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The test on the seventh floor of the Martial Dao Tower is to fight Wu Yun who is in the same realm as Yi.

Prior to this, Wu Yun had already demonstrated his martial arts in the World Tree, and Huang Yun could use the World Tree's origin to simulate Wu Yun's energy body as a test.

As long as he can survive ten rounds in Wu Yun's hands at the same level, he will pass the test of the seventh floor.

Of course, what Huang Yun simulated was only the energy body, and it was impossible to simulate all of Wu Yun's strength. Like Wu Yun's blood of the sky, the Chaos Talisman Embryo cannot be simulated.

The energy body only has some of Wu Yun's common martial arts, such as the Great Desolation Emperor's Code, the Desolation Demon Eye, and the Great Desolation Scripture.

It's only about one percent of Wu Yun's actual strength.

If you really want to fight Wu Yun's body, with Wu Yun's strength and the means you have mastered, let alone the same level, even if you have crossed seven or eight small realms, it will be extremely difficult to catch Wu Yun's ten moves.

Because what Wu Yun obtained has gone beyond the scope of martial arts in the Profound Sky Continent.

It belongs to dimensionality reduction strike!

This Xiao Lin got Wu Yun a little interested, so he wanted to do it himself to test him.

Xiao Lin looked about eighteen years old, seven or eight years younger than Wu Yun, so he could probably be considered a junior.

His talent gave Wu Yun the idea of ​​wanting to accept disciples and spend some time teaching them.

"Fight with you?"

Xiao Lin hesitated. In his heart, Wu Yun was the kind of peak he pursued.

They, the Holy Master, used the strength of the Shengxuan Realm to fight against the three masters of the Yuanmen Sect, took away one by means of space, and then smashed the bodies of the other two. This record is enough to disdain the entire Dongxuan Realm.

You know, at that time Wu Yun was only born in the Profound Realm.

You can turn the wheel.

"Come on, stop rambling, and show your courage." Wu Yun shot directly and punched Xiao Lin.

"Thunder Palm!"

Xiao Lin didn't hesitate any longer, and went to meet him. His fists turned directly into purple and transparent Thunder Palms, completely transformed from the power of thunder into palm power.

The Holy Master is only spiritual power, and my thunder and fire elemental power has a strong restraint effect on the spiritual body, maybe there is a chance to win... Xiao Lin thought to himself, the violent thunder palm had already collided with Wu Yun's fist .


Xiao Lin's body flew upside down in an instant.

"How is it possible that the thunderbolt has no effect on him?!"

His eyes were shocked, the thunderclaw he struck didn't hurt Wu Yun at all, and those violent thunderbolts were swallowed up by Wu Yun's mental power instead.

"What kind of mental power is this? It's even more perverted than a pure physical body."

Xiao Lin swallowed. A normal person's body might not be able to withstand his thunder, but the Holy Lord actually used his spiritual body to kill his thunder. Devour them all, who restrains whom?

"Not bad, the power of thunder is pure!" Wu Yun nodded in praise.

Xiao Lin's thunder energy really caught his eyes. After swallowing his thunder palm just now, the thunder rune on the chaotic talisman had an extra streak.

What does this represent?

The thunder that represents Xiao Lin contains a new thunder mystery.

"The inborn thunder body is different, maybe there are some innate thunder runes hidden in his body."

Wu Yun said carefully, "Continue!"

He shot continuously, controlling the power and starting a fierce battle with Xiao Lin.

Now Wu Yun's spiritual power has been integrated with the chaotic talisman body, so we can't look at his spiritual body with the usual spiritual body.

Even if his mental body was injured outside the body, he would recover quickly when he returned to the chaotic womb.

Moreover, because the chaotic talisman can imprint runes, and the power of the runes is also connected to his spiritual body, Wu Yun is not afraid of attacks of any attribute at all. As long as the attacks do not exceed the range they can bear, they will not be able to harm him. .

After fighting Xiao Lin for a while, Wu Yun successfully obtained several new thunder and fire runes in his attack.

It is one step closer to perfecting Thunder Rune and Fire Rune from Chaos Rune Embryo.

"Thunder and flame can still be used in this way."

Wu Yun said with a smile, and then his attack began to increase the power of thunder and flame.

"What, the spirit body can also manipulate thunder and flames?" Xiao Lin was shocked, obviously this touched his blind spot of knowledge.

Shouldn't the essence of spiritual power be spiritual power? What spiritual power does is a kind of power of thought, manipulating spiritual weapons to form special spiritual attacks.

The essence is the power derived from the human soul.

Playing thunder, playing fire, what the hell?

However, before he could think about it, Wu Yun's attacks followed one after another, continuously hitting thunder and fire marks one after another.

Xiao Lin didn't have time to resist, he could only let those thunder marks and fire marks rush into his body.

The berserk power ran wildly in his body, Xiao Lin completely lost the power to resist, and was surrounded by thunder and flames.

"Okay, sit down, feel and absorb these powers."

Wu Yun stopped, clapped his hands and said.

His attack just now fed back the power of the rune he had analyzed and integrated it into Xiao Lin's body.

Xiao Lin sat down cross-legged obediently, sorted out the power in his body, dissolved it, and felt it carefully.

As one after another of power was dissolved by him, Xiao Lin's brows gradually relaxed.

"Oh, the other side also entered the seventh floor." Huang Yun said in surprise.

Immediately, the three of them moved directly to the Talisman Tower.

Ye Chu, dressed in white, stood on the seventh floor with a pale face, surrounded by powerful spiritual forces suppressing him.

Ye Chu straightened up with difficulty. At this moment, a crack appeared between his eyebrows, and a faint golden light overflowed, helping him dispel the coercion of the surrounding spiritual power.

"The power of primordial spirit?!"

Wu Yun, Huang Yun, and Huang Wu were all slightly surprised, looking at this handsome young man in white, Ye Chu, in disbelief.

That faint golden light is the power of the primordial spirit.

They all know the power of primordial spirit, but it's strange to appear on this Ye Chu.

Because it's so unconventional!

Primordial spirit, normally speaking, is a strong person who needs to be born in the profound realm, and it takes a period of time before it can be condensed.

Even a genius can only condense in advance when he is in the Nine Yuan Nirvana state at most.

Wu Yun and Lin Dong were both in the Nine-Yuan Nirvana Realm back then, and with the help of heaven and earth treasures such as the Earth's Heart Pregnant God's Saliva and the original power of the World Tree, they succeeded in condensing.

But this Ye Chu, whose strength is at the peak of the Creation Realm, is a senior spirit talisman master.

There are still one hundred and eight thousand miles away from the Nine Elements Nirvana Realm.

Why does he have a primordial spirit!

Wu Yun was very curious, so he penetrated into Ye Chu's body with his mental power and began to investigate.


An invisible force frantically rejected Wu Yun's investigation.

"There's something!"

Wu Yun didn't force his way in.

Ye Chu already possessed the primordial spirit, and he did not agree with Wu Yun entering his body, forcibly entering his body would damage his primordial spirit.

At this time, Ye Chu also looked at the three spirit bodies that appeared suddenly in surprise. He was a little more cautious about Wu Yun's investigation, and took a few steps back.

"Holy Master?!"

There was a gleam of light in his eyes, and there was a little excitement in his doubts.

"Your Niwan Palace is a bit different, I want to check your body, what do you think?"

Wu Yun said directly.

He wanted to see how Ye Chu's primordial spirit was formed, out of curiosity.

"This..." Ye Chu hesitated, this was his biggest secret, and no one had ever told it to him.

It was all external pressure just now, which made his body subconsciously release the power of the primordial spirit to protect himself.

Huang Yun: "Boy, what are you still hesitating about? The Holy Master wants you to be so troublesome, and if the Holy Master wants to force it, you can't stop it with your power of primordial spirit." "I'm just curious , was your primordial spirit born?" Wu Yun said lightly.

This Ye Chu also made him love talents. If the other party is really talented, Wu Yun also wants to take him under his family and train him well.

"Holy Master, please!"

Ye Chu thought for a while, without any further hesitation, and let go of Niwan Palace to Wu Yun.

He knew very well that this world belonged to the Holy Master, and they belonged to the Holy Master. If the Holy Master wanted to covet him, he didn't need his consent at all.

Wu Yun's mental power penetrated, and he seemed to have opened the Niwan Palace by nature, and there was no trace of artificial opening, because his Niwan Palace was connected to the center of his eyebrows and connected to the outside world, not the usual closed palace gate.

The spiritual power continued to deepen and entered Ye Chu's Niwan Palace.


Ye Chu's expression showed a trace of discomfort, this feeling of being intruded into his restricted area by a foreign object was subconsciously repelled by his body.

The Niwan Palace is where a person's greatest secret lies, and it is also where the gate of life resides.

"Chaos Rune Embryo?!"

As soon as he entered Ye Chu's Niwan Palace, Wu Yun was taken aback because there was actually a primordial embryo similar to his chaotic talisman embryo in Ye Chu's Niwan Palace.

Before, Wu Yun had guessed that if Ye Chu was born with a soul, his Niwan Palace would definitely not be empty, there must be something.

And when he signed in to obtain the Chaos Talisman, he realized that the Chaos Talisman was similar to the Celestial Baxue, a special and powerful cultivation talent.

This proves that someone is born with this gift.

Seeing Ye Chu now made Wu Yun believe it.

It's just that he didn't expect that this kind of talent would appear in the Profound Sky Continent.

"It seems to be a little different."

Ye Chu's embryo is golden, almost entirely composed of the power of the primordial spirit, which is very different from Wu Yun's chaotic talisman embryo.

After checking for a while, Wu Yun exited Ye Chu's Niwan Palace.

"Niwan Palace was born with a golden embryo, Senior Desolate, have you ever seen such a situation?"

Wu Yun looked at the old man Desolate and asked.

"No, but Master Fu Zu said it before!"

Lu Lu shook his head, also finding it incredible.

"Some people's constitutions are inherently different from ordinary people. Similarly, the Niwan Palace represents the foundation of people's spiritual power cultivation, and there will also be some special existences.

" People with extraordinary talents, but such people are even rarer than special physiques."

"It's quite rare, and I've only seen two people so far." Wu Yun nodded his head and said approvingly.


Ye Chu and Huang Wu looked at Wu Yun.

"Who's the other person?"

"It's me!"

Wu Yun said with a smile, he thought that he was the only one who could afford such a thing as a primordial fetus, but unexpectedly he would meet one.

The power of the chaotic talisman, needless to say, along the way, since he got the chaotic talisman, Wu Yun's talisman skills were almost all completed by the chaotic talisman.

And with the Chaos Talisman Embryo, there is no need to worry about being taken away.

How many people wanted to take Wu Yun away, but in the end they all became the nourishment of the chaotic talisman.

With a flash of light in Wu Yun's mental body, there was a primordial fetus looming in his mind.

The three people here are all of their own, and Wu Yun doesn't mind letting them know.

It was purposely shown, mainly to show Ye Chu, to let him know why the Holy Lord wanted to check his Niwan Palace, because they were considered the same kind of people.

"Since you can break through to the seventh floor, then continue to test. Come, use all your strength to fight me." Wu Yun looked at Ye Chu and smiled.

He wanted to see what was so great about Ye Chu's original fetus.

"Holy Master, then I will not be polite." Ye Chu learned that the Holy Master had a special birth like him, and he also recognized Wu Yun in his heart.

This is the fate!

The Holy Lord personally tested himself. This is his chance to show himself in front of the Holy Lord.

Whether you can get the appreciation of the Holy Master depends on your next performance.

His use of Yuantai is still very rough. If he can be accepted by the Holy Master, then he can ask the Holy Master about the cultivation method of Yuantai.

Wu Yun first punched Ye Chu tentatively.

"Eight Desolate Emperor's Hand!"

Ye Chu was extremely serious, and opened his hand directly, and a blood-red hand with a golden light sandwiched it grabbed Wu Yun.

Different from the usual procedure of using the Hand of the Eight Desolate Emperors, Ye Chu didn't sacrifice essence and blood, and didn't make seals, but he directly condensed the big bloody hand.

Wu Yun also knows this martial art, but it needs blood to show its power.

But Ye Chu directly omitted this step, and he used his martial arts very quickly, so he didn't need to accumulate strength to prepare.

For people of their level, such as good luck martial arts, they are all big moves. If you want to use them, it takes a long time to lay the groundwork. Even if you have a high level of proficiency, it is impossible to achieve instant casting.

"When he uses martial arts, it's like an instant skill, without forward swing." Wu Yun understood it this way, "It's similar to the effect of using the chaotic talisman to cast the rune." Wu Yun smashed the blood-colored big handprint

, Continue to attack Ye Chu.

"Purple Shadow Nine Breaks!"

"Chaotic Star Finger!"

"Dragon Singing and Tiger Roaring Fist!"


Ye Chu quickly unleashed a series of attacks. Not too much, because the frequency of his martial arts is very fast. If a normal good luck realm expert uses these martial arts continuously, he will be exhausted long ago.

"His Yuanshen Yuantai can imprint martial arts, and it only takes one thought to perform martial arts."

Wu Yun finally figured out the magic of this guy's Yuantai.

"Good guy, it's no worse than my Chaos Talisman." Wu Yun was envious.

"Being able to imprint the way of martial arts should be called Yuanshen Dao Embryo."

However, Ye Chu obviously hasn't fully understood the function of this Yuan Shen Dao Embryo. Not enough, far less powerful than his runes.

But this capability opens up a new field entirely.

"I wonder if it can be copied?" Wu Yun thought to himself, wanting to try!