Reward, Primordial Spirit Seed

As Wu Yun withdrew his strength into his body, everything outside returned to normal, the gravity covering the entire mountain disappeared, and one by one the strong came back to the tower.

"That power?!"

Gu Shuo stood outside the tower, shocked and full of doubts.

That strong gravitational force was like the pressure of a mountain, and even his strength at the Perfect Life Profound Realm couldn't resist it.

"Is it Wu Yun?"

Gu Shuo felt inconceivable, but Wu Yun was the only one in the tower now, and no one could make out this movement except him.

"Elder Gu Shuo, what's the matter?"

At this time, the elders of the other four major families also came to his side, and they asked a little bit.

"I don't know either."

Gu Shuo spread his hands, expressing his innocence.

"It must be that Wu Yun made a fool of himself. A person of unknown origin like this should not be allowed to enter the Honghuang Pagoda."

"The Honghuang Pagoda is very important to our five major families. Or, it can be said that the Honghuang Pagoda contributed a lot to our five families being able to stand upright in the Tianfeng Sea Region, Gu Shuo, if there is a problem with the Honghuang Pagoda, your Gu family will not be able to escape the blame." The elder of the Wei family said aggressively


"We have all been inside the Honghuang Pagoda. Except for the eighth floor, we have explored everything else. Now there is just a sudden increase in power. It should come from Wu Yun. It has nothing to do with the Honghuang Pagoda. Let's not panic. , Wait for Wu Yun to come out, just ask him and he will know." "

I suspect that it should be because of Wu Yun's breakthrough."

The elder of the Shentu family judged.

He had already learned from Shen Tujue that Wu Yun was a hidden master comparable to a powerhouse at the wheel-turning realm, so he didn't think the sudden burst of power just now meant much.

"How is it possible? The power just now is even comparable to a strong person in the Death Profound Realm, so Wu Yun is just a master at the Life Profound Realm." The elders of the Wei family didn't believe it at all, he thought it was nonsense.

"It should be triggered by the eighth floor of Honghuang Pagoda. Then Wu Yun probably entered the eighth floor and triggered the power of Honghuang Pagoda. I think we should drive Wu Yun out now to prevent him from causing damage to Honghuang Pagoda."

"Old Ghost Wei, don't you know what kind of existence the Great Desolation Pagoda is? Let alone the Profound Death Realm, even the Turning Wheel Realm may not be able to destroy it. Since you didn't believe it was caused by Wu Yun just now, he How could a junior in the Profound Realm be able to destroy Honghuang Pagoda." Gu Shuo said angrily.

Wu Yun must be cultivating in the Great Desolation Pagoda, forcing him out is not a good thing.

"Okay, don't argue, let's talk about it after Wu Yun comes out." The elder of Shentu's family said.


Wu Yun's body was full of strength, and the surface of his skin was filled with purple and gold colors. Under the interweaving of these two colors, his skin also gradually revealed an ancient color, which contained the power of the prehistoric.

The major breakthrough in the muddy script brought Wu Yun's physical strength to a new level.

Shenyue body, the effect is similar to that of Xiongyue body, but the power increase is almost a hundred times that of Xiongyue body.

The gravity domain displayed already has a certain degree of flexibility, and can be targeted for suppression, that is, the power of the domain is concentrated in one place, and the gravity is multiplied.

At this time, the prehistoric aura on the seventh floor of Honghuang Pagoda and below has become extremely thin, completely absorbed by Wu Yun, the stone talisman and the World Tree.

They are like a bottomless pit, constantly absorbing this energy.

"The eighth floor..."

Wu Yun looked up at the passage on the eighth floor. He said it was a passage, but it was actually a golden film of light.

Faintly, he felt an ancient wave emanating from behind the light film. Under that wave, Wu Yun found that even his own spirit was trembling.

"Existence above the wheel-running realm!"

On the eighth floor, there is a fluctuation beyond the wheel-running realm, "That should be the Lord of the Great Desolation." "

The light film seems to be cracked a little."

Wu Yun's eyes froze for a moment, He saw that there seemed to be an extremely small crack on the edge of the light film.

"Is there something?!"

Suddenly, a purple-gold light flashed at the crack, and then a thumb-thick purple-gold light burst out suddenly, shooting directly at Wu Yun.

When Wu Yun saw the crack, he was vigilant, so as soon as the purple-gold light appeared, he was aware of it, and his face changed immediately. With terrifying strength, he slammed fiercely at the purple-gold light.

However, the purple-gold light ignored Wu Yun's attack, and shot towards Wu Yun's eyebrows, as if it really wanted to get into his body.

"Something just wants to enter my body."

Wu Yunba's blood surged, and a majestic and domineering force instantly blocked the purple-gold light.


The purple-gold light competed with Wu Yun's blood power, causing the space on the seventh floor to tremble.

It was like a barbaric ancient dragon, charging very brutally, trying to break through Wu Yun's suppression.

"Give me peace."

Wu Yun squeezed out a drop of domineering blood and sealed the purple-gold light.

Under the wrapping of Ba Xue, that ray of light obediently quieted down.

"Let me see what you are."

He grabbed the thing wrapped in Baxue in his hand, and through the purple blood light, he finally saw what was inside.

"A piece of skin?"

The object was purple-gold in color, but it could be seen that it was a piece of skin the size of a fingernail, with spiral patterns similar to fingerprints on it.

After a spiritual investigation, Wu Yun found that although the skin was small, it contained a majestic and powerful aura of prehistoric times.

"This should be the Primordial Skin of the Primordial Lord." Desolate appeared and said.

"The Primordial Lord is the one with the strongest physical body among the eight ancient masters. His body contains the pure Primordial Qi, and it is beneficial to absorb it."

"The Primordial Lord's skin?"

Wu Yun pinched the fingernail The size of the skin, the complexion is a bit weird.

"So small? Where's the skin?"

Desolation: "Look at this, the old skin that should fall off, but I can't see which part?" "

However, it doesn't matter. The skin of the wild is a rare treasure. Try it."

"I don't lack this bit of energy." Wu Yun thought for a while, although he didn't know where the skin was, but he subconsciously thought of the skin of his feet.

So forget it, let others absorb it.

Wu Yun put away the piece of skin first.

[Ding, arrived at the Honghuang Pagoda, do you sign in? ]

At this time, the long-lost voice from the system sounded in Wu Yun's mind.

Is it finally here... Wu Yun took a deep breath, feeling like he hasn't signed in for a long time.

"Sign in!"

[Sign in successfully, get rewards, prehistoric spirit species! ]

[Great Desolate Spirit Seed: When the world first opened, the innate spiritual species born can continuously absorb other energies and release the prehistoric aura, which can help quickly gather the prehistoric power and integrate into the body, allowing the blood to return to the ancestors and reach the prehistoric level , sanctified in the flesh. ]

[The sign-in location is refreshed, please sign in at Leidian! ]

"The prehistoric spirit species, this is awesome, it really is not easy to have the word prehistoric." Wu Yun murmured.

He wasn't in a hurry to check the Great Desolate Spirit Seed, and now he wanted to collect the Great Desolate Pagoda.

The eighth floor sleeps the Great Desolate Lord. Unlike the previous Yan Lord, the Yan Lord sleeps and suppresses countless strange demons, so he cannot leave. The Great Desolate Lord is not under pressure, he just needs to heal his wounds. Wu Yun wants to take him to the ancient Monument world to restore.

Although the Primordial Qi has a great effect on cultivation, in terms of recovery, the life source liquid of the World Tree is stronger.

At this time, the stone talisman floated to Wu Yun's side, and a light and shadow slowly floated out from the stone talisman. The appearance of the light and shadow was not obvious, and it was impossible to see his exact facial features clearly, but the faint trace of anger emanating from it, It also makes people understand that this light and shadow also seems to have life fluctuations.

"Old man, you've finally woken up."

Desolate said aside.

"I didn't expect to be injured so badly, and to sleep for so long." The light and shadow of the spirit of the ancestral stone hovered above the stone talisman, and a hoarse and flat voice came out slowly.

"Zu Shi, have you recovered yet?"

Wu Yun said pleasantly.

"It's just that the spiritual wisdom has been awakened. As for the strength, it still hasn't recovered much." Zushi Zhiling shook his head. From his words, Wu Yun could hear some regret.

"Didn't you still absorb the power of the World Tree?"

Desolation explained, "It takes a lot of energy for the rock to recover. Although the power of the World Tree can help it, it needs to consume a lot of the source of the World Tree. The World Tree instinctively resists it. , although Huang Yun and I can forcefully use the origin of the World Tree, Yan is not willing to do so. Now the World Tree is the best home for us tool spirits, and its growth is very important to us." Yan is the ancestor of the stone

. The name of the spirit.

It said, "In the World Tree, I can also recover slowly, but it takes longer, so it doesn't matter."

The ancestor stone is the second god in the Profound Sky Continent, second only to the birth of the plane . It is not so easy to recover, and it still needs the original energy of the world tree.

"Okay!" Wu Yun had no choice but to say.

He also wanted the ancestor stone to recover quickly, but if it was at the cost of depleting the world tree, then forget it.

The world tree is the most important thing, and the world tree suppresses and absorbs strange demons, which can play a much greater role than the rock, and it must be based on the development of the world tree.

Moreover, the world tree is stronger, and their spirits and people who were injured in ancient times can recover faster.

"However, the prehistoric spirit on the eighth floor should be able to help you recover some strength." Wu Yun looked at the eighth floor and said.

"The prehistoric aura there is healing the prehistoric lord. If I absorb it, that guy will probably be gone." Yan Ye looked at the eighth floor and sighed.

The spirit of the ancestral stone floated to the bottom of the eighth floor, and the milky white light penetrated into the light film.

Wu Yun saw the scene on the eighth floor, which was a sea of ​​purple-gold light, like the prehistoric spirit contained in the purple-gold skin.

The prehistoric aura inside has been condensed to a level almost liquid.

In the center of the purple-gold ocean, a gigantic giant body about a thousand feet in size lay quietly. The giant's skin was purple-gold in color, with some mysterious threads emerging from it.

"Prehistoric runes!" Wu Yun immediately recognized those mysterious threads, which were official prehistoric runes.

The Lord of the Great Desolation has cultivated the prehistoric runes into his body.

Although he was in a deep sleep at this time, the space around him showed signs of distortion. Wu Yun had no doubt that if the giant got up, the space would collapse.

The physical body is too strong, the real embodiment of power, only the power emitted by the physical body can affect the space.

"There is no fluctuation of the Great Desolate Ancestral Talisman in this Honghuang Pagoda, and it must have been lost." Yan turned his gaze and said.

"Can you enter the eighth floor?" Wu Yun asked while looking at the stone talisman.

"Yeah!" Yan nodded and asked, "What do you want to do?"

"I want to extend the branches of the world tree to the eighth floor, and transfer the Lord of the Primordial World to the World Tree for warming. It should be easier to restore him with the source of life than the prehistoric air here, so that you can absorb The prehistoric spirit of the eighth floor." Wu Yun said.

"This is true!"

Yan agreed, the source of life liquid can speed up the recovery of injuries, and the prehistoric spirit is more about restoring strength.

"Now the Lord of the Great Desolation is in a deep sleep state, but he knows my aura, I'll transfer him to the ancestral stone first." The ancestral stone flew in along the crack in the light film just now, and radiated with the milky white light , covering the Great Desolate Lord, that huge body was to be taken into the stone talisman.

When the Great Desolate Lord entered the stone talisman, the light film on the eighth layer disappeared.

Wu Yun also flew into it immediately.

"Wow, this prehistoric spirit is too strong." Wu Yun couldn't help but said as soon as he entered the golden ocean.

"Yan, let me practice with you."

"Call out Lin Dong."

The prehistoric spirit has a very good effect on Wu Yun at this stage. They don't need as much as Yan, only a small part is enough for them His physique has improved to a higher level.

Lin Dong and Wu Yun's physique progress is about the same. They are also Dacheng Jinzhong physique. They only need to absorb some prehistoric energy to break through the imperial physique.

There is also the Qingtian Hualong Jue, this kind of prehistoric aura is even more powerful than the dragon aura given to Wu Yun by Qingzhi, and it can speed up the practice of this martial art.

Yan took the Lord of the Great Desolation into the world of ancient monuments, put his body in the world tree, and was with Old Ghost Fentian.

Then he took Lin Dong and Wu Yun to practice on the eighth floor.

"Brother, this power is so strong, my body will be crushed."

As soon as Lin Dong came out of the ancient monument, he felt the pressure of the golden ocean on the eighth floor.

The prehistoric aura of the eighth layer is far from comparable to that of the lower layers, both in quantity and quality.

This is the same power as the Primordial Lord's body. To a certain extent, it is the prehistoric power. This kind of strength is very difficult to resist, not to mention a strong person in the Profound Death Realm, even a strong person in the Turning Wheel Realm.

However, Wu Yun and the others had the ancestral stone, and the milky white light emitted by the ancestral stone mountain could help them resist the pressure of the prehistoric spirit.

"Cultivate quickly, these are nutrient solutions." Wu Yun said with a smile.

Lin Dong immediately used Devour, and a huge vortex appeared above his head, the prehistoric Qi was swallowed, and entered his body frantically.

The golden light on his body became more and more intense.

Dacheng's Admiralty Body will also march towards the Emperor Body.

Wu Yun cultivated his Qingtian Hualong Jue.

Start to condense the Azure Dragon Light Pattern!