Nine-tailed Fox Clan

 Buzz Buzz!

  The fluctuation of spatial transmission made Wu Yun dazzled for a while.

  The distance from Chaos Demon Sea to Demon Realm is very long. Even if they used the teleportation from the Flame Temple, it took a long time before they successfully reached the Demon Realm.

  As the space impact disappeared, Wu Yun and Xin Qing appeared under the red sky.


  The sudden weightlessness made Xinqing scream.

  Wu Yun immediately hugged it, and it fell steadily to the flat ground below.

  The two then looked at the surrounding environment.

  This is a dark red plain, with occasional peaks standing tall, and some sparse trees appearing here and there. In that extremely distant place, it seems that there are some long roars of beasts spreading, making this land, Has a wild feeling.

  "Xinqing, where are we now?" Wu Yun asked Xinqing relieved.

  Xinqing blushed slightly, looked around, and said slowly,

  "Master Wu Yun, if there is no mistake in teleportation, we should be in the Beast Battlefield."

  "Beast Battlefield?" Wu Yun recalled slightly, and the corners of his mouth began to slightly arouse.

  In the original book, the three brothers Lin Dong were forced to leave by the three old dogs of the Yuanmen, and Xiao Yan fell into the Beast Battlefield, where he also got some opportunities.

  It was also here that Lin Dong set foot in the Demon Realm later on.

  Now Wu Yun came here through the teleportation array of the Yanshen Temple, and arrived here first without any accidents.

  "My random entry disrupted the original plot, and I don't know if Xiaoyan can still get the chance here."

  Wu Yun thought to himself, although the chance he gave Xiaoyan was not bad, but he could get the beast. The opportunity in the battlefield can also speed up Xiaoyan's growth.

  "Xiao Diao brought Xiao Yan back to the Demon Realm from Chaos Demon Sea not long ago. I don't know if they are in this Beast Battle Realm." "Try first before we talk."

  Wu Yun immediately took out the yuan left for Xiao Diao and Xiao Yan. The jade talisman passed on by God.

  This Yuanshen jade talisman can be contacted as long as it is within a certain range. With Wu Yun's current strength of Yuanshen, at least within the range of the Beast Battlefield, there is no problem.

  Wu Yun first contacted Xiao Diao, but there was no response.

  This proves that the little mink is no longer in the beast battle field.

  However, Xiaoyan responded.

  "Brother, you're finally here. Where are you? I'll come and find you right away!"

  Xiao Yan was very excited when he received Wu Yun's message. During this time, he was fighting alone in the Beast Battle Field, and he missed him very much. Wu Yun, Lin Dong and the others are finally here.

  "This guy is really in the Beast Battlefield. It seems that this is his chance. He can't escape." Wu Yun couldn't help laughing.

  He looked around and didn't know the place name here, so he said to Xinqing, "Xinqing, I've already contacted Xiaoyan, you choose a place, and I'll ask him to come and find us." "This place should be nine miles away from us.

  " The Weihu Clan is not far away, Master Wu Yun, why not go to our Nine-Tailed Fox Clan to meet Lord Yan." Xin Qing thought for a while.

  "Okay, then go to the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan!"

  Wu Yun readily agreed, passed the location of the Nine-Tailed Village that Xinqing had provided to Xiaoyan, and set out on the road with Xinqing.

  The scenery of the Monster Realm is good. Compared with the dynasties in the Dongxuan Realm, and the islands in the Chaos Demon Sea, it has a different style and is more full of wild and primitive atmosphere. Turn on travel mode.

  Ying Huanhuan, Jiang Xue, Mu Qianqian and the others were all curious about the Demon Realm.

  Xinqing, a local aborigine, acted as a tour guide.

  Xinqing: "The Demon Realm is extremely vast, with various regions, roughly divided into four regions: east, west, north, south, and four regions. The Beast War Realm we are in is the junction of the Western Region and the Northern Region. One of the chaotic regions."

  "This is different from other regions. In other places, the major monster clans are distributed according to ethnic groups. The regions are clearly separated from each other and there are fewer disputes. However, here there is no distinction between races, only strength. Under the control of the Yaoshuai, they all have strengths above the Death Profound Realm, and even have a good reputation in the entire Demon Realm." Jiang Xue: "Xinqing, isn't your Nine-Tailed Fox Clan also very powerful?"

  Said When she arrived at the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan, Xinqing looked a little depressed, and she said desolately,

  "Our Nine-Tailed Fox Clan is very weak now, and our patriarch, that is, my mother, is only at the Death Profound Realm Xiaocheng. In the domain, it is very difficult for our Nine-Tails to protect themselves."

  "Because our fox women are naturally obsessed, the clansmen are always robbed and treated by the big men as objects of enjoyment, so it is difficult to survive." "

  We used to take refuge in the big However, the other party asked our Nine-Tailed Clan to provide ten female clan members every year. We refused to agree, and finally left and fled to the current settlement. However, we also paid a huge price for this. Seven or eight men, including my father, were killed during the resistance." "

  The reason why I left the Chaos Demon Sea and joined the Yanshen Temple is to become stronger so that I can protect my clansmen in the future.

  " Huanhuan listened, and said thoughtfully, "I didn't expect the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan to be so destitute now. It is said that in ancient times, you were one of the overlords of the demon realm." Xinqing glanced at Ying Huan in surprise Huan obviously didn't expect that she also knew the glory of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan.

  "Yes, I heard from the clan elders that our Nine-Tailed Fox Clan once fought against the Kunpeng Clan, one of the Four Tyrant Clans; presumably the strength at that time was not weaker than the current Four Tyrant Clans." She couldn't help yearning, she hoped that the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan could return to its former glory.

  "Four major clans? How is the situation in the Demon Realm now?" Ying Huanhuan asked again.

  "Today's world of monsters and beasts mainly consists of the Four Hegemony Clans and the Eight King Clans."

"The Four Hegemony Clans are the Dragon Clan, the Nine Phoenix Clan, the Kunpeng Clan and the Sky Demon Sable Clan.

  " Clan, Thunderclap Tiger Clan, Nine-Life Lynx Clan, Blood Vulture Clan..."

  Xin Qing talked in detail, introducing the major races in the Demon Realm to everyone.

  Ying Huanhuan suggested, "I didn't expect the situation of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan to be so bad. Wu Yun, why don't the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan migrate to the Ancient Monument World? Anyway, the Ancient Monument World is so big, and the life of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan is not bad." In such a small place, with your strength, it is no problem to protect them. Moreover, now is the time when the world of ancient monuments is thriving, and the rich ethnic groups are also more conducive to the development of the world, and maybe in the future, the Nine-tailed Fox clan will recover. At the pinnacle, the world of ancient monuments will have a group that is not weaker than the four major clans." "

  Yes, the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan is one of the few monster clans that is close to the human race, and they are not like other monster clans." The family is so ferocious and wild."

  "I also think it's okay, Xinqing is quite likable."

  Ying Huanhuan's proposal got the support of several people in an instant.

  Desolation, Zu Shiyan and other fetish spirits also very much agree with Wu Yun's absorption of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan. They are all powerful existences who have seen the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan in ancient times.

  With the development of the ancient monument world, it is very important to absorb some ethnic groups to enrich the ecology of the world. Letting a potential ethnic group like the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan join in, there are almost only benefits and no harm.

  "No problem, Xinqing, what do you think?" Wu Yun said with a smile.

  Several people looked at Xinqing.

  "Is it really possible?" Xin Qing was a little nervous and said in a low voice.

  She knows the world of ancient monuments. When she went to attack Yuanmen, she entered the world of ancient monuments with Yanshenwei. She knew what a huge world the ancient monument Wu Yun carried was inside, and that world was very important to him. For Xinqing, it was like a paradise.

  There is plenty of aura, no wars, and a peaceful place!

  She has longed for it.

  It's just that I feel humble, and dare not make such a request to Lord Wu Yun.

  "Of course you can. When you get to Jiuwei Village, you can tell your clansmen that they can live in the ancient monument as long as they want to." Wu Yun promised firmly.

  "Thank you, Lord Wu Yun, when my people see the prosperity of the world of ancient monuments, they will definitely agree." Xinqing said happily.

  Helping the Nine-Tails to solve the survival problem, the atmosphere gradually became more active and less depressing.

  Several people slowly started joking.

  "Does the nine-tailed fox really have nine tails?"

  "How did the nine tails grow?"

  "Xinqing, how many tails do you have?" Mu Qianqian couldn't help but look curiously at Xinqing's delicate buttocks, and asked with a smile .

  Seeing the curious eyes of several people, Xinqing hesitated for a moment, and said, "I only have three tails!"

  Immediately, her delicate body flashed red, and three furry tails flashed out from behind her.

  Xinqing was beside Wu Yun with her back to him, and now she suddenly gave birth to three tails, fluffy and swaying in front of Wu Yun.

  Wu Yun looked curiously at the three furry and cute tails behind Xinqing, and then couldn't help approaching them, grabbed one of the tails with his palm, and played with them subconsciously.

  That touch... absolutely amazing!

  Surprisingly comfortable.

  Wu Yun had never touched something so easy to touch, and couldn't help pinching it a few more times.

  Xinqing's face instantly turned red, and her body trembled slightly.

  "Master Wu can't touch your tail." Xinqing said tremblingly with her blushing hot face.


  Ying Huanhuan slapped Wu Yun's hand with quick hands and quick eyes, "You should be responsible for touching anything!"

  "It''s okay, Master Wu Yun didn't mean it." Xinqing lowered her head and said in a low voice, and then a red light flashed, and she quickly put away her three tails.


  Three days later, Wu Yun and the others came to a city called Blood Python City.

  Originally, I was just planning to pass by, but I heard in the city that a man named Lei Zhen had captured two Nine-Tails girls and wanted to dedicate them to the city lord, which attracted the envy of many people in the city.

  The Nine-Tails clan is well-known in the world of monsters and beasts. The girls in the clan are all naturally charming, and they can be met but not sought after.

  It is a rare stunner.

  It is unimaginable that a woman from the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan will end up in the hands of these people.

  After Xinqing heard about it, she immediately knelt down and begged Wu Yun.

  Having already promised to take the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan into the world of ancient monuments, Wu Yun naturally didn't hesitate, and led people directly into the City Lord's Mansion.

  The main body of the city lord, Cao Ying, is a blood ghost python, and has the strength to reach the perfection of the Profound Death Realm.

  This level of strength, for a group like the Nine-Tailed Fox, where only Xiaocheng of the Death Profound Realm sits in charge, they dare not provoke them at all.

  It's a pity that when he met Wu Yun and others, he didn't even have the qualifications to resist.

  Wu Yun killed Cao Ying with one hand and rescued two nine-tailed fox girls.

  The two girls knelt down to thank Wu Yun for the rest of their lives.

  Later, they would be insulted by Cao Ying, the python.

  Xinqing knew the two Nine-Tailed Foxes well, and introduced Wu Yun to them. Her words were all respectful, and she treated Wu Yun like a god.

  Another two days later!

  Led by Xinqing's three nine-tailed foxes, they came to Jiuwei Village.

  The lush green cottage, occasionally embellished with emerald red, coupled with the sound of warblers and swallows all over the mountains and plains, makes this village feel like a paradise.

  Entering the village, delicate figures would appear from time to time. They looked at Wu Yun and the others with big eyes full of curiosity. From time to time, they would laugh lightly, like larks.

  Xinqing shouted back those clansmen, and explained in a low voice, "Master Wu Yun, don't take offense. Our Jiuwei Village is usually closed, and the clansmen seldom see outsiders, especially humans, so it is inevitable that they will be a little curious." "It's okay, so Very good!" Wu Yun didn't care because he was also curious.

  I have to say that the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan really lives up to its reputation. Along the way, all the women in the clan are stunning.

  Scattered flowers gradually become charming eyes!

  Even Wu Yun's Purple Demon Eyes couldn't see through it.

  Entering the center of the stockade, there are already many people waiting there.

  Before they arrived, the two fox girls rescued by Wu Yun and the others had sent a letter to Jiuwei Village in advance.

  At the head of the crowd was a slightly graceful beautiful woman, she saw Xin Qing immediately, and excitement appeared on her cheeks immediately.


  Xinqing's eyes turned red, and she threw herself into the arms of the beautiful woman.

  The mother and daughter hugged each other, and the beautiful woman bowed to Wu Yun, and said softly,

  "Master Wu Yun, I am the contemporary patriarch of the Nine-tailed Clan, Xinxin, thank you for rescuing Xiao Liu and Xiao Qing. Thank you on behalf of the entire Nine-tailed Clan."

  Wu Yun: "You are welcome, Patriarch Xin, I just did it conveniently." Xinxin

  looked Wu Yun up and down, full of curiosity about the young man, and Xinqing gave her the soul biography. In the letter, she mentioned the deeds of Mr. Wu Yun, but it was really hard for her to believe that such a young Wu Yun could have the strength comparable to that of a reincarnation realm powerhouse.

  However, it is impossible for Xinqing to lie to her.

  "Master Wu Yun, I heard from Qing'er that you have a powerful spatial artifact with an inner world that can protect our Nine-Tailed Fox Clan. I wonder if you can let me have a look." Xinxin suggested.

  It is related to the future of their Nine-Tails clan, as the patriarch, she needs to be cautious.

  "Naturally no problem."

  Wu Yun smiled slightly. He understood Xinxin's concerns. After all, she and Wu Yun had just met and didn't have a deep understanding. on the man I met.

  "Come with me!"

  Wu Yun came to the wide area in the village and took down the ancient stele!


  The miniature ancient stele was enlarged and fell heavily on the ground, instantly becoming ten meters high. Runes shone on the body of the stele. After a while, a white space portal formed on the surface of the stele.

  Wu Yun: "You can just enter through this door!"

  The people of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan all focused their attention on the ancient monument. They were full of curiosity about the world of ancient monuments. They couldn't imagine such an ancient monument. Contains a world?

  How big will this world be?

  "Xuan Su, take Patriarch Xinxin to visit our Great Desolate Sect!"

  Wu Yun asked Xuan Su to take Xinxin and others into the ancient monument.

  Follow the beauties of the nine-tailed fox into the world of ancient monuments.

  "Wow, it's so big!"

  "It's really a world."

  "I can't sense the boundary at all."

  "My God, what kind of tree is this, it runs through the whole world." "

  I didn't see the flowing river. Wrong, it's actually Nirvana Danhe."

  "The vitality of the world here is more than a hundred times stronger than our Jiuwei Village."

  "It's really a paradise!"

  The people of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan were quickly attracted by the sights in the world of ancient monuments , and was deeply fascinated.

  Wu Yun is temporarily staying in Jiuwei Village, waiting for Xiaoyan to come over and have a round with him.

  During this time, Xinxin took her clansmen to tour the world of ancient monuments.

  The more she knew about the world of ancient monuments, the more she felt that Wu Yun was unfathomable, and at the same time, she became more determined to enter the world of ancient monuments.

  On this day, while Xinxin and the others hadn't come out of the world of ancient monuments, a group of unexpected guests suddenly came to Jiuwei Village.

  "Haha, people from the Nine-Tailed Clan have come out to pay this year's offerings!"

  A rough voice spread throughout the village, and a black crowd entered the village.

  Wu Yun frowned.