present and the other for the future, are completely different in nature.

"I'll try it with you, the barren knife activated by the Great Desolation Scripture."

Wu Yun looked at the gray-clothed elder opposite, and he chose to use the martial arts of the Taoist sect to fight the opponent to the end.

It is also a giant sword against a giant peak.

This time, the barren knife did not expand as before, but became more solidified, and it didn't look like it was condensed by strength, just like the real barren knife.


Carrying the rolling power absorbed by Wu Yun, he slashed down angrily.

The huge mountain of Elder Gray is still divided into two.

With the explosive power of the Great Desolation Classic, Wu Yun's strength in a short period of time was not weaker than the elder in gray.

The wild knife dissipated, and the terrifying barbaric energy invaded the body of the elder in gray, crazily eroding his physical body. The elder in gray continued to surge out the power of birth, but his body was still aging at a speed visible to the naked eye, but it was not as miserable as Huo Zhen.


At this time, another elder from Hongya Cave stepped onto the stage, unleashing a mighty force to help the gray-clothed elder get rid of the sluggishness in his body.

"Why, you also want to interfere in the battle without respecting the rules?"

Wu Yun stared at him coldly and said without giving the other party any face.

This time, Chen Zhen and Wu Dao finally couldn't bear it and flew onto the stage.

The elder twitched his face and said, "We admit defeat.

" You can ride on our heads!"

Wu Yun sneered.

"I want to know, what's your name?" The elder in gray looked up at Wu Yun and asked.

"He is our great disciple of Huangdian, Wu Yun, you must have heard of him!" Wu

Dao raised his head and said proudly.

"Wu Yun!"

"He is Wu Yun!"

"He caused the tragedy in Blood Rock Land."

"Kill Yao Ling and Luo Yi, capture Xiao Tian, ​​destroy the magic seals, and subdue the three major cities."

" No wonder he's so strong!" Everyone in


who had just learned that it was Wu Yun was surprised, but they didn't expect Wu Yun to be him.

But Wu Yun is him, so he can figure it out.

Otherwise, how could a disciple defeat their elders.

"I'm so stupid!"

Huo Zhen said in a daze.

"You must know that he is Wu Yun. I wouldn't fight him one-on-one if I were killed!"

He regretted in his heart, regretted not asking Wu Yun's name before starting the battle.


Even Yao Ling died in the opponent's hands, so how could he fight with someone who was in the Nirvana state of eight yuan.

The Taoist disciples all looked at Wu Yun with expressions of admiration.

so amazing.

Even the elders in the Profound Realm were pressed and beaten by him.

Wu Yuncai is only in the Seventh Yuan Nirvana Realm.

At the same time, they all lamented the power of the Great Desolation Scripture in their hearts. This is really the strongest martial art for leapfrog battles.

Wu Yun's prestige has already been established. As famous as Yao Ling, Xiao Tian and others are in the Eastern Profound Realm, Wu Yun's current reputation is as good as it is. "The Taoist sect is indeed one of the

eight super sects. I, Hongyadong, do not consider myself inferior to this competition. If I have the opportunity in the future, I will definitely come to worship the mountain again."

His disciples left Daozong in despair.

"Good boy, yes, this time we have given away the reputation of our Taoist sect. If anyone wants to come to worship the mountain in the future, he must weigh his own strength."

Wu Dao praised.

"Senior Brother Wu Yun is mighty!"

Many Taoist disciples also worshiped from the bottom of their hearts.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Chen Zhen's eyes were a little sore. Senior brother Zhou Tong once became a role model for the entire Taoist disciples like Wu Yun. Now the disciples look at Wu Yun in the same way they used to look at Senior Brother Zhou Tong.

"This time the ranking of our Huangdian will definitely be improved."

Wu Dao smiled, he was really proud of himself that he was able to bring disciples like Wu Yun back to Dao Sect and join them in Huangdian.

Wu Yun is really his gospel.

With Wu Yun's current strength, the ranking in the palace examination is stable.

"Good job!"

Ying Huanhuan walked over and gave Wu Yun a thumbs up.

"Thank you for the compliment. Well, the things here are over, so I'm going back to retreat."

Wu Yun said goodbye to the two master uncles, and then flew to Daofeng.

Ying Huanhuan quickly followed.

Coming to a deserted mountain peak, Wu Yun stopped suddenly, looked at Ying Huanhuan who was following behind, and said with a smile,

"Why are you still following me? Are you going to fulfill the bet between the two of us?"

"Bet... promise, what's the bet..."

Ying Huanhuan pursed her lips, feeling slightly swayed in the air.

Wu Yun: "Pretending to be a fool, that's not your style."

Ying Huanhuan blushed, then gritted her teeth, and said, "Who wants to renege on a debt, this girl will settle the debt for you today Come on, what do you want me to do?"

Looking at Ying Huanhuan, who had an open expression on his face, Wu Yun wanted to laugh, but he couldn't bear it anymore. There was no one around, and his eyes began to move slowly. Ying Huanhuan swept back and forth on her already exquisite and delicate body.

Under Wu Yun's unscrupulous glance, Ying Huanhuan's pretty cheeks also gradually turned red, which was caused by embarrassment.

However, Ying Huanhuan has always been eccentric, and she has always acted generously and wisely. After her cheeks blushed for a while, her big eyes suddenly narrowed slightly like a cat's. The jade flashed out, playing with the talisman with her slender fingers, and then showed a charming smile at Wu Yun, "This thing can pass on what I hear from here to my father, so when you speak, you must Be careful."

Wu Yun pursed his lips, and gave Ying Huanhuan a hard look, "You can't afford it, can you?"

During the time they lived in Daofeng, the father and daughter between Ying Xuanzi and Ying Huanhuan The relationship has long been revealed in front of Wu Yun.

Although Wu Yun is regarded as the favored son of Taoist sect and the leader among his disciples, he has not yet been able to ignore Ying Xuanzi.

This is one of the top powerhouses in the Eastern Xuan Realm, a big boss in the Zhuanlun Realm, and Ying Xuanzi is also a slave to his daughter. If Wu Yun did something to moles his daughter in front of him.

Guaranteed to give Wu Yun a fat beating.

Wu Yun shook his head and was about to leave when suddenly a gust of fragrant wind hit him. He turned his head, only to see Ying Huanhuan put away the talisman, landed slowly, approaching him, lightly raised his jade hand, and the green jadeite talisman The guzheng like that is flashing out.

"Here, in case you say that I don't admit it, let me play a song for you. In this Taoist sect, no one can be treated except father and sister." Ying Huanhuan stared at Wu Yun and said with a smile .

"You practice in seclusion all day, and I will play a song for you to relax you."

"Are you listening to the music here? It's boring!"

Wu Yun didn't give face at all.

"Why is it boring? Here are beautiful mountains and clear waters, singing birds and fragrant flowers. The scenery is beautiful. With the sound of the piano, it is so beautiful. Do you understand?" Ying Huanhuan pouted. There are many people in the sect who want to hear her play the piano, but not everyone has such Lucky.

Wu Yun: "I'm not interested in the sound of the piano, can you play the flute?"

"Xiao? I haven't learned it!" Ying Huanhuan shook her head dully.

"Bai has such a beautiful mouth. I don't know how to do this. Let me teach you."

"You still carry a flute with you?"

Ying Huanhuan looked at Wu Yun in surprise. She didn't expect this guy to know some rhythms. .

"Of course!"

Wu Yun said proudly, then summoned the Lei Lingtian Knife in his dantian, and communicated with it, "Ling Yun, change into my flute." The

Lei Lingtian Knife instantly understood Wu Yun's meaning, it Now it has become the shape of Wu Yun. It can become whatever shape Wu Yun wants it to be.

The knife spirit immediately turned into a vertical flute.

In his previous life, Wu Yun also practiced the musical instrument Xiao.

He has watched a lot of martial arts dramas, and most of the awesome and handsome heroes in the dramas know how to use flute skills. In their hands, flute can be used as both a musical instrument and a weapon.

You flute and sword!


The melodious sound of flute coming from Wu Yun's mouth, combined with Ling Yunxiao's unique sound quality, and its vague blade and thunder sounds as consonants, is also a beautiful song.

What Wu Yun is playing at the moment is "Reminiscence of Blowing Xiao on the Phoenix Stage".

This is a popular Dongxiao song in ancient China. It is as famous as the Three Lanes of Plum Blossoms, High Mountains and Flowing Water, and Yangchun Baixue. There is a historical allusion in Phoenix Terrace. Playing the flute to attract the phoenix, ride the dragon away, and ascend to heaven in the daytime, expressing people's nostalgia and love for the gods and couples. bless.

The sound of the flute is very beautiful, Ying Huanhuan is a person who knows the rhythm, and soon felt the beautiful yearning for the gods and couples conveyed in the sound of the flute, and couldn't help but immerse herself in it.

On the other side, Ying Xuanzi, who also heard the flute sound through Ying Huanhuan's talisman, not only fell into memories, but also remembered Ying Huanhuan's mother.

After one song, Ying Huanhuan took a long time to think about it before waking up from it.

"What a beautiful song!" she exclaimed.

Looking at Wu Yun now, a slight obsession appeared in Ying Huanhuan's eyes.

Handsome, smart, capable of fighting and playing flute, such a man is so attractive that no woman can refuse.

Ying Huanhuan's beautiful eyes flowed, and the beautiful sound of the flute seemed to be still lingering in her ears, giving her a feeling that she also wanted to find a partner of her own and stay together forever, "Can you teach me, I want to learn this The first song."

"You owe me a condition, and if you want to learn it, you have to agree to another condition, but you have to complete the previous condition first!" Wu Yun looked at her with a smile on his face, and made up his mind.

Ying Huanhuan gritted her teeth, took out her father's talisman, and threw it aside cruelly.

"Tell me, what do you want?"

"If it's too forced, forget it, I don't like to force others."

Seeing her resolute look, Wu Yun persuaded.

"Tell me, if I can't do it, it doesn't matter what I say to Ying Huanhuan."

Wu Yun smiled, two dimples appeared on his face, then he tapped his left cheek and then his right cheek.

A pair of eyes looked at Ying Huanhuan's red lips with a smirk.

"Don't go too far, Wu Yun, I can only... choose one side."

Ying Huanhuan stomped her feet.

Wu Yun: "Okay, then you choose yourself!"

After hesitating for a while, Ying Huanhuan blushed and approached Wu Yun. The distance was so close that Wu Yun could already smell the unique fragrance of the other party.

Ying Huanhuan grabbed Wu Yun's clothes and tiptoed slightly.

The breath is close enough to be heard!

Some rush.

She is nervous.

After finding the right angle, she slowly closed her eyes, pouted her small mouth slightly, and approached Wu Yun's face.

Everything is calculated!

Wu Yun found the right moment and turned his head away.



One touch and retreat! Like a frightened deer, Ying Huanhuan backed away in a hurry as if she

had been hit by electricity . "You, play a rascal..." she said, wiping her mouth with her sleeve. "Who told you to close your eyes and miss the point." Wu Yun curled his lips... I did it on purpose, what can you do to me. Ying Huanhuan's petty thinking had already been manipulated by him. Since she agreed to Wu Yun's conditions, she was naturally moved by her heart, and Wu Yun would not foolishly follow common sense. Follow her rules too much, and there will be no surprises, and no relationship breakthroughs.

Sometimes, it is necessary to do some actions that exceed the other party's expectations in order to leave a deep impression on the other party's heart.

Of course, it doesn't have to be beyond.

Because women are very good at hiding their thoughts, although they refuse on the surface, maybe they have already thought about what will happen or can happen in their hearts.

Ying Huan turned around angrily, bit her lip, her heart was beating fast.

"Okay, okay, I'll teach you how to play the flute."

Wu Yun pulled Ying Huanhuan, who was pretending to be angry, to sit on the top of the mountain, and then taught her the song just now.

The two are really like a couple of gods and immortals, sitting on the bluestone board, discussing flute skills with each other, you look at me for a while, I look at you for a while, and they look at each other for a while, and then they blushed and avoided their eyes.

Ying Huanhuan's melody talent is very good, Wu Yun can play it well, but he can't put it into words.

After Ying Huanhuan watched it a few times, she had mastered it, and Wu Yun's song was even better.

"You are so talented, you can play the flute well!"

Wu Yun praised.

"Of course, I have been very good at temperament since I was a child." Ying Huanhuan played the piano and flute with a proud face, and she was serious.

"Let's collaborate on a song together. You can play "Reminiscences on the Phoenix Terrace" and I will use the piano sound to match you." Ying Huanhuan said suddenly.

"Well, good!"

Wu Yun also became interested. He just wanted to tease Ying Huanhuan, but unexpectedly he also immersed himself in the music.

Sure enough, music cleanses the soul.

His heart also quieted down.

The sound of the flute and the sound of the piano mingled together, and it was transmitted from the top of the mountain.

The beautiful tune attracts birds to surround.

Surrounded by a hundred birds, there is a couple of immortals in the middle.

At this moment, Wu Yun and Ying Huanhuan seemed like an incomparable match.