Forcibly hugging Ling Qingzhu, Yuan Cang Cracked

The three of Yuan Cang came to the space vortex at the original exit, but the space vortex was very close, but there was a withered yellow barrier separating them.

"What the hell is this?"

The three of them were startled, and ten thousand muddy horses galloped past in their hearts.

It was fine when they came, and they couldn't go back...

At this moment, they didn't care so much, and they poured out their energy and bombarded the withered yellow barrier.

Boom boom boom!

The powerful palm of Yuanli slapped them up, and the fluctuation of Yuanli shocked the three of them back, but the barrier remained motionless.

The sealing power of the Great Desolation Monument, not to mention the three little kings, even the three kings have to work hard.

On the hilltop in the distance, Wu Yun looked at the three people like ants on a hot pot with a teasing smile, constantly hitting the barrier anxiously, and suddenly felt that they deserved it, and this kind of "world traitor" should make them feel desperate.

Ling Qingzhu's eyes fluttered, staring blankly at Wu Yun and the Great Desolation Monument standing next to him, she was also shocked in her heart.

Over the past five years, Wu Yun has grown to this point. She seems completely unable to see through this man who was naked in front of her.

He became stronger, stronger than she imagined.

Thinking of Wu Yun's plan to conquer her after speaking, Ling Qingzhu couldn't help feeling flustered and looking forward to it.

In the past, she was still thinking about how to deal with the relationship with Wu Yun, but now it seems that she doesn't need to deal with it, and she doesn't need to embarrass her. This domineering man should make the decision for her.

Ling Qingzhu once again seriously thought about the relationship with Wu Yun. She wondered whether she would be a little impulsive after refining the things Wu Yun left in her body with Yuanli.

Wu Yun is so extraordinary, and his future generations will be no different.

Thinking about it, Ling Qingzhu couldn't help turning slightly red.

At this time, she subconsciously discovered that she had fantasized about forming a family with this man, but the pressure from the sect in the past, like a dark cloud, covered her heart and prevented her from revealing her relationship with him. Any superfluous thought of Wu Yun.

At the moment, Wu Yun's extraordinary performance made her see that this man can surpass the sect, and there will be no need to be so secretive between them in the future, and she will definitely fall into the arms of this man.

That dark cloud was also pushed away from her heart!

Push through the clouds and mists to see the moonlight.

She thought about it.

Unknowingly, there was more tenderness in the eyes looking at Wu Yun.

At this time, in front of the withered and yellow barrier, the three Yuan Cang and the others, who had tried various methods but could not break through, also followed the source of the barrier's energy and saw Wu Yun and the Great Desolation Monument next to him.

"It's you!"

Yuan Cang was surprised, and looked at Wu Yun angrily.

Ling Zhen and Lei Qian looked at it in disbelief, as if they couldn't believe it.

They thought that this barrier was the means of the red-robed man, but they didn't expect that it was actually made by Wu Yun.

How did he manage to seal this space? !

Is that withered yellow monument more powerful than the red cauldron in their hands?

The Fen Tian Ding is already a top-level pure Yuan treasure, capable of enveloping the Fen Tian Ding, as well as the terrifying red-robed man and the black mist.

What level of Lingbao should it be?

"When you took the cauldron, have you ever thought about the consequences of the black mist breaking out just now?"

Wu Yun looked at them expressionlessly and asked coldly.


Yuan Cang said indifferently,

"Hehe, what consequences can there be? With the three masters of our Yuan Sect around, it won't be too long in the Eastern Profound Realm."

"I don't believe you can stop us."

A mark suddenly appeared on the top of Yuan Cang's head, and his strength suddenly increased. The three of them looked at each other, and they actually drove the Fen Tian Ding into the barrier forcefully.


There was a strong fluctuation in the whole space.

"Junior, your death is not a pity!"

The red-robed man looked at Yuan Cang and the other three with a dry face, and then stretched out his palm and grasped it suddenly.

With the grasp of his palm, the crimson cauldron in the distance suddenly vibrated violently, and a terrifying wave was released. In an instant, amidst the drastic changes in the expressions of the three of Yuan Cang, the three horned spirit treasures were born. The raw ones shattered away.

Fen Mie Ding got out of trouble and returned to the hands of the red-robed man.

Holding the Burning Heaven Cauldron, the aura of the red-robed man increased a lot again, and a terrifying flame of burning the sky swept out, ready to envelop the three of Yuan Cang.

The three of them stood in place, facing the terrifying anger of the red-robed man, staring blankly at each other... This time, they probably died.

"Senior, let me take care of Xiaoxiao, don't waste your strength."

Wu Yun flew out suddenly, dissuading him.

Sealing the strange demon general just now had consumed a lot of old man Fen Tian's strength. The old man had only one breath left, so he couldn't spend it on such little trash as Yuan Cang and the others.

"Well, I'll trouble you then."

Old Fen Tian nodded, agreeing to Wu Yun's move.

He has already recognized the Great Desolation Monument, which can be regarded as one of his old friends. It used to be the weapon of Master Fu Zu. Now that it is the young man chosen by the Great Desolation Monument to help, he is naturally happy to see it.

Wu Yun stepped directly into the sky, looked down at the three of Yuan Cang, and said loudly,

"You three go together, today is destined to be your death day, but I will send you on the road."

"Brother, what should we do?" Lei Qian and Ling Zhen both looked at Yuan Cang.

They never imagined that they would fall into this situation. At this moment, they had no escape route. With the man in red, they had no way to escape. Moreover, Wu Yun still had the terrifying ancient tablet in his hand, so how could they beat them.

"It's all because of Wu Yun, and it's all because of him. Even if you die today, you have to take him with you."

Yuan Cang's eyes flashed a gloomy look. Originally, he had no way to resist the red-robed man's attack, but now Wu Yun insisted. If he intervenes, he will pay the price.

You also have to pull a pad back before you die.

"Wu Yun, you have to be careful. Yuan Cang is not as simple as he appears on the surface. He has hidden strength."

Ling Qingzhu couldn't help reminding loudly that she had seen Yuan Cang make a move before, and knew Yuan Cang's horror well. However, Wu Yun hadn't used the Great Desolation Monument yet, so she was worried that Wu Yun would be careless and be harmed by it.

Ling Qingzhu's sudden concern made Wu Yun feel a little warm, but Yuan Cang's eyes were full of puzzlement, anger, and embarrassment.

Yuan Cang has always admired Ling Qingzhu, and in the entire Dongxuan Region, he has always believed that only he can be worthy of her.

And now Ling Qingzhu actually treated it as his face, telling the other man to be careful about himself.

"Well, what Qingzhu reminded is, but don't worry, I'll be fine, why would I let you be a widow?" Wu Yun cast a ambiguous look at Ling Qingzhu gently.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Cang couldn't help but feel coldness in his eyes, and then his body trembled slightly.

He had heard before that Wu Yun and Ling Qingzhu shook hands in the treasure hunting area of ​​Yimo City, and they were obviously old acquaintances.

Yuan Cang pointed at the two, looked at Ling Qingzhu, and said in a painful voice, "You two?"

"Don't look, idiot, Qingzhu is already my woman!" Wu Yun looked at him sympathetically, and said calmly.

Ling Qingzhu stood on the spot, a little helpless, hesitant to speak, and finally said nothing.

"I don't believe it!" Yuan Cang roared.

Immediately, the majestic and vast primordial force suddenly roared out from his body, and then his two fingers curled together, pointing out in the air.

He finally couldn't stand it anymore, the white lotus in his heart had already been picked by someone else, and this person was still his enemy.

"Yuandi Dian, Yuandi Sword Finger." The

low voice, accompanied by Yuan Cang's two fingers, suddenly resounded in the mid-air, and a bright light condensed from Yuan Cang's fingertips, quickly It turned into an extremely huge lightsaber, and finally its eyes were icy cold. Under the double command, the lightsaber contained a terrifying destructive power, and it slashed down on Wu Yun fiercely.

"I just want you to try my ordinary saber skills!"

Wu Yun held the Lei Ling Tian Dao in his hand, and immediately used the Heaven-Defying Seven Demons Dao he had just obtained.

This martial art is a secret technique developed after performing the sword technique to the extreme, and it is also a taboo sword technique and self-sacrifice.

However, Wu Yun didn't need the part of performing the taboo secret technique, only the prelude was enough.

To put it simply, it is an ordinary move of the Heaven-Defying Seven Demon Swords.

Wonderful black runes appeared all over Wu Yun's body, and all the power in his body boiled, rushing towards the Thunder Saber in his hand, and an invisible force connected him and Thunder Saber together, making the two merge into one.

A gloomy light suddenly burst out from Wu Yun's body, and the light of the knife soared into the sky.

His aura was rising steadily, with an invincible and unruly aura, as if even the sky couldn't suppress it.

Seeing that Wu Yun had already entered a state of semi-madness, he swung a saber casually, and the sharp light of the saber crushed Yuan Cang's finger sword.

Yuan Cang's complexion changed drastically, he stepped up into the air suddenly, and struck out several sword fingers one after another, only then did he disperse the sharp blade light.

"I don't believe it, I can definitely kill you."

Yuan Cang roared, his face full of madness.


Suddenly, a more majestic force erupted from his body, and on his forehead, a mysterious rune was shining with dazzling light.

As soon as this rune appeared, Wu Yun immediately recognized it as a spirit seal!

This is Yuan Cang's trump card.

The spiritual seal contains extremely large and pure energy, and these energies will gradually and completely integrate into the body as the owner's strength improves, and the cultivation speed of a person with a spiritual seal is faster than that of a person who possesses a spiritual seal. Ordinary people will also be much stronger. In addition, at some critical junctures, they can also activate the power of the spirit seal, temporarily enhancing their own strength, resisting powerful enemies, and overcoming dangers.

After arousing the power of the spirit seal, Yuan Cang's eyes were stern, and he took a step forward. The spirit seal shone with rapid light between his brows, and then there was an extremely majestic wave, which suddenly swept out of his body. This kind of fluctuation has almost reached the peak of Xiaocheng in the Shengxuan Realm!

The monstrous Yuan Force roared out of Yuan Cang's body like a tide, and finally turned into a giant shadow of Yuan Power behind him. An extremely powerful coercion emanated from the shadow of Yuan Power. come out.

"Yuandi Dian, the body of Yuandi!"

Yuan Cang swung down the iron sword in his hand, and the huge shadow of Yuanli behind him also raised his giant hand, and a terrifying wave that almost pierced through the sky shot out violently. In the end, mixed with extremely terrifying destructive power, it directly slashed fiercely at Wu Yun in the sky.

"A spirit seal is your self-confidence, so it will crush your self-confidence."

Wu Yun stepped on the Xing Zi Mi with extremely fast speed, and in an instant he was in front of Yuan Cang, and he swung his saber in a calm manner.

He and the knife slashed at close range.

The method of accumulating momentum of the Heaven-Defying Seven Demon Sabers has already mobilized all his power and concentrated it on the Thunder Saber, so the seemingly ordinary attack is indestructible.


There was a sound of gold and iron colliding, the blazing light of Yuanli swept across the space, the surrounding volcanoes were ravaged and deformed, and the iron sword in Yuan Cang's hand was directly broken into two pieces.

The dark purple sword glow submerged into his body.

Yuan Cang flew straight out, vomiting a mouthful of blood.


Lingzhen and Lei Qian were horrified, the body of Emperor Yuan under the blessing of Lingyin was actually cracked by Wu Yun with one move.

The two quickly flew out to catch Yuan Cang.

"Feel it, my enhanced basic attack." Wu Yun chuckled, and swung the thunder knife in his hand again and again.

In this state similar to "demonization", his normal attack is stronger than Yuan Cang's Yuan Di Dian.

This is the first time he has used it, so there is no proficiency at all. Moreover, this is just the prelude to gaining momentum for the Heaven-defying Seven Demon Swords, which is already more powerful than the Yuan Emperor Dian blessed by the spiritual seal of the opponent's Shengxuan Realm.

Wu Yun couldn't imagine how horrifying it would be to cut out the taboo of the core secret technique with seven knives.

Several dark purple saber lights shrouded Yuan Cang and the others, and the saber lights magnified continuously in their eyes.

The figures of Yuan Cang and the three rushed out almost at the same time, roaring with majestic vitality, and all three of them displayed the most powerful martial arts.

"Yuan Di Dian, heaven and earth return to Yuan!"

"Spirit Emperor Dian,

Lingmai Tribulation Finger!"

"Thunder Emperor Dian, Thunder Devil Prison!"

The three of them tried to resist with their unique skills.

However, the light of the sword under this magic knife, the tyranny of the attack. It is no longer within their reach.

As the sword flashed across, the martial arts exhibited by the three collapsed one after another, and even their bodies were divided into several pieces.

Blood was dripping, and corpses were flying everywhere.

Wu Yun stretched out his hand, and detained the primordial spirits of the three of them.

As expected of the top disciple of the Yuan Sect, he condensed the Yuanshen early, which is a great supplement to Wu Yun.

Imprisoning the primordial spirits of the three, Wu Yun took away their universe bags and spirit treasures, and then shot out a Falling Heart Flame, burning their bodies completely.

Then he returned to Ling Qingzhu's side.

At this moment, Ling Qingzhu's eyes were glowing, a little unbelievable.

The three big mountains pressing down on the young powerhouses of the Eastern Profound Realm, the three little kings of the Yuan Sect, were killed by Wu Yun just like that, which made her feel so dreamy.

This little man, five years ago, was just a little man of a low-level dynasty.

Why is it so strong now!

"Why are you in a daze, you don't want to ask me to let these three guys go?"

Wu Yun looked at Ling Qingzhu and said.

At this time, the third little Wang Yuanshen, who was held by Wu Yun, looked at Ling Qingzhu with great hope.

"Wu Yun, you can't kill us, or our three head teachers won't let you go."

"Kill us, Yuanmen and Daozong will never die."

"Qing Zhu, Qing Zhu..."

The three of them God's desperate cry.

"They are the closed disciples of the three major masters of the Yuanmen sect. If they are killed, the three master masters of the Yuanmen sect may go crazy. You..."

Ling Qingzhu hesitated to speak, she couldn't imagine what happened after the death of the third little king , What will be the reaction of the Yuanmen, and will they directly fight Daozong?

"So, do you want to save them, or do you care about me?" Wu Yun looked at Ling Qingzhu with burning eyes.

"At this time, don't be unscrupulous. They only have the primordial spirit left, which is basically useless. There is no need for them to pick you up."

Ling Qingzhu blamed.

She was really worried about Wu Yun.

"It's better to be a wife. I know that I love my man."

Wu Yun showed a smile on his face, and then wrapped his other hand around Ling Qingzhu, and kissed her directly.

Only Yuanshen Yuancang was left, pinched by Wu Yun's other hand. Seeing this scene, his eyes were tearing apart, and Yuanshen was directly hit by 10,000 critical points.


he cried out in pain.

However, Wu Yun hugged Ling Qingzhu forcefully.

After a while, Ling Qingzhu broke free.

But Yuan Cang's Yuanshen had already split open.

Wu Yun squeezed his hand, and the consciousness of the three of them was completely silenced.

A generation of the three little kings of the Yuan Sect came to an end.