Ancestral Talisman of Life and Death, Mu Lingshan

The evil bone old man stood in the sky above the Gu family, looking as if he was inquiring about the crime.

Beside him is his good apprentice, Chen Luo.

"Are you looking for me?"

Wu Yun flew into the air, facing the evil bone old man head-on.

"You are Wu Yun, very good, I heard that you robbed my apprentice's heavenly treasure and other treasures, a total of one million Xuanyuan pills, now obediently hand over everything, I will make your death look better "

The evil bone old man looked at Wu Yun with a gloomy face, and at the same time, a powerful coercion enveloped him.

"Master, I'm afraid my junior brother was also killed by him." Chen Luo whispered beside him.

"How dare you kill my apprentice. I have already felt my apprentice's universe bag on your body." The evil bone old man suddenly became angry. In the Tianfeng Sea Region, someone dared to attack his apprentice.

This is Gu Fen, Gu Shuo and others from the Gu family also appeared, but they did not approach, but watched from afar.

Because Wu Yun's strength is enough to deal with this little problem.

"No one can save you today." Seeing Gu Fen and the others, the evil bone old man said coldly, full of murderous intent.

"That's right, no one can save you today."

Wu Yun nodded approvingly and repeated.

Before the evil bone old man made his first move, he had already moved.

The blue dragon light pattern on his body flickered, and the deep dragon chant roared from Wu Yun's body.

"Qinglong Tianzuo Seal!"

Wu Yun's handprint changed, and a shadow of Qinglong hovered around him.

"How courageous!"

The old man Xiegu didn't believe in evil, and with his half-step Death Profound Realm strength, he would be afraid of Wu Yun.

However, the huge Qinglong Guangyin has come to suppress it.

The evil bone old man swung his claws out, but they were completely shrouded in blue light, unable to stand out from Wu Yun's attack at all.

"Destroy it!"

Wu Yun said coldly.

He didn't have the slightest liking for this evil-boned old man, so he directly suppressed and killed him.

When the blue light dissipated, it just fell into the Qiankun bag of the evil bone old man.

With Wu Yun's move, the universe bag flew into Wu Yun's hands.


Chen Luo stood there in a daze.

"Impossible, how could my master lose."

He looked at Wu Yun in horror. How could this genius who was supposed to be the same generation as him, and a genius who was still competing with him, kill his master instantly.

"You don't have to stay anymore!" Wu Yun gave Chen Luo a faint look.

Immediately, spiritual power gushed out and turned into a spiritual sword energy, which killed Chen Luo and let them reunite with their master and apprentice.

"The collection is not bad!"

Wu Yun glanced at the Qiankun bag of the evil bone old man, and there were more than one million Xuanyuan pills in it.

Sure enough, it was right to put Chen Luo back, otherwise he wouldn't be able to catch such a big fish.

After cleaning up the evil old man, Wu Yun left Wuhui Island.

He has already collected the map of the Tianfeng sea area, and the next step is to go to the Tianshang sea area.


On the endless sea area, there is sparkling light. From time to time, there are giant flying birds passing by in the sky, and their sharp calls add a bit of vitality to the calm sea.

Wu Yun took Lin Dong, Xiao Diao, Xiao Yan, and Bai Yun to sit on the huge boat.

This boat was provided to them by the Shentu family.

Shentujue personally navigated and took Shentu's sailors to the helm.

Wu Yun and others started the travel mode on the boat.

"The sea of ​​chaos and demons is so big!"

Xiao Diao stood at the bow of the boat and said with emotion.

Bai Yun sat by the side of the boat, soaking her little white feet in the sea, feeling the flow of the sea.

It was the first time for Lin Dong and Xiao Yan to see such a big sea, and they jumped directly into the sea to swim.

Ying Xiaoxiao holds a coconut while watching Lin Dong swim.

Wu Yun and Ying Huanhuan played the piano and flute at the stern of the boat.

The whole picture is full of poetic and picturesque.

In the evening, Baiyun, Ying Huanhuan and the others returned to the world of ancient monuments.

After Wu Yun spent two hours preaching to Bai Yun and Xuan Su respectively, he returned to the cabin again.

Shen Tujue already knew about the existence of the ancient monument world, so he was not surprised by Wu Yun's entry and exit.

Several days had passed, and he was almost in shock.

After knowing that Wu Yun actually controlled such a large world of ancient monuments, Shentu was even more in awe of Wu Yun.

In his heart, Wu Yun was like a god.

His strength is not something that the Shentu family can compete with.

Moreover, the rich cultivation environment in the ancient monument world also moved Shentu's heart. He even wanted to bring the entire Shentu family to join Wu Yun's sect.

Working on it now.

"Tell me about the situation in Tianshangyu?" Wu Yun called Shentu Jue and said.

Shen Tujue: "The Tianshangyu is a rather peculiar place in the sea of ​​chaos and demons. That area is at the junction of several sea areas. The degree of chaos of dragons and snakes can be called terrifying. This has also led to the prosperous trading of Tianshangyu. , Countless treasures gathered there."

"The Tianshang Territory is also occupied by many forces, but the strongest among them is the Tianshang Pavilion. This is a very famous and huge force even if it is placed in the chaotic sea. However, the Tianshang Pavilion is mainly based on selling information. The suzerain wants a more perfect sea chart, so he can only go to the Tianshang Pavilion."

"In addition, the auction of the Tianshang Pavilion is also a must. It is one of the more grand events in Chaos Demon Sea. , there will be a lot of treasures appearing."

"At our current speed, we should be able to arrive at Tianshangyu in more than ten days." "

As for the latest auction of Tianshangyu, one month later, we still have I can catch up."

Time passed day by day, and the distance to Tianshangyu was getting closer and closer!

Above the blue sky, a huge ship passed by at an astonishing speed, the oars stirred, and the calm sea below also set off waves of waves.

"Wu Yun, there seems to be a lot of aura fluctuations in this area." Desolate's voice suddenly sounded in Wu Yun's heart.


Wu Yun was startled. Along the way, they encountered very few ships, and they all staggered far apart.

The chaotic demon sea is so turbulent and huge that even if there is a boat, it is difficult to encounter it.

"Southwest direction, you can see for yourself." Yan replied.

Looking over with Wu Yun's mental vision, hundreds of figures appeared on the sea to the southwest. These figures were extremely strong, and what was strange was that they were carried by blood-colored sharks.

"Is it the Blood Demon Shark Clan of the Kraken Clan?" Wu Yun immediately recognized their identities.

"Blood Demon Shark?"

Shen Tujue's expression became tense when he heard it. Blood Demon Sharks are not easy to mess with, and they are notoriously dangerous in Chaos Demon Realm.

In Chaos Demon Sea, the most powerful forces are not humans and monsters, but the sea monsters.

There are many and huge groups of them, and the Blood Demon Shark Clan is quite famous among them. It is known for its ferocity and bloodthirsty. It is said that there used to be many human sects, and they were directly slaughtered in the confrontation with the Blood Demon Shark Clan.

However, seeing Wu Yun in front of him, Shentu felt at ease.

With the suzerain here, any blood demon shark will give away the head.

At this time, the group of Blood Demon Sharks had already rushed towards them.

"My Blood Demon Shark Clan is carrying out missions in this area, idlers and others, get out of here quickly!"

The waves fluctuated, and an extraordinarily strong Blood Shark broke through the water. The wicked man locked his eyes on Wu Yun's huge ship and shouted coldly.

"Great achievement at the Profound Life Realm!"

Wu Yun saw that the opponent's strength was not bad.

Dacheng in the Profound Realm of Life is in the Chaotic Demon Sea, which is considered to be a mid-to-high-end combat power.

And the team following this man is not weak, there are more than a dozen strong people in the Profound Realm.

"We're just passing by, just don't get in the way." Wu Yun said indifferently, looking at these blood demon sharks curiously.

Their appearance is somewhat similar to that of humans, but they have many characteristics of sharks, so they can be regarded as shark mermaids.

"Commander Xia, these two people are both masters of the Vibrant Profound Realm, so I'm afraid they are not easy to mess with."

A man with a sharp face reminded him in a low voice beside the leading man.

"Hurry up and don't stay in this sea area." The man called Commander Xia stepped aside.

When Wu Yun and his boat left, he said,

"Scatter for me, search carefully, she was seriously injured by the elders, we must catch her, otherwise if she escapes, my Blood Demon Shark Clan will have big troubles." Trouble!"


Hearing these words, those figures who were full of evil spirits immediately shouted, and then the sound of screams spread, and a large number of people dispersed, like a net, searching for this sea area.

The sky was getting darker, and a crescent moon floated in the sky, and the cold moonlight poured down, making the entire sea surface look like fish scales at this moment, which was extraordinarily beautiful.

On a small island somewhere in this sea area, a bonfire was rising, Wu Yun stopped for a while, eating grilled fish with Shen Tujue and the others.

They didn't even have to go fishing when they were at sea. During the voyage, many fish jumped onto their boats.

Wu Yun ate grilled fish and looked at the dark sea.

In the center of the sea, a huge vortex appeared.

That's the monument absorbing seawater.

In the world of ancient monuments, barrenness and barren clouds have also opened up a vast sea area.

During this period of time, they were sailing at sea, and the desolate father and son took the ancient monument to open a space channel on the bottom of the sea to absorb seawater.

The energy of seawater also has a great effect on the growth of the world tree.

Moreover, most of the world of ancient monuments is land, and there is no sea area.

The Chaos Demon Sea is so big, it doesn't matter if they decorate it with sea water.

So, all this time is drawing the sea.

"Huh, there are still people on the island?"

Wu Yun suddenly noticed someone approaching them.

When he entered the island during the day, he didn't sense anyone on the island.

"Come out?"

Wu Yun looked towards the forest.

On a big tree not far away, a girl in a blue padded coat was standing there, her big black eyes staring closely at the grilled fish in his hand.

Gurgling...and swallowing.

Shen Tujue immediately stood up and looked at the girl warily.

It was also because of Wu Yun that he noticed that there was a girl approaching them.

"Don't be nervous!"

Wu Yun signaled Shen Tujue to sit down.

The girl seemed to be quite young, but she was extremely cute. Her facial features were as exquisite as a porcelain doll, and she had two braids on her head, making her look extraordinarily cute.

If such a little girl was seen by some women, they would probably hold her in her arms and knead her.

But at this moment, Wu Yun didn't have such thoughts. Instead, there was a hint of caution in the depths of his eyes. This little girl appeared too strangely. Since the previous him, he hadn't even noticed how she came so close to him The place.

Moreover, on such an isolated island, how could ordinary girls survive.

Wu Yun and the girl in Tsing Yi looked at each other, and the latter looked at him, then her big black eyes couldn't help turning to the grilled fish in his hand, and she swallowed clearly.

"Want to eat?"

Wu Yun raised the grilled fish in his hand to her.

The girl nodded frantically.

"Come on!"

Wu Yun waved to her.

When the little girl came over, she picked up the grilled fish and ate it.

"You are not afraid of poisoning you." Wu Yun asked her.

"Poison, I have never been afraid of poison since I was a child."

The girl in Tsing Yi said, her voice was extremely clear, like jade beads falling on a silver plate, although she was a little immature, but if she grew up in the future, her voice alone would be able to fascinate many men.

Wu Yun smiled, this little girl is quite interesting.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and he saw some rather glaring wounds on the opponent's arm, and on the wounds, there was blood coagulation.

"Are you injured?"

"It's all minor injuries, it doesn't matter."

The little girl continued to eat the grilled fish, as if she had been hungry for a long time.

I ate dozens of them in a blink of an eye.

I don't know how her little stomach can hold it.

And I don't care about eating at all.

"Thank you big brother!"

After eating, she wiped her mouth and thanked Wu Yun.

"What's your name?"

Wu Yun asked.

"My name is Mu Lingshan." The little girl replied crisply.

It turned out to be her, no wonder I felt a strange power from her.

Wu Yun was surprised that he met this little girl here.

She is very unusual.

"Brother, how about you?" She asked with a smile.

"My name is Wu Yun!" Wu Yun said.

"Actually, I didn't just want to eat your grilled fish. I just couldn't help but be attracted to you when I saw Big Brother."

She looked at Wu Yun with crescent-like eyes.

"So, you've been following me for a long time?" Wu Yun was slightly surprised, but he didn't sense it.

Mu Lingshan: "Yes, when you met those nasty guys, I started following you."

Shen Tu was shocked, "So, you are the one that that team of Blood Demon Sharks are looking for?!" "

Well, they It's annoying, I was hurt by them." Mu Lingshan nodded.

"Then you are not afraid that we will hurt you." Wu Yun asked her back.

Mu Lingshan shook her head, and the two braids on her head also shook, and she swore, "My intuition tells me, big brother, you won't hurt me, and I'm very kind to you, even closer than my relatives." "

"Yes, we should be very close." Wu Yun nodded and smiled.

Although Mu Lingshan didn't say the reason, Wu Yun knew it very well, because she was the Ancestral Talisman of Life and Death.

On Wu Yun's body, in the space of the ancient stele, there was a lot of aura familiar with the life and death ancestral talisman.

Among them is the reincarnation of the Lord of Life and Death, Jiang Yinyin.

"Brother Wu Yun, I was injured and I want to sleep." Mu Lingshan's eyes were blurred, and beside Wu Yun, she fell asleep on the stone like a kitten.

As she fell asleep, a dark blue light radiated from her body, and these lights enveloped her like a light shield.

At the same time, the hideous wounds on her slender arms healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.


note: hoping you liked today's chapters, see you tomorrow.