Ying Huanhuan, Ice Lord, Reincarnation

From Yuandan to Yuanshen, this is a process of qualitative change.

As the branches of the world tree poured powerful life source liquid to help Wu Yun, his primordial spirit also quickly became solidified.

At this time, the golden light shadow can already be seen vaguely. The appearance and facial features are almost exactly the same as Wu Yun's, but it's just a miniature version.

It looks quite delicate and cute.

Generally speaking, most of the primordial spirits initially condensed are very vain, with only a little prototype of the primordial spirit, and it is rare to be able to take shape directly like Wu Yun.

However, Wu Yun's primordial spirit quickly completed the step of condensing because of the energy of the World Tree to nourish it. Otherwise, it would take a lot of time to nourish it by himself.

His current level of primordial spirit is not as solid as Elder Jiang's, but now Wu Yun is only in the eight-element nirvana state, and he still has a lot of time to continue to refine his primordial spirit, and he will advance to the Shengxuan realm in the future. At that time, the strength of Yuanshen was far from comparable to those of the same level.

As Wu Yun's primordial spirit condensed, great changes took place in his body. Strange thunderous sounds resounded in his body, and waves of majestic energy, almost like a torrent, suddenly came naturally. The primordial spirit swept out, and finally surged along the meridians in Wu Yun's body.

When these energies were rushing through the meridians, at the same time there were waves of majestic energies rushing straight into his mind, and finally got into the Niwan Palace arbitrarily, and immediately set off a monstrous storm in it.

The golden light permeated every part of Lin Dong's body, enveloping the small world in the Niwan Palace, and Wu Yun could clearly feel that the primordial power and even the spiritual power in his body appeared at this very moment. ups and downs.

The body is adapting to the changes brought about by the soul.

The former Yuan Dan no longer existed, and Yuan Shen replaced it. Obviously, as the center of Yuan power, Yuan Shen undoubtedly evolved stronger than Yuan Dan.

With the same magnitude of power, Yuanshen is more than twice as powerful as Yuanli.

At this moment, the power in Wu Yun's body has skyrocketed, whether it is spiritual power or Yuan power, they have ushered in a huge improvement.


Suddenly, the soaring power broke through the shackles!

A fiery wave that was violent to the extreme erupted from his body suddenly, and the black nirvana flames gushed out layer by layer from his flesh and blood, and then began a kind of crazy destruction.


The incomparable rage of these dark nirvana flames raged wildly, and the blood, meridians, and bones were all burned.

Wu Yun's Nirvana Tribulation is obviously several times stronger than others, and the power and consciousness of the flames can cause some damage to his body.

Everyone's Nirvana is different, it is triggered by the inside of the body, the stronger the physical foundation, the stronger the Nirvana triggered, it is a test of the body triggered from the inside out.

Wu Yun's Nirvana Tribulation was too violent, the Great Desolation Monument added a layer of shield to Wu Yun, preventing his Nirvana fire from burning the world he had finally dyed green and burning to ashes.

Similarly, when Lin Dong and Xiaoyan absorbed the saliva of the earth's heart, the barrenness also let the branches of the world tree give them vitality and help them gather their souls.

However, Ying Huanhuan was not given.

It's not that Ying Huanhuan is worried about the existence of World Tree, but that Ying Huanhuan has undergone some changes at this time.

"This is, the breath of the ice lord?!"

Desolate trembled in his heart, extremely shocked.

Ying Huanhuan was still sitting quietly cross-legged under the tree, but her delicate face showed a look of struggle, and the ponytail that was originally tied was spread out, and at this moment, her black hair transformed into a A slightly eerie icy blue color.

The strange and beautiful ice-blue long hair hangs down on her back, faintly, as if there is a glint of ice.

A piercing chill permeated the air.

That kind of chill is not strong, but it has a kind of coldness that penetrates into the bone marrow. It looks like that even the soul of a person can be completely frozen to pieces.

Desolation expanded Wu Yun's energy shield, covering Ying Huanhuan as well.

Avoid the two of them from affecting Lin Dong and Xiao Yan.

Inside the shield, a dark nirvana flame erupted from within one body, and a powerful chill erupted from the other.

It happened that the two forces collided and counteracted.

However, Ying Huanhuan's icy power was so strong that it actually suppressed Wu Yun's Nirvana fire.

Wu Yun, who was going through the catastrophe, was still very hot, and felt that his body was about to be burned. Suddenly, a coldness came into his body from the outside, which actually helped him suppress the Nirvana Tribulation Flame.

However, that feeling became more and more wrong, and the power of ice-cold power became stronger and stronger, forcibly extinguishing his Nirvana state.

Of course, Wu Yun's Nirvana Tribulation is almost coming to an end at this moment.

However, the power of this icy cold force was beyond Wu Yun's imagination, making his parched body start to freeze.

Wu Yun opened his eyes from shock, and immediately saw an ice-blue figure.

In front of him was Ying Huanhuan's back, and his ice-blue long hair came into his eyes.

Wu Yun got up quickly to see Ying Huanhuan's situation. Pain appeared on her pretty cheeks, and her body slowly floated up, with circles of icy blue halos, Continuously emanating from its body.

The icy blue halo spread, and the shield covering them actually cracked, and finally turned blue, even the barren energy shield was frozen.

What was even more frightening was that Ying Huanhuan's ice-blue long hair grew and became longer at a rapid rate, and when there was no wind, the ice-blue hair immediately flew behind Ying Huanhuan, dancing with the snowflakes, like a snow girl of ice.

Ying Huanhuan at this moment is extremely beautiful, like an elf who came out of the world of ice and snow, like a snow girl on Tianshan Mountain, icy and enchanting.

Her eyes suddenly opened, and the big bright and dark eyes turned into ice blue and bewitching pupils.

In those icy blue eyes, Wu Yun couldn't see any emotional fluctuations, as if he was facing a stranger.

She was facing Wu Yun, but her eyes didn't seem to be looking at Wu Yun, that kind of eyes were like gods looking down on all living beings, neither happy nor sad, neither good nor evil.

This made Wu Yun slightly uneasy. Even though he had been prepared, he still couldn't accept Ying Huanhuan's sudden change from a youthful, lively, elves and lovely girl to this iceberg-like appearance.

At this time, in the center of her white eyebrows, there was suddenly an icy blue luster condensed, and then the light extended, forming an ice blue ancient symbol between her eyebrows.

"Reincarnation Seal?!"

Xiao Diao said with a shocked expression.

Although he had already guessed the identity of the sister-in-law, the sister-in-law at this moment still made him feel uneasy.

Lin Dong and Xiao Yan also managed to gather their primordial spirit, and were shocked by Ying Huanhuan's movement.

The Great Desolation Monument even showed its own monumental spirit, that old man with a vicissitudes of life, looking at Ying Huanhuan with a complicated expression.

"Ice Lord, is this coming back?"

He murmured.

In ancient times, the ice master was also very familiar with it.

"Ice Lord?"

Xiao Diao and Lin Dong looked at the Great Desolation Monument.

"There are eight ancestral talismans in the world, and the first owner who mastered the eight ancestral talismans is the master of the ancestor talismans, and she is the master of the ancestor talismans of ice, the ice master." The Great Desolation Monument said flatly.

The ice master is the disciple of its master, the one who had the most hope of reaching the level of his master.

"Then is she Ying Huanhuan or Ice Lord?" Lin Dong asked.

The Great Desolation Monument shook his head and said, "I haven't awakened yet, so it's hard to say anything. We can only wait for the awakening to see who dominates, but no matter what."

Wu Yun's mood is a bit complicated, he can finally understand Lin Dong's mood in the original book.

The Ice Lord was never Ying Huanhuan. When facing the Ice Lord, Wu Yun's heart was cold.

He still hoped that this woman was Ying Huanhuan, that cheerful girl.

As for the Ice Lord...

"I still need to quickly improve my strength, and I hope that I can cope with the disaster without the Ice Lord awakening." Wu Yun secretly thought that as long as everything is resolved smoothly, then Ying Huanhuan doesn't need to become an Ice Lord. She is always Ying Huanhuan.

After a while, the icy blue halo converged into Ying Huanhuan's body layer by layer, and that extremely long icy blue hair also retracted rapidly, and in the process of retracting, the icy blue faded away. The pitch-blackness was restored again.

When Ying Huanhuan's hair completely turned into normal color, her body also fell from the air. Seeing this, Wu Yun took a step forward, and then hugged her by the waist. His heart fluttered slightly, then he lowered his head, and saw the girl's big black eyes staring at him without blinking.

The two just looked at each other like this, Wu Yun's face remained unchanged, as if the ambiguous gesture had nothing to do with him at this time, but Ying Huanhuan, after looking at each other for a while, finally lost the battle, and on her fair and pretty cheeks, bursting An angry Hongxia.

She seemed unaware that she had just become an ice master.

It seems that the power of the earth's heart conceived and divine saliva temporarily turned her into the appearance of an ice lord.

"I'm not cultivating, why am I in your arms?"

Ying Huanhuan stared at Wu Yun suspiciously with a dazed expression on her face.

"How could you?"

"Don't let me down!"

She said angrily, being looked at by so many people, she was ashamed to death.

"Hey, my primordial spirit has successfully condensed."

Ying Huanhuan was pleasantly surprised, this practice was so weird, she didn't know what happened, it was as if she fell asleep and then woke up in Wu Yun's arms, condensing her primordial spirit.

"Have you also successfully condensed?"

Wu Yun and the others nodded.

Ying Huanhuan: "This place's heart is full of magic."

Wu Yun put Ying Huanhuan down and didn't answer her words, but looked at Xiao Diao and Xiao Yan. "It's almost time to come out. It's time for us to return to the sect. Do you want to continue to practice outside, or stay in the ancient monument space?

" The nirvana realm has a great effect, we have almost broken through the Nine Yuan Nirvana realm, but it is not very effective."

Xiao Diao: "Xiaoyan and I should practice outside, you should participate in the sect competition, the sect competition in the Dongxuan domain They are all held in the Different Demon Realm, when the time comes, we will meet in the Different Demon."

"Okay, then these Xianyuan Lingguo Xiaoyan will bring them to practice." With

one move, Wu Yun collected thousands of fruits on the tree into the universe In the bag, give it to Xiaoyan.

"Hey, this is the fruit tree of our Taoist sect. You pick all of them and send them to your brothers. You should keep some." Ying Huanhuan pursed her lips, feeling that Wu Yun was too extravagant. This is a fairy spirit fruit.

"Don't worry, when we return to the sect, we will be able to bear new fruits. Senior Desolation will bear fruit with the Great Desolation Sutra, and it will be very soon." Wu Yun said casually.

At this time, the fruit tree bears small fruits at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After saying goodbye, the three of Wu Yun returned to Daozong.

As soon as he entered the Dao Domain, he met the Zongmen Law Enforcement Team.

Just as the three of them got nervous, the other party said,

"Junior Brother Wu Yun, Junior Brother Lin Dong, and Junior Sister Huanhuan, the head teacher asked you to call him."

"Hurry up and return the Tianhuang Qin first, Senior Uncle Qi Lei I'm dying of anxiety." The

three of them were embarrassed for a while, and rushed to Daofeng quickly.

Came to Ying Xuanzi's small bamboo house.

Ying Huanhuan kept her head down, not daring to look at Ying Xuanzi.


Ying Xuanzi pointed at Ying Huanhuan.

He no longer knew what to say about this daughter.


Ying Huanhuan coquettishly said.

"Okay, you go and return the Tianhuang Qin to the Heavenly Palace first."

Ying Xuanzi said helplessly.

"Okay, Daddy." Ying Huanhuan quickly ran away.

After Ying Huanhuan left, Ying Xuanzi sat down, looked at the two meaningfully, and asked,

"Is there any special change in Huanhuan this time?"

Wu Yun and Lin Dong looked at each other and immediately understood Ying Huanhuan What Xuanzi meant was that he was asking about the seal of reincarnation.

"Does the head teacher refer to the seal of reincarnation?" Wu Yun asked after taking a deep breath.

"Sure enough, I think Huanhuan has already condensed the primordial spirit, and I know she must have touched the spirituality of reincarnation again. Tell me about her situation at that time." Ying Xuanzi said excitedly. At that time, they were in the Great Desolation Monument Therefore, Ying Xuanzi couldn't perceive it.

Wu Yun didn't hide anything either, and immediately told everything, including the identity of the ice master that Huang Wu said.

"It turned out to be the Ice Lord!"

Ying Xuanzi was in a daze, he didn't expect that Ying Huanhuan's hidden reincarnation had such a great origin.

"Hey, I hope Huanhuan can suppress the reincarnation spirit of the Ice Lord!" Ying Xuanzi said helplessly. As an old father, he didn't want his daughter to be replaced by others.

"Don't leak the fact that Huanhuan is a reincarnation. If Yuanmen finds out, maybe they will attack Huanhuan secretly. After all, once she awakens, it will be a big deal." Ying Xuanzi reminded.

The reincarnated people are the most powerful people in this world, and each of them is a person who can change the power structure of the mainland. If the Yuanmen knew about it, it would be impossible for Ying Huanhuan to grow up.

"Teacher, don't worry, we brothers will not disclose this kind of thing to anyone." Wu Yun said lightly.

With their current identities, they didn't need any guarantees, they all killed the elders of Yuanmen.

"Although the risk this time is not small, but you all received a lot of goods. If you can gather your soul, it's worth taking the risk once."

Ying Xuanzi nodded to them.

He had been paying attention secretly, and seeing Wu Yun's performance, he was extremely surprised that Wu Yun was able to kill the elders of the Yuan Sect alone.

Except for hugging and hugging his daughter, Ying Xuanzi was very satisfied with everything else.

Especially that Ren Yuanzi's chase was interrupted by him, Ren Yuanzi stomped on the spot angrily, making such an old opponent suffer a secret loss, he was in a good mood.

"Go back and prepare for the sect competition."