Tianlei Sea Territory, Liu Xiangxuan

after Liu Xiangxuan cleaned up Wuxuan, Wu Yun looked at the calm sea and said,

  "It's over, why don't you come out?"

  "Sure enough, I can't hide your feeling. "A hearty laugh came out.


  The sky was full of sea water gushing out like a violent storm, and a man in a blue robe was standing in the air in the rainstorm. The man had an extremely handsome appearance, and his eyes were blue. From a distance, it seems to cover the sea, unfathomable.

  "It's the wheel-running realm again!" Wu Yun's eyes fixed on him. From this person, Wu Yun felt a stronger aura than Wuxuan.

  Obviously, his strength is even higher than that of Wuxuan.

  "Who is your Excellency, why have you been following me?" Wu Yun asked.

  Although I don't feel any hostility from the other party, I'm still curious about how the other party is staring at him.

  At first, he suspected that the other party might be the cave master of Qiankun Cave, after all, Zhou Gan, the young cave master of Qiankun Cave, was also taken away by him.

  But later when Wuxuan fought with him, the other party was still watching in the dark, and before he came out, Wu Yun felt that the other party's should not be the Cave Master of Qiankun.


  At this moment, the prison-suppressing mysterious whale following Wu Yun let out a low moan, and swam towards him in a fawning manner.

  "Don't get excited, little friend Wu Yun, I'm on my own."

  The other party laughed.

  "This is the third patriarch of the Immortal Whale Clan, Mu Lingshan's third grandfather, named Mu Lan." The Prison Suppressing Whale transmitted voice to Wu Yun.

  "So it's Senior Mu Lan!" Wu Yun cupped his hands and said.

  "Senior recognize me?"

  "I heard Qingzhi told you about you, but I didn't expect you to grow up so fast, and you can already suppress the strong people in the wheel-turning realm. Even the old man is no longer your opponent." Mu Lan said with emotion.

  He and Qingzhi are good friends. When Qingzhi was passed on to Wu Yun, Mu Lan was with Qingzhi. It was heard that Qingzhi had said about him, and Qingzhi had been secretly paying attention to Wu Yun.

  Originally, Mu Lan didn't even care much about Wu Yun. After all, she was just a young junior, and she didn't get her own inheritance.

  Until a few months ago, in the battle in Yimo City, Wu Yun severely injured Sanyuanzi of Yuanmen, and Qingzhi, who was secretly paying attention, saw it, and recorded the scene of that battle with Yuanshen, and released it to them A few old friends watched.

  Only then did Mu Lan really understand Wu Yun.

  It was also shocking at that time.

  Wu Yun's growth is too terrifying, and he has many secrets that these old antiques who have lived for a long time can't understand.

  The most frightening thing is that Wu Yun's strength is not inferior to any powerhouse at the wheel-running level.

  "It turned out to be Senior Qingzhi's friend, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Wu Yun hastily cupped his hands again.

  Wu Yun has always been very grateful to Qingzhi for his kindness.

  "I didn't come here this time because of you, and I didn't expect to meet you here. I ran here because I heard my granddaughter's voice calling the whale." Mu Lan stared at Wu Yun, "Should Lingshan Are you with me?"

  "So senior came to look for Lingshan, yes Lingshan is with me." Wu Yun smiled.

  "How is she? I saw you used the power of life and death just now. Where did your power of life and death come from?" Mu Lan narrowed her eyes, swallowed and asked.

  He was worried that Wu Yun would take away the ancestral talisman of life and death from Mu Lingshan's body. If the ancestral talisman of life and death had been fused with Mu Lingshan, it would be Mu Lingshan's life.

  "Senior, don't worry, Mu Lingshan is in very good condition now, she is already hitting the Death Profound Realm."

  Wu Yun said with a smile, he saw Mu Lan's worry.

  "Lingshan is sleeping now, I'll call her out."

  In order to reassure Mu Lan, Wu Yun still decided to let Mu Lingshan appear in person, and he sent a voice transmission to Huang Yun.

  After being instructed, Huang Yun directly teleported Mu Lingshan outside in her sleep.

  With a flash of light, above the sea, a girl with sleepy eyes was suspended in the air.

  "Hey, big brother, why did you get me out?" Mu Lingshan rubbed her eyes, but she hadn't completely come out of her dream.


  Mu Lan called out.

  "Third Grandfather, why are you here?!"

  Seeing Mu Lan, Mu Lingshan was so excited that she didn't feel sleepy for a moment. She immediately flashed and hid behind Wu Yun.

  "Third Grandpa, didn't you come to arrest me and go back? I won't go back. I'm bored to death in the clan, and now I want to sleep. I don't want to play. I sleep now to practice again. You don't allow me to sleep. Don't let me practice, let me tell you, let me sleep for another year or two, and I will be able to surpass you!"

  Mu Lingshan was in a hurry, her mouth was like a machine gun, and she kept talking non-stop. The current state has been fully explained, and it can be seen that she is really afraid of being taken back by Mu Lan.

  "You, grandpa is so mad!"

  Mu Lan seemed to have nothing to do with this naughty granddaughter.

  "Don't worry, if I don't take you back this time, I don't have time to take you. If you want to follow Wu Yun, just follow him." Mu Lan said helplessly.

  "I was invited by Qingzhi, and I still have some things to do with him, so I can't take this girl along." "

  Little friend Wu Yun, Lingshan is with you, please help me take care of it."

  "Don't worry, senior. I always take care of Lingshan as my own sister. She is not alone here. Although she is sleeping and practicing, she also has a very good sleeping partner!" Wu Yun said with a smile.

  He himself is quite envious of Lingshan and Jiang Yinyin, who cultivated the Longevity Body and could really become stronger while sleeping.

  "Oh, who is Lingshan sleeping with?" Mu Lan was puzzled, and the two talked about going to bed again and again. At first, Mu Lan thought that it should be Mu Lingshan who practiced the immortality method of their immortal holy whale clan, but It doesn't sound that simple.

  He stared at the miniature stele on Wu Yun's chest, and remembered an incident that happened in Dongxuan domain before, the Dao domain disappeared out of thin air.

  From Wu Yun's words just now, the smart Mu Lan immediately thought that the disappeared Daozong should be in the ancient tablet on Wu Yun's chest.

  This ancient monument can hold a dao domain!

  Mu Lan had never seen such a powerful Lingbao.

  "I gave Lingshan a new cultivation method, which is somewhat similar to your Undead Yantian method, but it is much stronger than that." Wu Yun explained with a smile, "In addition, Lingshan is now working with your ancestors of the Immortal Holy Whale Clan. The reincarnation body of the lord of life and death fell on the body of a girl named Jiang Yinyin..."

  Wu Yun sent a voice transmission to Mu Lan, explaining some of the situation on his side. Explain to him.

  "Lord of life and death, old ancestor!" Mu Lan was shocked.

  He didn't expect the reincarnation body of his ancestor to be beside Wu Yun.

  "Can I see her?" Mu Lan asked excitedly.

  "I'm afraid not. Senior Mu Lan, Jiang Yinyin has not fully awakened yet. She is still Jiang Yinyin and has her own family life. I don't want her to be disturbed. As for whether she will awaken in the future, that is a matter for the future." Wu Yun flatly refused.


  Mu Lan could only agree.

  Today's Wu Yun is not weaker than him, and he also has a Daoist on him. I am afraid that the overall strength is not inferior to their Undead Holy Whale Clan.

  "What's the situation between you and Wuxuan?" Mu Lan asked.

  Wu Yun: "Well, we snatched a silver pagoda from Xiefeng Dongtian, so we were chased by him." "

  Oh, what kind of silver pagoda, even he, the cave master, is alarmed?" Mu Lan became curious. .

  "It's related to the reincarnation powerhouse. It seems to be a key to the reincarnation powerhouse's cave, which was lost at the Tianshang Auction!" Wu Yun didn't hide anything, and smiled.

  Mu Lan: "Oh, it turned out to be this matter. I just heard that the cave is located in the Tianlei sea area, but I have never entered it. There seems to be a seal in that sea area. People who are too powerful can't enter it." Go."

  "In addition, as far as I know, there should be three keys to the cave, that is, the silver pagoda you got, and the other two appeared in other sea areas and have been obtained."

"They are all Who got it?" Wu Yun asked curiously.

  "Xuantian Palace, Jiuyou Gate!" Mu Lan smiled and said, "They are all quite powerful forces in Chaos Demon Sea, much stronger than Xiefengdongtian, but they are unlucky enough to meet you. I'm afraid it won't be easy to get a share of the pie."

  Wu Yun smiled and said nothing, no matter who it is, who wants to compete with him for the Thunder Ancestral Talisman, they will all be suppressed.

  After chatting with Mu Lan for a while, Wu Yun and the others continued on their way.

  The sea domain where the Thunder Ancestral Talisman is located is the Tianlei Sea Area, which is an inaccessible place, but now that the news of the Reincarnation Cave Mansion has spread, many forces who have heard the news have also rushed over.

  Wu Yun also met a lot of people on the way, but they were all scared away by the jail-suppressing mysterious whale he was sitting on.

  The big whale followed Wu Yun, and it can be said that it found a chance. With the help of Wu Yun's elixir and fruit, it broke through to the perfection of the Life Profound Realm.

  Now that he has recognized Wu Yun as his eldest brother, he is determined to follow Wu Yun.

  The sea area in the world of ancient monuments has just taken shape, and there are no powerful species living in it. The prison-suppressing black whale is not bad, and Wu Yun is going to let it fool some of its kind into living there.

  Enrich the marine environment of the ancient monument world.

  During this journey, he encountered many fish and sea monsters, and Wu Yun took them into the world of ancient monuments.

  The world of ancient monuments is at the beginning of the primordial world, the stage of opening up the prehistoric world. It can be said that for the creatures that enter it, it is a kind of good fortune.



  There was loud thunder on the sea, and the sky was covered with dark clouds.

  After more than ten days of driving, the Tianlei Sea Area finally arrived!

  Wu Yun was suspended in the air, looking at the distant place, the sea there suddenly changed from blue to pitch black, and the sky there was filled with black thunderclouds that could not be seen. The sound of thunder rumbled, and then spread.

  The scene was exactly the same as what Wu Yun saw in the Silver Pagoda.

  "There are quite a lot of people."

  At this time, outside the Tianlei sea area, there was the sound of breaking wind from time to time, and large swathes of streamer passed the sky. Obviously, these should be the strong men who were attracted by the reincarnation cave.

  "Then what do Xuantian Palace and Jiuyoumen want to attract so many people?" Wu Yun frowned slightly. The three parties got the power of the Silver Pagoda, and he all came quietly to hunt for treasure.

  These people must have been attracted by the other two forces.

  "Little Diao, Second Brother, we're here, let's go for a drive." Wu Yun called Lin Dong and the others out.

  "Big Brother!"

  Xiao Diao, Lin Dong, Xiao Yan, Bai Yun, and the group of five gathered again.

  Looking at the thunderous sea, several people were very excited.

  "Is it here, Thunder Ancestral Talisman?" Xiao Diao licked his lips, finally getting the second Ancestral Talisman.

  "There are a lot of auras gathering in front of us. Let's go and have a look first." Wu Yun looked up into the distance, where there seemed to be an island faintly, and the directions where the streamers gathered in the sky were all there.

  The five people flitted across the sky, and within ten minutes, the huge island appeared in sight. Above the island, countless streamers of light intertwined, like a network of light, which looked quite gorgeous.

  In the center of the island, there is a very old stone city, but at this time, there are only a few people in the city, and the noise breaks the silence that used to be here.

  Entering the island, the silver pagoda in Wu Yun's Qiankun bag vibrated.

  "It seems that the other two silver pagodas are already on the island." Wu Yun followed the direction sensed by the silver pagodas.

  Soon, they came to the only stone tower pavilion in the city. On the pavilion, there were two figures sitting peacefully.

  A man and a woman, the man was dressed in black, holding a cup of tea, savoring it slowly, looking at Wu Yun's direction with his eyes, and seemed to have sensed him.

  But Wu Yun was in the crowd, and he hadn't locked Wu Yun yet.

  The woman is dressed in white, and she is shockingly beautiful. She holds a jade ring lightly in her bare hands, and her blue hair hangs down from her fragrant shoulders. Her face is extremely beautiful, her skin is as white as snow, and her eyebrows are as picturesque. An inescapable charm.

  "The owner of the third silver pagoda?" The woman in white raised her head, a faint smile appeared on her extremely beautiful cheek, and asked.

  The man in black nodded and said with a smile: "It is said that his name is Wu Yun. From the information I have obtained, it seems that this silver pagoda was forcibly taken from the hand of an elder who stepped into the Profound Death Realm from Xiefengdongtian. Snatched."

  "It's pretty good to be able to snatch something from the Profound Death Realm." The woman in white was slightly surprised.

  When the two were talking about Wu Yun, Wu Yun and the others also listened to the discussions of the people around them.

  "That's the head of the four demon generals of Jiuyoumen, Pang Hao." "

  He has a silver pagoda on him." "

  The woman in white is the saint of Xuantian Palace, Liu Xiangxuan, hehe, she is one of the best in the chaotic demon sea." A beauty."

  "Although a beauty is beautiful, I'm afraid she is not blessed to endure it. No man can subdue this kind of woman."

  The focus of these people's talk was still on beauties, and Wu Yun and the others also learned a lot of information from the conversation.

  "It's really good looking, but it's still not as beautiful as sister Baiyun." Xiao Diao looked at Liu Xiangxuan and said calmly.

  Baiyun wears a white furry hood that matches her tiger ears, so passers-by cannot see her peerless face head-on.

  Otherwise, it will definitely attract a group of old-fashioned onlookers.

  "The silver pagoda is on the two of them, big brother, do you want to snatch it first?" Lin Dong didn't look at Liu Xiangxuan at all, but thought about fighting.