Space Ancestral Talisman

Zhou Tong defected to Yuanmen and betrayed Daozong? !

  As soon as Tian Yuanzi's words came out, the entire Taoist sect was stunned. They looked at the handsome face with vicissitudes in disbelief, his eyes were dead silent, and no fluctuations could be seen.

  Did Zhou Tong really betray him?

  Ying Xuanzi's body trembled uncontrollably, and under the complicated mood, he questioned feebly, "Why?" "

  Zhou Tong, wake up, how could you betray Daozong!" He became much older, and Ying Xiaoxiao at the side quickly supported him, while the Daoist disciples who were originally imposing behind him also stared blankly at this scene.

  "Teacher, don't get excited."

  "Maybe it's no longer Senior Brother Zhou Tong. I'm afraid he has been controlled by Tian Yuanzi, just like Yuanzi next to me is controlled by me. This is his trick, don't be influenced by him." "

  Wu Yun stared at Zhou Tong with a pair of eyes, and then manipulated the black-robed man beside him to move forward.

  "Tian Yuanzi, don't be too happy too early. You controlled Zhou Tong, but the head teacher of your Yuanmen, Di Yuanzi, also chose to join our Taoist sect." "And it was your head teacher,

  Di Yuanzi, who told me, It has become the domain of strange demons, the entire sect is occupied by strange demons, you have betrayed Tianxuan Continent."

  Wu Yun said as he took off the black robe covering Di Yuanzi's body, revealing a A monster similar to Di Yuanzi, but with black magic patterns on its face.

  "Di Yuanzi, kneel down!"

  Wu Yun ordered with his lips raised.

  The puppet made by Yuanzi next to him immediately knelt down, like a dog, and Wu Yun rubbed its head angrily.

  Do you want to attack your heart? He has more methods than Yuanmen.

  "How is it possible that the head teacher Di Yuanzi went to Daozong?"

  "Why did the head teacher rebel?"

  "He actually obeyed Wu Yun's order!"

  "Di Yuanzi, you deserve to die!"


  The disciples of Yuanmen saw that their supreme head teacher had become a slave driven by others at will, and the shock in their hearts was even more difficult. calm.

  You must know that because of their special management style, the Yuanmen imitated the system of the different demons and had a strict hierarchy.

  The Sanyuanzi of heaven, earth and man, in the hearts of Yuanmen disciples, is a god-like existence.

  But now, this god-like existence has become a dog of hostile forces.

  The Yuanmen disciples couldn't believe this scene at all.

  The impact on them was too great.

  Based on their knowledge, they would not have thought that their head teacher Yuanzi had been controlled by the other party and turned into a puppet. After all, he was an existence close to the reincarnation state, and he was already a top powerhouse in the world. How could he be controlled.

  And the other party is a strong person in the Profound Death Realm!

  Who will believe it?

  Now the Yuanmen disciples were in an uproar.

  The headmaster has surrendered to the enemy, who are these disciples going to work for.

  "Di Yuanzi..."

  "Wu Yun, you are so ruthless..."

  Tian Yuanzi's face was extremely ugly. He never thought that after Di Yuanzi's death, Wu Yun would use his body to sacrifice to become a puppet.

  "Zhou Tong, go and kill them for me." Tian Yuanzi said angrily.

  A black light flashed in Zhou Tong's eyes, and he rushed towards Wu Yun with one step.

  "Senior Brother Zhou Tong, I know you still have a sliver of sanity, and you don't really want to betray Yuanmen. You can't help yourself, you are in more pain than anyone else."

  Wu Yun looked at Zhou Tong who was rushing towards him, and didn't use any powerful attacking methods to deal with him, but directly fought against him with his physical body, and transmitted his spiritual power to him, using the voice of the soul, hoping to awaken his soul. The mind hidden in the deepest part.

  Zhou Tong's body seemed to freeze at this moment, and then he stared at Wu Yun without speaking, but there seemed to be a wave of fluctuation in the dead silent eyes deep in his eyes.

  "No matter how you became like this, we Daozong disciples will always remember the brother Zhou Tong who dared to kill Shangyuanmen alone for the sake of Daozong. We also believe that this scene is not yours. My own will."

  Wu Yun continued to transmit the voice, Zhou Tong still had a remnant soul, and only by awakening his remnant soul could he be saved.


  Zhou Tong looked at Ying Xuanzi, and suddenly shouted in a hoarse voice. It seemed that he had exhausted all his strength and was extremely painful to call out these two words.

  "Tong'er..." Ying Xuanzi sympathized with his body and mind, and shed tears instantly. His most important disciple, who was regarded as a junior like a parent and child, endured unspeakable pain.

  Under such circumstances, he was able to recover some sanity, just because he still remembered himself as the master.

  "What did you guys do to him?" Ying Xuanzi roared, staring at Tian Yuanzi furiously.

  Seeing that Zhou Tong was able to recover a sliver of reason, Tian Yuanzi frowned slightly, glanced at Zhou Tong, snorted coldly, and with a shake of his sleeve, Zhou Tong's struggling body slowly solidified, and the expression on his face just now The emotions that surfaced gradually fade away, like a puppet whose mind has been controlled.

  "Your disciple, the tenacity of mind is indeed rare. After a hundred years of erosion, you can still maintain a little clarity. Haha, in fact, I didn't do anything, but I just couldn't bear such a good seedling, so I helped him to be loyal to Daozong. It's just a matter of being loyal to our Yuanmen." Tian Yuanzi sneered.

  "Zhou Tong, go kill them!"


  Following Tian Yuanzi's order, Zhou Tong rushed out, and appeared in front of Ying Xuanzi like a ghost. When he grabbed it with his palm, the space was violently twisted, and the invisible space seemed to be under his palm. condense into substance.

  Zhou Tong's attack was extremely weird, as if he could easily penetrate the space. His palm pointed at Ying Xuanzi's head and grabbed it. It was extremely ruthless, and it was just a killing machine.

  "Let me come, you all don't shoot!"

  Wu Yun yelled, Xingzi Mi quickly activated, and instantly appeared in front of Ying Xuanzi, the purple-gold palm touched Zhou Tong, and the two rays of light collided, not too violent The energy spread out, but the space around them quickly collapsed.

  Zhou Tong's figure flashed, and he appeared behind him.

  "Space Ancestral Talisman?"

  At this moment, Wu Yun, Lin Dong, Mo Luo, and Qingzhi all saw the fluctuation of the Space Ancestral Talisman.

  "The Spatial Ancestral Talisman was on Zhou Tong's body before." Desolation also transmitted the voice to Wu Yun.

  In the past, the reason why he passed the Great Desolation Sutra to Zhou Tong was because Zhou Tong possessed the ancestral talisman.

  However, he couldn't wait for Zhou Tong later.

  Tian Yuanzi: "Hehe, did you see it!"

  "Zhou Tong who possesses the Space Ancestral Talisman, even if he is a strong person in the reincarnation realm, it is difficult to kill him. Let's take a look at the civil war in your Taoist sect today. Is it a hundred years ago?" The genius is stronger, and you are the rookie who is more powerful after a hundred years."

  Tian Yuanzi also had a murderous look in his eyes, and then he waved his sleeve and said, "Zhou Tong, this is the Wu who rose to the Taoist sect after you. Yun, he is even worse than you were back then, you should learn his skills, of course, if you can kill him, that would be the best." At this time,

  Zhou Tong had a faint silver in his eyes . The light emerged, and a struggling look appeared on his face.

  "Hmph, still want to resist?!" Tian Yuanzi snorted coldly, and made a handprint, Zhou Tong's eyes filled with gray air, quickly eroding away those silver lights.

  "Old dog, do you still want to control Senior Brother Zhou Tong?"

  "Second brother, hang on to the old dog Tian Yuanzi, don't let him have the opportunity to control Senior Brother Zhou Tong."

  Wu Yun said coldly, now they have a great advantage in the top powerhouse, it is impossible for Tian Yuanzi to control Zhou Tong Opportunity.

  The reason why they didn't push in with all their strength was because Zhou Tong's identity was too special, and he still had some help. Wu Yun didn't want to be dragged in the melee. Since Yuanmen wanted Zhou Tong to come out to frustrate their spirit first, Wu Yun was also trying to If you want to suppress Zhou Tong alone, first save his remnant soul and take away the Space Ancestral Talisman!

  "Tian Yuanzi, don't meddle in their battle." Lin held the Thunder Emperor's scepter in his hand, and cast the Thunder Emperor's precious technique, and in an instant, eight lightning dragons rushed towards Tian Yuanzi.

  "Looking for death, it's up to you to stop me." Tian Yuanzi sneered, as if he didn't take Lin Dong seriously.

  A Profound Death Realm has been completed!

  However, in the next second, the thick thunder dragon rushed into his body, ravaged his body crazily, turned into a thunder flame, and burned the devil energy in his body.

  Tian Yuanzi had no choice but to fight Lin Dong seriously. The opponent's thunder power actually suppressed the strange magic power in his body.

  "The Thunder Ancestral Talisman is actually on your body?" Tian Yuanzi quickly noticed it, and his pair of pitch-black magic pupils were full of shock.

  "Have you seen it, old dog, then you can bear the purification of the Thunder Ancestral Talisman."

  Lin Dong waved the Thunder Emperor's scepter, and thick beams of thunder and light descended from the sky, trapping Tian Yuanzi inside.

  During the battle between Lin Dong and Tian Yuanzi, Tian Yuanzi, who was tired of dealing with Lin Dong, found it difficult to give Zhou Tong any more orders.

  However, Zhou Tong was also overly eroded by the demonic energy, and his sanity was not much left.

  When the silver light in his eyes was about to be drowned by gray, his hoarse and indistinct voice came out with a pleading meaning.

  "Junior Brother Wu Yun, please promise me. Definitely, definitely kill me!"

  Wu Yun saw that Senior Brother Zhou Tong, who was once the pride of the Taoist sect, was tortured into such a state, and his heart was full of anger.

  "Senior Brother Zhou Tong, don't worry, I will save you, and the Yuanmen will pay an even more painful price." Wu Yun said in a deep voice, the killing intent in his chest surged crazily, and after a while, he took a deep breath. In one breath, he took out the heavy prison Yanshan.

  At this moment, Zhou Tong had obviously lost all his sanity, so he didn't respond to Wu Yun's words.

  Wu Yun sacrificed Yanshan, the heavy prison, and the terrifying gravity field enveloped Zhou Tong. Wu Yun also cast the Dacheng Shenyue Body, and the endless gravity crushed him.

  However, this time, Wu Yun's omnipotent gravitational suppression did not achieve any effect when facing Zhou Tong.

  Shenyue pressed against him, Zhou Tong's body emitted a faint silver light, and the surrounding space quietly twisted, helping him to relieve gravity.

  Suddenly Zhou Tong's figure disappeared, and at the same time, the space behind Wu Yun distorted, and a space ripple appeared.

  Zhou Tong stepped out of it, he directly penetrated the space, and appeared behind Wu Yun in a very strange way, only to see the silver light flashing on the palm of his hand, like an extremely sharp blade of space, ruthlessly He slashed at Wu Yun fiercely.

  Wu Yun's face changed, and the space blade could pass through the void and arrive in an instant.

  "The master of the ancestral talisman is really difficult to deal with." Wu Yun muttered in his heart, two green lights burst out, and a green dragon fist blasted out.


  The space light blade that came violently was shattered, and the space oscillated wildly.

  Wu Yun hurriedly put away the heavy prison Yanshan, and the Shenyue body was useless. In front of Zhou Tong who possessed the space ancestral talisman, gravity could not restrain him, because he could easily travel through space.

  "Ling Yun!"

  Wu Yun called out, and the Lei Ling Tian Saber appeared. He held the Thunder Saber, and cut out a series of terrifying blade lights.

  Facing Wu Yun's attack, Zhou Tong dodged as many as possible. Even Wu Yun, who possesses the secret of Xingzi, was shocked by his meticulous dodge. avenue.

  Zhou Tong kept flickering his figure, avoiding Wu Yun's attack, stretched out a pair of palms with black sharp gloves on his sleeves, and clenched his hands, only to see that the space in front of him was rapidly distorted. It turned into a huge spatial sword with a thousand feet.

  Zhou Tong tightly held the spatial saber, and then slashed down angrily.

  Buzzing... The Thunder Spirit Sky Knife and the Spatial Knife collided passionately, and the space above the Yuan Gate oscillated continuously, and broken voids appeared one after another.

  The Lightning Saber that Wu Yun cut out was actually split into two by the space saber.

  "As expected of the owner of the Space Ancestral Talisman, Zhou Tong's strength is too strong this week."

" His control over the Space Ancestor Talisman has reached such an extremely delicate level."

, and there is no way to take Zhou Tong down."

  Everyone stared at the battle between Wu Yun and Zhou Tong with serious faces.

  Even Moro and Aokiji couldn't calm down.

  Spatial Ancestral Talismans have always been weird and flexible. Even they, facing Zhou Tong, have no certainty of victory.

  The space ancestral talisman is too strong, allowing people to have enough initiative.

  But Wu Yun didn't panic from the beginning to the end, he was very calm.

  He has many means that are powerful enough, but because of Zhou Tong's soul, he didn't sacrifice them. His purpose is not only to defeat Zhou Tong, but also to save Zhou Tong.

  I have just seen Zhou Tong's remaining sanity, as long as he can get rid of it, he can put it in the world tree to be warmed up.


  Wu Yun shouted loudly, and the Chaos Talisman in Niwan Palace shot out a white light.

  The white light fell on Zhou Tong's body, his figure suddenly froze, and the fluctuations in the surrounding space became still.

  "Thunder Emperor's Treasure Technique!"

  Wu Yun controlled the thunder pool, the power of thunder in his body surged wildly, and the sea of ​​thunder was all around him.

  "God's Punishment!"

  Boom Boom Boom... The berserk Lei Chi was led by Wu Yun and suppressed Zhou Tong.

  Countless beams of thunder landed on Zhou Tong's body, making a buzzing sound, and Zhou Tong's whole body was filled with thunder.

  A beam of thunder beams pierced Zhou Tong's chest, and the thunder burst out, and the black robe covering his body instantly turned into ashes and dissipated.

  And when the black robe on his body melted away, Zhou Tong's body was exposed, and Wu Yun's pupils shrank suddenly.

  The people in the rear also burst into exclamations of horror at this time.

  Obviously, they were all surprised by Zhou Tong's body!