Tang Dongling's Discovery

Listening to Wu Yun's introduction of the Shengsheng Xuanling Fruit with such confidence, Tang Dongling, the head of the Tianshang Pavilion, was also a little moved.

  "In this case, let's buy three of each quality first. If it really has such a miraculous effect as the young master said, maybe it can be auctioned at the auction in three days. I believe that this kind of treasure will definitely be obtained. They are sought after by many people."

  Tang Dongling directly and decisively bought the nine fruits at the price proposed by Wu Yun.

  "Miss Tang is indeed a cheerful person, so hurry up to experiment, I believe the result will not disappoint you."

  Wu Yun said with a smile, and immediately took out nine fruits to Tang Dongling.

  "By the way, Miss Tang, I don't know if there is a Heavenly Luo Immortal Bed in this auction?" After talking about Shengsheng Xuan Lingguo, Wu Yun thought of the Tianluo Immortal Bed that Mu Lingshan told him.

  Tang Dongling was a little surprised, "How do you know about the Tianluo Immortal Bed? We did not promote this treasure at this auction." The Tianluo Immortal Bed

  is one of the most important treasures in their Tianshang Pavilion, and it is impossible to take it out Auctions can be regarded as the treasure of the town store.

  Generally few people know about it.

  So, when Wu Yun said it, she was a little puzzled.

  "Oh, I heard from a friend of mine that he wants this treasure." Wu Yun thought for a while.

  Your friend, you are probably making something out of nothing... Tang Dongling looked at Wu Yun slightly, curious about his identity.

  "The Tianluo Immortal Bed is a treasure of high-grade pure essence. Not many people know that this treasure is in our Tianshang Pavilion. It is a town treasure belonging to our Tianshang Pavilion. Generally, it will not be sold to the outside world, but... I can ask the elder for instructions for brother Wu Yun."

  Tang Dongling did not rush to reject Wu Yun, but was willing to fight for it.

  "Then thank you Miss Tang. My friend needs this treasure so much. As long as Guige is willing to sell it, I can give you a satisfactory price."

  Wu Yun could see that the other party was also very sincere, and that the treasure of pure yuan, no matter which faction it belonged to, was a core treasure, let alone a top-notch treasure of pure yuan.

  It sounds like the Tianluo fairy bed is used to help sleep. Jiang Yinyin and Mu Lingshan are both long-lived bodies who cultivate body calligraphy and soft characters. .

  "Don't worry, I will try my best to fight for Brother Wu Yun. I also have a certain say in the distribution of the treasures in the pavilion. As long as I convince the other elders, I believe I can win it." Tang Dongling smiled confidently, she wanted to make friends Wu Yun's intentions were already very obvious.

  "Wait for the good news from the girl!" Wu Yun clasped his fists, this girl is very good.

  After agreeing on a time, Wu Yun temporarily left.

  As Wu Yun walked out, the middle school almanac treasurer looked at Tang Dongling, "Miss, you really want to sell the Tianluo Immortal Bed to this Wu Yun, wouldn't it be too hasty?"

"If it is really him, It's not sloppy at all, even I want to sell him myself." Tang Dongling's sharp chin lifted slightly, and when she smiled, she was charming and charming like a fox.

  "What's so important about Wu Yun?"

  The middle-aged men were puzzled. They had never seen their proud Miss Tang pay so much attention to a man.

  "Do you know who he is?" Tang Dongling narrowed her beautiful eyes and asked.

  "I don't know!" The middle-aged man shook his head.

  "A few days ago, in Wuhui Island, in the fighting between the five major families, Shentu Jue of the Shentu family was defeated by a young man, and the person who defeated him was Wu Yun." Tang Dongling said softly.

  "Defeated Shen Tujue?!"

  The middle-aged man was slightly taken aback, but he was still a little puzzled, because just defeating Shen Tujue was not enough for the young lady to value it so much that he was willing to sell the Tianluo Immortal Bed.

  Because even the younger generation of the two caves, the first, the second Qiankun hand Zhou Gan, and the little Pluto, Miss Xie Yandu, didn't give each other much good looks.   

Tang Dongling: "Not only that, he also took away the most precious core treasure of the five major families, the Honghuang Tower."

Our Tianshang Pavilion wants to buy it, and the five major families all oppose it." The middle-aged man was even more puzzled.

  "This is also a place that feels miraculous. I don't know why. Not only did the five major families not pursue this Wu Yun, but Shen Tujue became Wu Yun's entourage and came to Tianshang City together. In addition, Wu Yun's strength is still a mystery. When he left Martial Arts Island, he made a move and instantly killed the evil bone old man who was half a step away from the Profound Death Realm." "

  Also... I just found some important information from the various profound realms. Half a year ago, Dongxuan In that battle, the three major masters of the Yuan Sect attacked at the same time, trying to obliterate a young man, but in the end they ended up with two disabled and one lost."

Tang Dongling pursed her red lips slightly, and her beautiful eyes With a strong look of curiosity, he looked at the stunned middle-aged man beside him, and smiled charmingly.

  "That young man's name is also Wu Yun!"

  "He came from the Dao Sect. After severely injuring the three major teachers of the Yuan Sect, he mysteriously disappeared together with the Dao Sect and dozens of dynasties to which the Dao Sect belonged.

  " The domain, but almost one percent of the Dongxuan domain, such a large place, disappears out of thin air,

  what a mysterious means." That."

  "If it's really him, then our Tianshang Pavilion can't afford to offend, and even the pavilion master is probably not the other party's opponent." "That's

  why I want to befriend him."

  Tang Dongling felt lingering fear finished.

  All the news about Wu Yun was shocking.

  If Wu Yun really has the strength to seriously damage the runner-level, and the disappearing Daozong also has two runner-level powerhouses, then Wu Yun has three runner-level powerhouses.

  Such a power is enough to dominate in the chaotic sea of ​​demons.

  "Hiss..." The middle-aged man gasped, completely unaware that the pleasant-looking young man he just faced had such a terrifying past.

  Tang Dongling smiled and said: "About Wu Yun, don't reveal anything to the outside world. Now that he killed the old man Xie Gu, Xie Feng Dong Tian has noticed him. He should not be afraid of Xie Feng Dong Tian. I suspect that he is fishing. Therefore, it's best to keep it secret, and ruin his plan, and instead be misunderstood that we and Xiefeng Dongtian are together."

  She didn't want to have conflicts with Wu Yun at all, and if this kind of enemy is provoked, it will destroy Tianshang Pavilion hit.

  Wu Yun found Ying Huanhuan and the others, walked around Tianshang Pavilion with them, and paid for the women, as if he didn't know that Tianshang Pavilion had already found out about his past.

  However, Wu Yun didn't care, he had the intention to hide it on purpose, otherwise he wouldn't have revealed his real name.

  It's just that Chaos Demon Sea and Dongxuan Domain are far apart, so it's not easy for the news to spread.

  If Tianshang Pavilion knows, it can be regarded as well-informed.

  Having a good reputation is a good thing to do.

  The fear of Tianshang Pavilion also made them very concerned about Wu Yun's affairs.

  After Tang Dongling got his Shengsheng Xuanling Fruit, he immediately went to experiment with the effect.

  Soon, the results were obtained, nine fruits, and those who took three low-grade fruits all broke through to the Life Profound Realm.

  People who took three medium-grade pills also successfully broke through the peak of the Minor Accomplishment of the Life Profound Realm.

  All 100%!

  Two of the people who took three top-grade pills broke through to the Great Achievement of the Life Profound Realm, and the one who failed also gained a lot, feeling that one more pill would be able to break through successfully.

  This time, the entire Tianshang Pavilion was surprised.

  Although the experimenters they are looking for are all strong people who have been stuck in the realm for a long time, have accumulated a lot, and may break through at any time, the success rate of this fruit can be said to be against the sky.

  It is completely capable of forming a route for cultivating mid-to-high-end combat power.


  Tang Dongling approached Wu Yun again, not only willing to buy the fruit, but also increase the price by 30% on Wu Yun's price.

  "How about I put ten of each fruit and sell them at the auction, and I will give you ten top-grade fruits to buy the Tianluo Immortal Bed?" Wu Yun suggested.

  It is not easy to cultivate the top-grade fruit world tree, and refining an ordinary strange monster can only produce five to ten, but now it has accumulated more than a hundred.

  That is because in the world of ancient monuments, there are not so many people in Daozong and Dahuangzong who are suitable for use and are idle, so Wu Yun thought of trading them.

  "No problem!"

  Tang Dongling readily agreed that ten top-grade fruits could at least help them add six powerful people who had reached the Profound Realm of Life to the Tianshang Pavilion. This deal was a huge profit.

  "There should be a lot of treasures in your Tianshang Pavilion, but the ones that are put on the market don't seem to be very precious. If I can, I want to see your treasure house. Don't worry, as long as your treasure house has something that interests me, I can give it to you." You can exchange better things." Wu Yun put his mind on the hidden treasure house of Tianshang Pavilion.

  In the past few days, he and Xiao Diao have looked around, but they haven't found many valuable treasures.

  The truly precious ones must be stored in the warehouse, and there is no market for them, so they will not be sold easily.

  "Is there something better?"

  Tang Dongling's eyes lit up.

  Wu Yun was able to produce so many high-grade fruits, which was enough for her to be surprised. The more treasures of this kind, the better.

  "This is no problem. You can open it to Brother Wu Yun. Even if there are no better treasures, the high-grade fruit trade is enough." Tang Dongling said with a smile.

  "However, the auction is about to start, why don't we go to the treasure house after the auction is over."

  Tang Dongling, as the head of Tianshang Pavilion, is the host of this auction, so with the arrival of the auction, she It will be a very busy few days.

  "Just arrange for someone to take my people to the treasure house to see it. I will go to the auction with you. We will trade after the auction."

  Wu Yun suggested.

  In a hurry, he was going to let Xiao Diao and Lin Dong go.

  Lin Dong brought Yan, Yan and Xiao Diao were there, and no treasure could escape their eyes.

  And as long as they have the treasures they need, Wu Yun is sure to be able to trade them.

  In the world of ancient monuments, many elixirs cultivated are even useful to the Death Profound Realm. After those elixirs are ripened, they are refined into elixirs by the ancestor stones, which are very precious.

  Next, Wu Yun and the others split into two groups.

  Lin Dong took some people to the hidden treasure house of Tianshang Pavilion.

  Wu Yun took Ying Huanhuan, Bai Yun and the other beauties to the auction.


  As the time for the auction came, more and more people flooded into the Tianshang Pavilion, and they were all powerful people or powerful casual cultivators.

  Wu Yun brought the girls into the auction venue, Tang Dongling immediately noticed him and came over to receive him in person.

  "Brother Wu Yun, your seat has already been prepared, this way please." A silver bell-like laughter came over as Tang Dongling appeared.

  Tang Dongling, who was originally smiling, saw Baiyun, Ying Huanhuan, Ying Xiaoxiao, Jiang Xue, Mu Qianqian and other women beside Wu Yun, his face suddenly became a little stiff.

  These women are really outstanding, not only their beauty and temperament, but also their cultivation are not weaker than hers.

  You know, in the Tianshang domain, although she Tang Dongling is not famous for her cultivation talent, her strength is among the best among women.

  But now, the group brought out by Wu Yun is not inferior to her.

  For Tang Dongling, who was born in the clouds, it was really a big blow.

  "Ahem, Mr. Wu Yun is really enviable."

  Tang Dongling quickly returned to normal, and he also complained in his heart that Wu Yun was too flamboyant.

  After bringing Wu Yun to her seat, she hurried away, fearing that others would think that she was also a member of Wu Yun's women.

  In fact, some people already think so.

  Many discussions centered on Wu Yun and her, and they began to talk quietly.

  "I'm warning you, don't mess with women anymore." Ying Huanhuan was next to Wu Yun, and quietly kissed him.

  She was also very speechless, thinking that Wu Yun was just being entangled with that Ling Qingzhu, but she didn't expect that there were many Wu Yun raised in her own small world.

  But Ying Huanhuan had no choice, the so-called first come, first served.

  Although she is more noble than Jiang Xue, Mu Qianqian and others, she is a latecomer.

  She didn't want to come out with Wu Yun this time, but she was worried that Wu Yun would mess with others.

  "What are you thinking? I'm not interested in other women."

  Wu Yun said seriously.

  "This auction house is huge. It would be great if we could have such a big auction house in the Great Desolation Sect." Xuan Su quickly changed the subject and said with emotion.

  She didn't have any idea of ​​fighting for fame, as long as Wu Yun didn't forget her, she was satisfied.

  Now Xuan Su's ideal is to help Wu Yun build the world of ancient monuments better and better.

  "Yes, Tianshang Pavilion has done a good job in terms of business, which is worth learning from."

  Mu Qianqian echoed.


  During the conversation, the auction venue was filled with people one after another.

  With Tang Dongling dressed in red on stage, the auction officially started.

  "Everyone, on behalf of Tianshang Pavilion, I would like to thank you all for coming here first. I think this time the Tianshang Auction will not disappoint you." Tang Dongling smiled sweetly, her hands lightly raised, and she was a beautiful

  maid Holding the silver plate in his hand, he went up, and in the silver plate, a dark red scroll exuded a glint of light.

  The soft voice slowly spread,

  "Fire Demon Tongtian Palm, a medium-level celestial martial art, was created by a strong man in the wheel-turning realm thousands of years ago. If it is refined to a great success, it can burn the world."