Recasting the Glory of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan

Wu Yun approached the head of the Xinxin clan to discuss the relocation of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan.

  Xinxin's face was tangled, and she said in embarrassment, "Master Wu Yun, it's no problem to move into the world of ancient monuments. My people like it very much, but there is one thing that is more troublesome. I'm afraid the Ancestral Soul Palace of our Nine-tailed Fox Clan We can't move, because we haven't broken into the Ancestral Soul Hall until now, and it's very dangerous inside, and we've entered many tribesmen before, but we haven't come out, so we don't know what's going on inside."

"Oh, is that so?" Wu Yun pondered slightly, Then he said, "Then break in and see what's going on. I'll take you and Xinqing in together. With me here, there will be no danger." "Okay, then our mother and son will break in with

  Master Wu Yun Just break in." Xinxin did not hesitate too much, and decisively agreed.

  With Wu Yun's current strength and means, no matter what dangers the Ancestral Soul Hall may have, it is impossible to threaten Wu Yun.

  No matter how bad the situation is, Wu Yun sacrificed the ancient monument and drilled into the world of ancient monuments. No one can do anything about him, and entering the world of ancient monuments is Wu Yun's world.

  Yan suddenly sent a voice transmission, "In ancient times, the Nine-Tailed Clan was also a powerful clan in the world of monsters and beasts. At that time, among their clan, there were three peak powerhouses in the reincarnation realm, whose strength was comparable to that of Jiufeng, Kunpeng, etc. The Tyrants are comparable."

  "The Nine-Tails also followed the Talisman Ancestor during the catastrophe, and made great contributions to that battle, but the Nine-Tails also became a group targeted by strange demons. It is said that in the last battle, the last nine-tailed spirit fox in their clan risked his life and sealed and suppressed the three strange demon kings."

"The decline of the nine-tailed fox clan may be related to that I suspect that the Ancestral Soul Palace is related to the suppressed three strange demon kings."

  Wu Yun nodded after hearing this, and replied, "Well, the three suppressed strange demon kings have been suppressed for so long. No matter how powerful it is, the Nine Kings Hall under the Great Desolation Sect can handle it." Half

  a day later, Wu Yun followed Xinxin and the others to the depths of the Nine-Tails Village.

  Go deep into the dense forest and come to the middle of a ruin.

  There is a huge altar here.

  Xinxin led the crowd up to the altar. In the center of the altar, there was a stone platform. When she held the palm of her hand, a bronze statue the size of a palm appeared.

  The bronze statue is blood-red, it is a fox, but behind it, nine tails dance freely, and a monstrous evil spirit sweeps out.

  Xin Xinxuan immediately put the bronze statue on the stone platform, flicked her fingers, a ball of blood flashed out, and a strong smell of blood emanated from it.

  When the ball of blood fell on the bronze statue, the blood-colored nine-tailed fox seemed to be resurrected at this time, and it turned to the sky and screamed. At this moment, the sky was black and cloudy, and the blood ball turned into a blood-red light , was sucked into the mouth of the nine-tailed spirit fox.


  The low whistling sound from ancient times echoed in the world with a sense of desolation. The nine-tailed fox on the altar seemed to come alive. His eyes swept over everyone, and then blood spurted out from its mouth. , It directly turned into a huge blood-red portal in front.

  "Master Wu Yun, you are not from the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan. You have to join us, or you will be isolated."

  Xin Xin pursed her lips and said shyly.

  "Then come on!" Wu Yun followed suit like a follower.

  Xinxin and Xinqing's mother and daughter immediately stood on both sides of Wu Yun, sticking to Wu Yun's arm, they stretched out their white and soft hands, grabbed Wu Yun's left and right hands, and interlocked their fingers.

  "Don't be nervous, follow me."

  Wu Yun released his mental power, covering Xinxin's mother and daughter, calming them down.

  Feeling the warmth of Wu Yun's palm and being wrapped by Wu Yun's powerful spiritual power, Xinxin and Xinqing were instantly filled with a sense of security, and they were no longer nervous or apprehensive.

  Looking at Wu Yun's side face, Qing Qing's heart beat faster.

  Xinxin's beautiful eyes stared at the blood-red portal, not daring to look at her daughter and Wu Yun.

  Wu Yun led the two of them into the blood-red portal.

  As their figures disappeared, a bloody ripple spread out.

  Opening their eyes, the three of them did not encounter the danger they imagined, and there was a vast and endless blood-red sea in front of them.

  They were standing on a corridor in this sea, and at the end of that corridor was a rather huge square.

  Xinxin and Xinqing looked at the square longingly, as if they felt a call from ancient times, they were subconsciously attracted to the square.

  Wu Yun followed them to the square. In the center of the square, there was a gigantic stone statue.

  The stone statue is a nine-tailed spirit fox, and its momentum is countless times stronger than the previous bronze statue.

  Wu Yun glanced over and saw that it was the skeleton of a real nine-tailed fox.

  And it's not just an ordinary nine-tailed fox, with such a terrifying aura, it was at least in the reincarnation state during life.

  When they came to the skeleton of the nine-tailed fox, Xinxin's mother and daughter let go of Wu Yun's hand, and then knelt down to the skeleton.

  They put their hands in a rather strange pose, and behind them, the furry fox tail was exposed.

  Xinqing has three tails, and Xinxin has six tails!

  Nine tails are facing Wu Yun, a little charming.

  Just when Xinxin and Xinxin put on that peculiar posture, an ancient and desolate singing came out from the mouth of the nine-tailed fox skeleton.

  The ancient singing echoes in this space, and at that moment, it seems to be dreaming back to ancient times.

  The energy of the heavens and the earth here fluctuated, and suddenly, on the skeleton of the nine-tailed spirit fox, spots of blood gathered.

  After a while, those bloody lights turned into a human form, and when the brilliance dissipated, a woman's light and shadow emerged.

  The woman was dressed in gorgeous clothes, her appearance was extremely seductive, with a frown and a smile, it seemed that even the world was dimmed.

  Xinxin and Xinqing looked at the incomparably alluring light and shadow, and couldn't help but shed tears in their beautiful eyes.

  "Ancestor!" The two called out in deep voices.

  The light and shadow girl looked softly at Xinqing and the two below, and then she gently stretched out her slender and white jade hands, and came to the two girls.

  "My people, you are finally here."

  Her soft voice exuded amazing charm. "Accept my inheritance, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

  Xinxin and Xinqing's eyes were dull, and they subconsciously stretched out their hands to touch the palm of the light and shadow woman.

  "Excuse me, interrupt me!"

  At this moment, Wu Yun made a move. He gathered his mental strength, turned into a big hand, and slapped the light and shadow woman's hand.

  "Who are you? You are not from our clan!"

  The seductive woman also frowned slightly and looked at Lin Dong, and then her tone was instantly cold, "My clansmen, have you even forgotten the clan rules of my Nine-Tails clan? Even people dare to bring people into the Ancestral Soul Hall."

  Xinxin and Xinqing looked at Wu Yun solemnly with blank eyes, and Xinxin said, "Master Wu Yun, why did you hit our ancestors?" "Isn't she Your ancestors!"

  Wu Yun said lightly.

  Xinxin: "But, I feel the same blood in her."

  Wu Yun did not answer Xinxin, but looked at the enchanting woman's light and shadow, "Which strange demon king are you, show yourself, don't pretend to be Nine-Tails Spirit fox, you strange demon clan is too ugly, you have desecrated the face of the nine-tailed spirit fox." "

  Who are you? You know the existence of my holy clan?" the seductive woman frowned.

  "I, the person who specializes in harvesting your holy clan is the purchaser of your holy clan." Wu Yun said with a smile.

  Now that he meets the strange monster, he feels at ease.

  "Big words!"

  "It's just you? You can also fight against the saints. Although things are a little bit beyond my expectation, since you broke in, let's stay here together." The light and shadow woman sneered, and immediately shook her hand, only to see

  that The sea of ​​blood suddenly surged violently, and then there was a plop sound, and countless bloody chains roared out of the sea of ​​blood, shooting towards Wu Yun like lightning.

  "As a strange demon king, you are a little weak!"

  Wu Yun complained lightly, and then the chaotic talisman tire in his Niwan Palace turned, the runes of the six ancestor talismans on it shone, and six rays of light shot out from the center of his eyebrows.

  Six beams of different colors showed off their eye-catching rays of light and turned into pillars of rune light, easily defeating the opponent's bloody chains.

  The power of the rune turned into a rope and penetrated into the body of the light and shadow woman.

  Immediately, the light and shadow woman let out a miserable and strange cry.

  "Thunder Ancestral Talisman, Devouring Ancestral Talisman, Flame Ancestral Talisman, Life and Death Ancestral Talisman, Ice Ancestral Talisman, Space Ancestral Talisman, Six Ancestral Talismans, How Is It Possible, How Can You Have Six Great Ancestral Talismans, Who Are You, Talisman Ancestor? Impossible, the talisman ancestor is dead."

  "No, this is not the real ancestral talisman."

  The light and shadow woman quickly realized, her hands changed into Dao seal, screaming,

  "Sen Luo Demon Pillar Prison! "

  The sea of ​​blood rioted, blood-red vortexes formed, and then spun wildly, forming blood-red beams of light, rushing out violently, and then densely suspended in the sky, above those blood-red beams of light, entwined with traces of black air.

  "Even if you have a small skill, you dare to use an axe."

  "Monster, die!"

  Wu Yun scolded in a cold voice, the chaotic talisman was spinning, and the mental power gushed out frantically, controlling the ancestral talisman from the rubbing of the six paths.

  The Ancestral Talisman of Life and Death turned into black and white power of life and death to wrap around the opponent's body. The Ancestral Talisman of Space turned into white light, cutting and isolating the space around the woman. The beam of light and the flame ancestor talisman shuttled under her body, and the crimson flames were overwhelming and confused, and finally swallowed the ancestor talisman and turned into a huge black vortex, surrounding the light and shadow woman, constantly devouring the black air released by it.

  Although it is not a real ancestral talisman, the power is halved, but they all have the full divine power effect of the ancestral talisman, and it is easy to deal with this lingering strange monster.


  the light and shadow woman screamed, and she said with a crazy expression, "You killed me, killed me, and the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan fell silent." "Why, what are

  you, how did you get so entangled with our ancestors Together?" Xinxin asked loudly.

  The light and shadow woman snorted coldly and laughed loudly, "That stupid woman of your ancestor tried to suppress me and the three kings by herself. How could she have expected that with the passage of time, the consciousness of the three of us would be able to suppress her instead? Over the years, you idiots of the Nine-Tails have come to die one after another, haha, did you see that? This sea of ​​blood was transformed by the people of the Nine-Tails!" She looked at Wu Yun, seemingly confident, and said

  , "The consciousness of the three of us has been closely connected with her for thousands of years. Jie Jie, if you want to destroy the consciousness of the three of us, she must also completely dissipate. By then, the Nine-tailed Clan will be completely gone. Opportunity arises."

  Wu Yun chuckled, "You think too highly of yourself, but it's just a trifle, and I've collected you as fertilizer." After speaking, the miniature ancient stele in front of Wu Yun suddenly glowed green, counting Hundreds of thousands of tiny green branches shot out, and the green light entered the woman of light and shadow, and her entire figure was enveloped by green light.

  The black strands of those green branches were stripped out of their bodies and absorbed refining.

  The power of the World Tree is omnipotent. It can not only absorb strange magic energy, but also not hurt the remaining mind of the nine-tailed fox, but can protect its mind.

  After a few minutes like this, the black energy on the woman's body was completely swallowed, and a pink light spread out from her body vaguely.

  Her charming eyes were opened again, looking at Lin Wuyun and the others, she smiled, and that smile had an astonishing charm.

  "Nine-tailed fox!" Wu Yun murmured.

  "Finally freed from the suppression, little friend, thank you."

  Nine-tailed Linghu looked at Wu Yun gratefully. Although her consciousness was suppressed, she was very clear about everything that happened outside.


  Xinxin and Xinqing shouted with hazy eyes.

  The nine-tailed fox looked at Xinxin's mother and daughter softly and guiltily, and immediately stretched out his arms, took them into his arms, and said in a low voice, "My people, the ancestors are sorry for you." "Ancestors, our nine-tailed fox What happened to the clan?" Xinxin couldn't help asking.

  A gloomy look flashed across the eyes of the nine-tailed fox, and he said, "Back then, I burned the demon spirits to suppress the three strange demon kings. I intended to die with them, but I underestimated the tenacious vitality of these guys.

  " Dissipated over the years, but the consciousness of those three guys did not dissipate, and they were able to fuse together, tightly intertwined with my consciousness, and finally invaded my consciousness and suppressed me." The more the nine-tailed fox said, the more bitter it was , already crying, "There is a kind of blood connection between the members of the Nine-Tails clan, and those three guys used my body to interfere with the blood of all the clansmen by means of insidious means, making it impossible for all clansmen to attack the supreme Realm."

  "With nothing to do, the tribesmen outside come to the Ancestral Soul Hall to seek answers just like you, but my spirit body is already occupied by those three big guys. Over the years, I can only see each of the tribesmen helplessly. When I came here, I was deceived by them in the end, and I threw myself into this sea of ​​blood and turned into blood energy." "

  I am the one who is sorry for the clansmen. You must have suffered a lot these years."

  Xinxin and Xinqing quickly comforted the ancestors. Don't blame the nine-tailed fox, it's all the fault of the strange demon.

  Wu Yun: "Since the three strange demons have been dealt with, the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan should be able to recover from now on."

  The nine-tailed fox nodded, and said softly: "This sea of ​​blood was transformed by the strong men of the nine-tailed clan for thousands of years, and there is also the pure energy of the three strange demon kings in it. The energy is returned to the tribe, and the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan can rise again."

  Xinxin: "Great, our Nine-Tailed Fox Clan has finally waited until today."

  Xinqing: "Thank you, Master Wu Yun."