Suppressing Yuanzi, Heaven and Earth Duality

This ecstasy sound came from the sky.

After hearing this, everyone showed strange expressions.

Is this Nima fighting against the strong man in the world of runners?

Even being struck by lightning can still call like that!

Is Ray not serious, or you are not serious.

Ling Qingzhu, who was in the Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace team, blushed when she heard this, this voice was somewhat familiar, it was not the first time she had heard it.

It's just that at this moment, in this situation, the voice is somewhat inappropriate.

The guilty Aya Qingzhu even glanced around.

I'm afraid that others will find her abnormality.

However, people's attention is now on the sky.

That terrifying Lei Hai, not to mention the disciples of these super sects, even the elders of the Profound Realm who led the team, looked terrified.

If they fell into that sea of ​​thunder, they would definitely be wiped out, even those in the Profound Death Realm would not be spared.

How did Wu Yun manage to be so calm and calm.

"Teacher Ren Yuanzi, can your thunder be more violent?"

At this time, Wu Yun's voice came from the sky again, these words seemed to be mocking Ren Yuanzi.

However, Wu Yun did it from the heart.

The power of thunder was continuously absorbed by him with the chaotic talisman, combined with the cultivation method of the original thunder rune, on the chaotic talisman, the thunder rune was slowly taking shape.

In a blink of an eye, half of the entire rune has been completed.

The thunder summoned by the strong man in the wheel-running realm is too powerful. It already contains the real profound meaning of thunder and has the rules of thunder. This kind of thunder power can draw real thunder and lightning runes from it.

For Wu Yun, it was a rare good opportunity to absorb natural runes.

As for the bombardment of the lightning force on his body, although there was some pain, it was insignificant compared to the power it brought.

Under the support of the divine elephant's power to suppress the prison, the calligraphy of the calligraphy, and the secret of the characters, these three thunderous powers were absorbed by Wu Yun crazily, and continuously strengthened his physical body.

The two major exercises absorb power, and Zhe Zimi quickly repairs his body, which allows Wu Yun to become stronger without injury.

Hearing Wu Yun's "taunt", Ren Yuanzi increased the output of Thunder without giving up, and purple Thunder appeared in the silver-white sea of ​​thunder.

In his opinion, this was Wu Yun's last madness.

It is impossible for a junior at the Vitality Profound Realm to last long under this level of attack.

Even the strongest of the same level would not dare to do this.

Under his gaze, the purple thunder struck Wu Yun's body, which really split Wu Yun's body apart.

However, it didn't take long for Wu Yun's body to recover quickly, and his skin was a bright purple-gold color.

Ren Yuanzi was not calm anymore.

It seemed like it couldn't really hurt him.

"Damn it!"

He murmured secretly, and was about to stop casting the Thunder Emperor Code.

"Hey, don't!"

Wu Yun shouted in the air, he could already feel the thunder receding.

"Hmph, do you want to take it back? I'll help you take it back!"

Wu Yun changed his face instantly, and the Thunder Spirit Sword in his hand burst out with a strong suction force, and then the surrounding thunder and lightning force was absorbed by the Thunder Spirit Sword. traction.

The majestic power of thunder came together with the sky knife in Wu Yun's hand, forming a wave of thunder.


With the power of hundreds of millions of thunderbolts, Wu Yun slashed down brazenly.

The thunderclouds that originally permeated the sky over the entire city now gathered together into a gigantic blade light.

The resplendent thunder blade slashed at Ren Yuanzi.

Everyone looked at this scene in disbelief. The power of the current sword is not weaker than the world-killing thunder gun condensed by Ren Yuanzi just now.

Such a powerful attack came from the hands of a strong man in the Profound Realm, which is really unbelievable.

However, people can now understand that Wu Yun took advantage of the opponent's martial arts power to transfer the opponent's strength to the opponent.

He really has the means to control Thunder.

"This son, you must not stay!"

Ren Yuanzi's eyes flashed fiercely, and he already had the idea of ​​cutting grass and roots.

Wu Yun's methods are too monstrous. If he can compete with him at this stage, and let him grow up, the threat can be imagined.

Facing Wu Yun's Thundering Saber Light, Ren Yuanzi did not panic. He had practiced the Thunder Emperor Code, and he was very resistant to Thundering attacks.


He shouted in a low voice, stretched out his finger and pointed at the blade light.

"Scatter your old mother!"

"I'll blow it up!"

Wu Yun yelled, and before the other party's finger could touch it, the huge sword light exploded, and violent power swept through the air.

On the blade, Lei Mang shot at Ren Yuanzi with a clatter.

Like the wind and thunder of a knife, Yuanzi's face was swept up with whirring.

Let his hair and robes be disheveled.

"You succeeded in angering me."

In the depths of Ren Yuanzi's eyes, a cold light suddenly appeared, and immediately he grasped his palm, and the majestic energy that fused the power of life and death suddenly roared out, and it was actually above the sky. , turned into a huge black and white seal with a size of a thousand feet, and waves of indescribably terrifying fluctuations radiated from it crazily.

"The seal of life and death!"

He waved his sleeve robe, and the huge black and white seal roared out fiercely, and then ruthlessly suppressed Wu Yun. Where the black and white seal landed, it seemed that even the space was showing signs of collapse.


Wu Yun yelled loudly. Above the Yuanshen, the ancient formation diagram of Qiankun that he had integrated into the Yuanshen appeared from his body. With Wu Yun's hands, the formation diagram reversed, and the original fusion power The array map, the effect immediately changed, became a decomposition force.

When the seal of life and death fell, a huge force seemed to imprison the space around Wu Yun. However, when his Ancient Universe Formation came into contact with this force, the seal of life and death was immediately broken down and turned into thousands of tiny strength.

It's like the original 10,000-point attack was broken down by Wu Yun into an attack of 10,000 one-point attacks.

After disintegrating in this way, the damage that fell on Wu Yun's body was not that great, but with the power of life and death, there were already some samsara attacks, and the damage caused to the body was difficult to erase for a while.

However, this is not difficult for Wu Yun, the Zhezi secret technique can be activated, and he can quickly resolve it, and even transform those powers into his own power.

Everyone was amazed at Wu Yun's endless tricks. He was obviously the one with the most disparity in strength, but he seemed to have the upper hand in the fight.

Of course, this is just a performance. In fact, he has not caused the slightest harm to Yuanzi's body.

At most, it was a critical blow to the mind!

Indeed, at this moment, Ren Yuanzi's mentality has collapsed a bit.

He is a powerful person at the Turning Wheel Realm, but he can't handle this junior at the Life Profound Realm?

"How many times can you block this kind of attack?"

Ren Yuanzi looked at this scene unconvinced, and immediately flicked his fingers. A beam of light condensed by the power of life and death directly tore through the space and shot towards Wu Yun violently. .

"I can block as many times as you can, I can afford it!"

Wu Yun said with a smile.

Launch the Ancient Universe Formation again to break down its attack.

This is the first time he has fought against a strong man in the wheel-running realm, and it is also the first time that he has prepared all means.

Over the years, Wu Yun didn't know how powerful the powerful methods he had accumulated over the years were. He used two methods in the Great Desolation Monument before, and even the strange demon generals were shocked by them.

Now that Wu Yun has stepped into the Profound Profound Realm, his strength has undergone a qualitative change. In the Profound Profound Realm, his primordial power is constantly growing, and many of his heaven-defying techniques and martial arts almost only begin to take effect in this realm. .

His realm was too weak before, but when he used it, the sequelae were too great.

Now there is endless vitality to help hold his last breath, the chaotic talisman can guarantee the immortality of the primordial spirit, and the domineering body and Dacheng Xiongyue body can guarantee the indestructibility of the physical body.

Zhezi secrets help to recover quickly, Xingzi secrets are used to avoid pursuit, Jiezi secrets are used to explode, and the ancient array of Qiankun strengthens oneself and weakens the enemy.

Swallowing the ancestral talisman, the Great Desolation Sutra can absorb external power for him to explode, and the energy of the World Tree can help him recover at any time...

There are too many methods. At this stage, Wu Yun has almost no shortcomings.

As long as you can't kill him in seconds, you can have unlimited battery life... If you can't kill me, it will only make me stronger.

"That's it!"

Wu Yun looked at Ren Yuanzi provocatively, and said, "Old dog, continue."

Ren Yuanzi was enraged, and Wu Yun's strange method made him a little bit at a loss.

"Aren't you gone? Then I'm here."

Wu Yun grinned, and immediately the Fen Tian Ding appeared in his hand, covering Ren Yuanzi away.

Looking at the crimson cauldron that enveloped him, Ren Yuanzi showed contemptuous eyes. Although he didn't understand how Wu Yun could defuse his attack, Wu Yun's attack, in his opinion, was just a child's play, and it couldn't threaten him at all. .

"I admit that you have some means, but with your attack, you can't..."

Ren Yuanzi hadn't finished speaking when he suddenly felt a strange force anchor him.


In an instant, the Fen Tianding came down and enveloped him directly.

Everyone was stunned. In their field of vision, the man Yuanzi seemed to be stupid, standing where he was waiting for Wu Yun to control him.

However, they didn't know that the moment Wu Yun sacrificed the Burning Heaven Cauldron just now, he activated the stasis rune.

After the still card that was rewarded by Ying Xuanzi was fused into the chaotic rune, Wu Yun used the still rune to practice.

This rune has already involved the power of time.

If only relying on the previous static card, it would definitely not be able to hold a strong man like Ren Yuanzi, but after Wu Yun's rune enhancement, the power is much stronger, and it can withstand him for a moment.

Ren Yuanzi, who fell into the burning heaven cauldron, immediately recovered. At this moment, his body was surrounded by flames.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

He slapped Fen Tianding vigorously, wanting to get out.

However, the Fen Tianding can even trap strange demon generals, so how could he break free so easily.

The sky-burning flames kept burning Ren Yuanzi, wanting to refine his body.

Wu Yun slapped the cauldron body with one palm, and the Falling Heart Flame was poured into it. At the same time, the miniature Great Desolation Monument hanging on his chest was also connected to the cauldron body, and a crimson flame followed.

Fallen Heart Flame, coupled with Dark Cloud's Sun Zhenyan.

These two flames, one burns the soul and the other burns the body.

Under the blessing of the double flames, the power of the Burning Heaven Formation instantly became several times stronger.

Wu Yun's Falling Heart Flame can disturb Ren Yuanzi's mood, making him irritable and unable to calm down, while the True Sun Flame can be refined even in the wheel-running state.

Ren Yuanzi resisted fiercely in the cauldron, and the Fentian cauldron crashed uncontrollably, running around in the air like crazy.

"It hurts, it hurts..."

The spirit of the Burning Cauldron called out in pain.

It has been silent for so long, and it has long since lost its peak. The current Ren Yuanzi is a strong runner in excellent condition, and there is a big gap between him and the half-dead Strange Demon General. Without the help of Old Ghost Fentian, alone Rely on it, can't suppress it.

"I'm about to burst!"

The spirit of the Burning Cauldron howled again in pain.

Ren Yuanzi was burned, and in a critical situation, he must have attacked the cauldron body with all his strength. After a while, cracks appeared on the cauldron body.

"Don't panic, I'll sew it up for you!"

Wu Yun comforted, then communicated with the Great Desolation Monument, and placed the Great Desolation Monument on the tripod body, a withered and yellow power wrapped around the tripod body, helping to suppress it.

At the same time, a dark green branch stretched out and wrapped around the Fen Tian Ding, causing the crack on it to slowly heal.

With the help of the Great Desolation Monument, Dingshen was able to suppress it.

"Brother, this is too awesome."

Xiao Diao swallowed, this is crazy, Ren Yuanzi was suppressed by the elder brother like this.

"I'm so worried!" Qing Tan patted her small chest, thinking she couldn't do it.

Lin Dong took a deep breath, "Brother's burst of strength is too powerful. I thought the gap with him was not that big, but I was overthinking it."

The ice blue in Ying Huanhuan's eyes gradually faded away. , showing a shallow smile, and thought proudly in his heart, "As expected of the man I like."

On the side of Jiutian Taiqing Palace, Ling Qingzhu pursed her lips slightly, and murmured in a low voice, "It turns out that he really has the strength to kill me in Jiutian Taiqing Palace. Master really can't stop him. Fortunately, he can help me. I'll fix it, otherwise, if he fights with Master, I don't know what to do, this guy probably won't be able to escape from his palm in the future."

The people who were close to Wu Yun breathed a sigh of relief, and Those melon eaters who had little relationship were deeply shocked.

Obviously when he was in the Demon Realm, Wu Yun was still just like them as a disciple, and everyone could still fight together. Although he wiped out the Yuanmen, it was still understandable.

Peers, they are the best.

But as soon as he came out, he first wiped out all the strong people in the Yuanmen Sect's Profound Realm, and now they are one-on-one, suppressing Yuanzi.

What the hell, even if Ying Xuanzi, the head teacher of the Taoist sect, might not be able to do it well.

"Let Ren Yuanzi go!"

A heavenly voice suddenly sounded.

It was like the coming of the gods, and it spread in the strange magic city.

Everyone raised their heads in unison, the space in the sky was distorted again, and two figures slowly emerged.

There are two figures, one is dressed in a black robe, the long black hair hangs down behind him, the palms protruding from the sleeves look a little pale, but his face is as gentle as jade, his eyes are like stars, as if he has the power to penetrate life and death .

The other person is dressed in a white robe and has fair skin. He looks quite ordinary, but his eyes are black and white, like the intersection of yin and yang, full of mystery.

As soon as these two figures appeared, everyone could clearly feel the space around them, and they all twisted violently. Obviously, they were not ordinary people.

"Tian Yuanzi, Di Yuanzi!"