Refining Materials for Devouring Corpse

Wu Yun and the others were slightly surprised when they saw the thunder vortex.

  And the people who followed them in the rear showed even more frightened expressions.


  In the vortex-shaped thunder cloud, the bright thunder liquid poured down like a river of heaven, and it looked like a huge hole in the sky.

  The thunderbolt suddenly poured down, and in the area covered by it, nearly a hundred strong men were submerged in an instant. This time, they didn't even make a pitiful scream, but they were covered with bones in the thunderbolt. It disappeared completely, and even the primordial spirit had no time to escape, and it turned into nothingness.

  Wu Yun and the other five were extremely fast, within a few blinks, they avoided the falling thunderbolt.

  But other people are not so lucky. Anyone who is taken care of by Lei Jiangpu will end badly as long as they touch it.

  "It's Thunder Waterfall again, run quickly."

  "It's also appearing here, damn it, this is a group of Thunder Water Falls!" "

  What the hell, how come you encounter such a perverted thing, you can't get past it at all."

  One by one, they were cursing and avoiding constantly.

  However, the area covered by the Thunder Waterfalls is too large, there will always be unlucky people who will accept the baptism of the Thunder Water head-on, and those who are below the Perfect Life Profound Realm cannot bear this kind of Thunder Water at all.

  Even if the Shengxuan Realm is perfect, it will be severely injured if it is drenched in thunder liquid.

  When you come out to hunt for treasure, you must be prepared to die, which itself is full of risks.

  Wu Yun and the others didn't care about these people at all, and proceeded to the depths on their own.

  It is inevitable that they will be covered by lightning plasma. For them, although it will not be fatal, pain and ease are also unavoidable.

  In normal times, this lightning pulp can also be used to quench the body.

  But now there is no time to practice.

  Wu Yun has two silver pagodas in his hands. The silver pagoda is not only the key to open the cave, but also a good lightning-attribute spiritual treasure. The silver pagoda can block the pouring thunder pulp.

  Now, Wu Yun and five people were protected by two silver pagodas, and they went straight to the depths very easily.

  The others could only watch with envy and hatred.

  Especially the people from Jiuyoumen, they were robbed of the Silver Pagoda by Wu Yun, and now they can only pass through the Thunder Waterfall by luck.

  "I didn't expect that this silver tower key could protect people unimpeded in this sea of ​​thunder."

The Xuantian Palace team behind Wu Yun and the others saw Wu Yun and the others sacrifice the silver tower, and Liu Xiangxuan's eyes lit up. Immediately took out the silver pagoda, protected the team of Xuantian Palace, and caught up with Wu Yun and the others.

  In the ensuing journey, the Tianlei Sea Territory showed its fierce reputation once again. All kinds of thunderstorms fell from the sky one after another. The terrifying force devastated many strong men to the point of physical and mental exhaustion. However, with the protection of the Silver Tower Key, Wu Yun and the others It was smooth sailing.

  After such a short half a day, their speed gradually slowed down.

  Because ahead of them, go change.

  The thunderclouds in the sky changed from pitch black to bright silver, and streaks of lightning pierced down, as if shooting into the depths of the seabed.

  At the most central position, there is a thunder light of ten thousand zhang. Under the light of such a huge thunder light, Wu Yun and others who came to hunt for treasure become extremely small.

  "That's right here, the cave is in the thunder light." Wu Yun pointed to the center of the thunder light and said.

  The scene here is exactly the same as what he saw in the silver tower before.

  After a while, the Xuantian Temple team led by Liu Xiangxuan also arrived here.

  "Brother Wu Yun, you guys are really fast." Liu Xiangxuan said with a smile.

  "Since Miss Liu is here, let's start." Wu Yun took out two silver pagodas and looked at Liu Xiangxuan.

  As soon as his voice fell, Liu Xiangxuan also nodded lightly, raised her jade hand, and a small silver pagoda flashed out. Seeing this, Lin Dong pondered for a while, and also took the small silver pagoda he had obtained. out.

  As soon as the three silver pagodas appeared, they automatically merged together, causing strong vibrations in the surrounding space.

  The sound of thunder resounded in the sky, and the silver towers seemed to activate the power here. Amidst the rumbling sound, three bright silver light beams suddenly shot out from the three silver towers.

  Shhhhhh... three beams of light intertwined in the sky, and finally merged together and shot into the ten thousand zhang thunder light.

  Humming sounded, and there was a violent shock in the space.

  After the fused silver light beam shot into the ten thousand zhang thunder light, ripples and fluctuations suddenly appeared on the edge of the calm thunder light, and the low-pitched thunder rumbled, and traces of destructive fluctuations radiated out.

  At this time, many people had rushed here, seeing the three silver towers floating in the sky, their eyes showed greed.

  However, now is the critical time to start the cave, and they all waited quietly.


  The sound of thunder rang out one after another, and it became louder and louder. A ray of light suddenly emerged from the edge of the thunder, and then the light extended at an astonishing speed, and finally turned into a light path filled with thunder, and the end of the light path , is the reincarnation cave in the depths of the thunder.

  Under the light, people saw a huge and thick stone gate about a thousand feet long.

  At this time, the stone door made a creaking sound and opened inward.

  People looked at the gate of the cave that was slowly opening, their hearts beat faster and their eyes were straightened.

  Ancient and wild fluctuations spewed out from the gate.

  The Reincarnation Cave Mansion is open!



  "Come on!"

  One by one the strong shouted excitedly, like wild horses running wild, they rushed towards the cave, wanting to be the first to enter the cave.

  The crowd is huge!

  Wu Yun took back the silver pagoda first, opened the cave, and everyone can enter, but the function of the key is definitely not that simple, and he must be able to obtain some convenience or guidance in the cave.

  Liu Xiangxuan also kept staring at her own silver pagoda, and took it back immediately after opening it.

  Xiao Diao, Lin Dong and Xiao Yan have already rushed into the stone gate first.

  Before that, they had a division of labor, and the two teams explored separately.

  "Let's go!"

  Wu Yun flew into the cave with a white cloud, and the bright silver light shone, and he could feel the spatial fluctuations coming from all around, and the chaotic talisman twinkling light, warning crazily.


  Wu Yun quickly protected Baiyun in his arms, and looked through the lightning with his eyes. In front of him, there were countless figures of lightning standing like sculptures. In their hands, they all held a bow of lightning. At this time, On the bow, lightning arrows flashing with electric arcs were already on the string.

  Hey, hey, hey... Those lightning figures who looked like an army loosened their fingers, and countless lightning arrows, like a torrential rain, mixed with destructive fluctuations, came crazily.

  The space was distorted, those lightning arrows were quite powerful, each of them was at least comparable to the attacks of the Xiaocheng of the Life Profound Realm.


  "Be careful!"

  "What, it's so dangerous just coming in."

  Many shouted and cursed.

  Arrows of thunder and light poured down like a torrential rain, and those strong men who rushed to the front were the first to be enveloped by the arrows.

  The body was pierced in an instant, exploding into blood mist, and even the primordial spirit had just escaped from the body, and was chased by the flashing thunder, and then blasted into nothingness.

  Run fast, die fast.

  There are too many arrows of thunder and light, and they seem to be able to lock energy, even those who are perfect in the Profound Life Realm, or even those who are strong in the Profound Death Realm, dare not face it alone.

  The benefits of more people are reflected, risk sharing.

  Those who are weak become cannon fodder.

  "Kill, kill these puppets."

  Suddenly someone shouted.

  Many people's eyes lit up, everyone had no way out, they could only swarm up, and all kinds of powerful martial arts were displayed, bombarding those thunder figures.

  This thunder figure, like an army, was quickly dispersed by the crowd.

  Wu Yun also rushed in, his body was full of blue light, and he punched out, directly blasting several lights and shadows.

  However, when these lights and shadows were bombarded, they turned into streaks of lightning and scattered away, but they did not disappear completely. Instead, they got into other figures of lightning, and those figures that could still move could automatically absorb this lightning Become stronger.

  That is to say, as the number of Lei Guang's shadows decreases, it will become stronger.

  "What kind of method is this? It's abnormal?" Wu Yun looked a little surprised.

  "Forget it, go inside first."

  Wu Yun didn't stay here, the treasure hunt was important.

  These lightning shadows could block many people, but it was beneficial for them to hunt for treasure. With Wu Yun's strength, he quickly opened a passage and walked out of the lightning battlefield.

  A silver halo appeared in front of them.

  "This should be the passage leading to the cave, let's go." Wu Yun grabbed Bai Yun's little hand and swept in.

  After the aperture, there are different spatial fluctuations.

  An even brighter silver light filled the world inside, making it hard for people to open their eyes.

  Fortunately, Wu Yun's Chaos Talisman has completed one-tenth of the thunder rune flashing, turning his eyes into silver light, adapting to this environment.

  At the same time, the chaotic rune is also absorbing the power of thunder in this space, and a new thunder rune is derived.

  The field of vision appeared, and there was already an extremely vast land in front of it, with row upon row of palaces stretching to the depths, but these palaces had already been reduced to ruins.

  From the dilapidated condition of these temples, it can be seen that this place has experienced a very tragic war before.

  "If it is not destroyed, the majesty and vastness here will not be weaker than a super sect like Dao Sect." Wu Yun said with emotion.

  The whole land is filled with a dilapidated atmosphere, vicissitudes, ancient times, and no vitality.


  Xiao Diao and the other three also came out.

  "This cave is very large, so we need to search separately," Wu Yun said.

  Immediately, they divided into two groups and entered it.

  As he went deeper, Wu Yun felt that there was a special aura that was incompatible with the outside world in this dilapidated land.

  "It's strange devil energy!"

  "It seems that this place has become like this because of the invasion of strange devils."

  Wu Yun said with emotion.

  "There is the thunder ancestral talisman here, so strange demons are attracted, just like the original Great Desolate Sect."

  Desolation: "My master sealed the space-time cracks in the strange demon world back then, but there are still many powerful strange demons left here. On the plane, although most of the strange demons were wiped out under the continuous siege of many strong men from heaven and earth, there are still some lurking." "The strange demons have always planned to make a comeback, and the ancestor talisman is their biggest threat. "

  "This faction, like the Great Desolation Sect, possesses ancestral charms, so it will definitely be targeted by the hidden monsters."

  Bai Yun showed a worried look, "Then master, may we have been targeted by the strange monsters?"

  "Don't worry, along the way, almost all the people who have seen us use the Devouring Ancestral Talisman are dead. There are not many people who know that we have the Devouring Ancestral Talisman, and they are all around. How could the strange demon know." Wu Yun patted Bai Yun's head and comforted him.

  "Now I'm mainly worried about people from Yuanmen. They have colluded with the strange demons and will use the power of the strange demons to target us." "

  However, don't worry too much. When we get the Thunder Ancestral Talisman and have three , plus the barrenness and rocks, even if the strange monsters of the king order come here, they will not be afraid."

  During the conversation, they came to a dilapidated ruined square.

  "So many people?!"

  Bai Yun exclaimed in amazement. In that huge dilapidated square, there were nearly a thousand figures sitting cross-legged, but these figures had lost all vitality now.

  They were covered with dust, as if withered.

  Wu Yunxuan looked at this scene in awe. These people were all facing south, with one hand raised up. With Wu Yun's eyesight, it was not difficult to see that they were using some kind of formation to fight.

  The strange demon is so strong that it can directly destroy the vitality of so many people.

  "Their bodies still have strange demonic energy." Wu Yun murmured.

  The power of strange demons is so strange that they have been able to gather together from ancient times to the present.

  "Seniors, let's go with peace of mind, the strange demons will be terminated by my generation!"

  Wu Yun bowed and clasped his hands to the thousand people sitting cross-legged.

  After he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and these haggard figures turned into a little bit of fly ash and dissipated, leaving only the eighteen figures in the middle.

  They still have the death energy on them.

  It can be seen that these eighteen people were all strong in the Profound Death Realm, and their bodies can survive until now.

  In the bodies of the eighteen people, Wu Yun also sensed a strong aura of strange demons. Obviously, the aura of strange demons had corroded their bodies, turning them into demon corpses in the realm of strange demons.

  Buzzing... The wave of the stranger attracted eighteen withered reactions. The black flames in their eyes rose up, and then they rushed out together, and the evil black flames were filled with death.

  Wu Yun didn't have any fear, this was not the first time he had faced this situation.

  When I was in the center of the strange demon realm, there were also such demonic corpses formed by the powerhouses of the Profound Death Realm who were corroded by different demon energy.

  "It's the Dead Silence Pill!"

  Wu Yun made a direct move, his body turned into an afterimage and passed over several demon corpses, and took away the energy crystals in their dantians, the Dead Silence Pill similar to the Profound Orb.


  Then a gate of space collected the eighteen demons into the world of ancient monuments.

  These are great materials.

  After Wu Yun's research, the demon corpses of the Profound Life Realm and the Profound Death Realm can be smelted to extract the main materials for refining the Devouring Corpse.

  In the world of ancient monuments, tens of thousands of corpses and monsters of the Profound Realm have been collected.

  Wu Yun planned to collect all the demon corpses in the Thunder Cave Mansion.

  If there were demon corpses of the same level in the Profound Death Realm, it might be possible to refine ten devouring heaven corpses.