Life and Death Calamity, Wheel-Running Realm

[Ding! The next sign-in location will be refreshed, please sign in at the Tiandong, the forbidden area of ​​the Tianyao Sable Clan! ]

  When Wu Yun was about to go deep into Hualongtan to practice, the task of the location checked in by the system was refreshed.

  Not surprisingly, the next sign-in location is the Sky Demon Sable Clan.


  Wu Yun entered Hualong Pond.

  The pitch-black pool cut off the hustle and bustle of the outside world, and Wu Yun's vision was also in the darkness. When he grasped it with his palm, he could feel the sticky black pool water running across his palm.

  "What a rich energy!"

  Wu Yun was surprised. These black liquids are all transformed by energy, but this kind of energy is so violent that just touching it can give people a lot of pressure. If ordinary people enter this place, they may be killed. The pool of water was compressed to pieces and became a part of it.

  Therefore, only a strong enough body can practice in this Hualongtan.

  In this world, there is only the physical strength of the dragon clan, which can be called extreme.

  However, Wu Yun and Lin Dong are exceptions!

  Both of them have practiced body script, and their physiques have evolved towards immortal physique.

  Lin Dong's "King Kong Immortal Body" is unparalleled in defense and possesses the characteristic of indestructibility.

  Wu Yun is even more frightening. Leaving aside the "prison-suppressing god body" he cultivated himself, his physique has reached a very powerful level. The billions of particles in his body are a nearly infinite container. .

  And Wu Yun also has the blood of the heavens as a support.

  Ba Xue's energy is not at the same level as this Hualongtan. Even the strongest physique of the Dragon Clan is still a younger brother in front of Ba Xue.

  Seeing Wu Yun and Lin Dong wandering in the Hualong Lake relaxed and freehand, Yuan Xin, the daughter of the patriarch, called out pervert in her heart.

  Who is the Dragon Clan... Yuan Xin has doubts about herself. She is the contemporary arrogance of the Dragon Clan. She can stand out from her peers and get the qualification of Hualongtan. Naturally, she cannot be weak. However, she is struggling in Hualongtan. However, the two of Wu Yun walked so easily, it was really disrespectful to Hualongtan.

  Not caring about Yuan Xin's change of mind, Wu Yun and Lin Dong went straight to the depths of Hualongtan.

  The energy above is mediocre and cannot meet their huge physical needs.

  These black pools of water can help reshape the body and strengthen the bones of the body.

  The quality of the keel is generally divided into three grades: upper, middle and lower.

  But Wu Yun knew that the best keels were not the best.

  In the depths of Hualongtan, there is still a bigger treasure hidden.

  That is the burial place of the Dragon Clan!

  There are stronger ancient keels inside, as well as the strongest prehistoric keel of the Dragon Clan.

  Wu Yun already had a Chaos Dragon Bone that was better than the Honghuang Dragon Bone. Naturally, he would not fight for this Honghuang Dragon Bone. It should be left to his Ou brother Lin Dong.

  In the original book, with the help of the ancestor stone, Lin Dong used the devouring ancestral talisman to summon the will of the devouring lord, defeated the will of the Six-fingered Sacred Dragon Emperor, and obtained the prehistoric keel.

  Now Zu Shi is helping the Lord of Darkness in the world of ancient monuments to move to the Demon Prison.

  The task of helping Lin Dong can only be done by Wu Yun.

  At this moment, Lin Dong is using the Devouring Ancestral Talisman to frantically absorb the energy of Hualongtan, constantly reshaping his own bones.

  It is rare to have this opportunity to strengthen themselves, and they will not waste it.

  Wu Yun also activated the chaotic talisman, activated the power of devouring, absorbed the energy of the Hualongtan, and strengthened himself. He activated the God Elephant Suppressing Prison Strength, Body Book, and Qingtian Hualong Jue. Countless auras appeared on the surface of his body. Tiny swirls.

  The energy of Hualongtan flowed into their bodies at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

  The energy of Hualongtan no longer had much effect on the two of them.

  The biggest function of this kind of energy is to temper the bones. When the bones are tempered to a certain limit, it is useless to continue to absorb them.

  "What a terrifying absorption ability. Are these two guys trying to absorb all of Hualongtan?"

  Yuan Xin sensed that the two were absorbing energy crazily, and she was inexplicably shocked. arrive.

  "The two hateful guys, I'm afraid they are not satisfied with high-quality keels. Could it be that there will be two ancient keels this time?"

  Yuan Xin couldn't help but have a little expectation for the two.

  Since ancient times, there have been only a handful of dragon clans who have obtained ancient keel bones from Hualongtan, and each of them has become a top powerhouse in the world.

  Yuan Xin also wanted to harvest the ancient keel, but she didn't know how to obtain the ancient keel. According to the strong people in the clan who successfully obtained the ancient keel, they didn't know what happened the moment they got the keel afterwards. .

  Obviously, the opportunity of the ancient keel is not so easy to get.

  "Brother, I've reached my limit, and the power of Hualongtan seems to be no more than that." Lin Dong said slightly disappointed.

  His bones have been strengthened a lot, but his physical fitness is not bad. This improvement has not met his expectations for Hualongtan. "Brother will take you to a place." Wu Yun transmitted to Lin Dong, saying, "Open the Niwan Palace and release the spiritual power."

Out of mental strength.

  "Hey, why did these two guys stop?"

  Yuan Xin was surprised. The two who were still sucking heavily just now stopped suddenly, and Hualongtan regained a brief calm.

  But she didn't know what the two were doing, because she didn't dare to release her mental power.

  The power of Hualongtan also has a strong tempering effect on spiritual power. Ordinary people can't bear it at all. If something goes wrong, even the Niwan Palace will be destroyed.

  The moment Lin Dong released his mental power, Wu Yun also released it.

  As soon as the spiritual power gushed out, the surrounding black pool water rushed in madly, with traces of black energy adhering to it, and bursts of ear-piercing sounds came out.

  Squeak...the sound came directly to their minds, it was the mental force being impacted by Hualongtan.

  Even with the mental strength of the two of them, facing this berserk energy is quite uncomfortable.

  Soon a miraculous scene happened, the spiritual power of the two was quickly wrapped in darkness, and their consciousness seemed to be pulled by something, and they kept sinking, sinking, and sinking towards the depths of Hualongtan.

  After an unknown period of time, the two were in a trance for a while, and their bodies disappeared into the pool.

  When he opened his eyes again, he had already arrived in a giant hall.

  Lin Dong's eyes were shocked, and he looked at the huge hall, and saw one figure after another sitting cross-legged in the hall. The flesh and blood of these figures had been turned into nothingness, and there were only black skeletons sitting cross-legged like a rock. Faintly, there is a vast and steady power that spreads out.

  Wu Yun: "This is the so-called burial place of the Dragon Clan. It really is quite deep." "

  These are all high-quality keel bones!" The hard-tempered keel outside is much stronger.

  Wu Yun explained, "This is the burial place of the Dragon Clan, and every bone is a former Dragon Clan powerhouse."

  Lin Dong looked at him in admiration... Eldest brother knows everything.

  "Let's go, I'll take you to find a better one. Although the top-grade keel is good, it still can't satisfy us." Wu Yun walked towards the depths of the hall.

  As they moved forward, the deeper the keel, the darker its color.

  Soon they passed the hall, and eight bronze platforms appeared in front of them.

  On the copper platform, there is a skeleton sitting cross-legged.

  But the color of these eight skeletons is not black, but a dark golden color.

  The dark golden light overflowed above the eight skeletons. Even the passage of time could not erase that golden light. An indescribable majesty quietly emanated, covering the entire Bone Hall.

  Obviously, these eight bones are very different from the previous ones.

  "This is the legendary ancient keel!"

  Lin Dong opened his mouth and said in shock.

  Next to the eight bronze platforms, there are four bronze platforms, but on the four bronze platforms, there are only four black skeletons sitting cross-legged, and the power contained in them is far inferior to those eight ancient ones. keel.

  "What's the matter with these four?" Lin Dong was puzzled.

  Wu Yun sized it up and said, "These four are also ancient keel bones, but the power in them has been absorbed by people. Even if the power of this kind of ancient keel is absorbed, it will not be turned into powder just like that. They will still silently absorb the energy of Hualongtan here, and maybe one day, they will turn into ancient keel bones again."

  Lin Dong: "In this case, the ancient keel bones of the dragon clan will not decrease, but will only increase. No wonder the dragon clan To be so strong, to maintain the position of the overlord."

  "Hey!" Suddenly, Lin Dong noticed that outside the Bone Hall, thousands of bones, although they were all sitting cross-legged, were worshiping in their direction , to be precise, worship the twelve ancient dragon bones here.

  Lin Dong looked at the twelve ancient dragon bones and found that they also faced the same direction.

  He looked in the direction where the twelve ancient keel bones worshiped, and immediately discovered a scene that shocked him.

  "Brother, what is that?"

  Lin Dong swallowed, and pointed in that direction.

  I saw a towering and huge pillar standing there. The pillar was made of a special material, neither gold nor wood. On it, there were all kinds of patterns of soaring dragons.

  Just looking at the pillar made Lin Dong feel like his heart was jumping with fear.

  Wu Yun and Lin Dong raised their heads at the same time, looking up along the pillar.

  His sharp gaze pointed directly at the top of the thousand-foot pillar, and at the topmost position, he could faintly see the existence of a figure.

  Just looking at that figure, they felt a strong coercion, which was even stronger than when they faced the Lord of Darkness before.

  That figure looked quite thin, and his body didn't have that kind of dark golden luster that seemed powerful and inexplicable, but it made people dare not underestimate it.

  His skeleton, at first glance, looks like the most perfect jade in the world, crystal clear, if you look closely, you can even see traces of jade veins contained in the skeleton.

  Unlike the previous keel, this one looks more like a human skeleton.

  The only thing that is quite special is that the two palms of this jade skeleton actually have six crystal clear bone fingers.

  "Brother, who is he?" Lin Dong asked in horror.

  Wu Yun murmured,

  "Six-fingered Sacred Dragon Emperor!"

  "A man who once unified the world of monsters and beasts!"

  Wu Yun was also shocked by the Six-fingered Sacred Dragon Emperor and admired him in his heart.

  "Unify the world of monsters and beasts?"

  Lin Dong murmured, apparently also shocked by this sentence.

  The difficulty of this sentence is similar to that of unifying the human race.

  In the history they know, no one can do it except for the talisman ancestor.

  Moreover, the ancient world of monsters and beasts was obviously more chaotic than it is today. There are many different races, among which there are several big clans. The background of these races is not weaker than that of the dragon clan. It's not a problem at all if the court resists, but if you want to unify the entire monster world and make those arrogant tyrants bow their heads and surrender, then it is definitely a whimsical thing.

  Six Fingers Saint Dragon Emperor can do it, his status and strength can be imagined.

  Wu Yun continued, "As far as I know, in ancient times, the strength of the Six-fingered Sacred Dragon Emperor, even among the eight lords, only the Ice Lord and the Devourer Lord could steadily beat him. It's hard to tell which is better."

  "It turned out to be comparable to the existence of the ancient eight masters." Lin Dong was dumbfounded. After understanding the background of the battle between heaven and earth, the ancient eight masters had reached a very high level in his heart, second only to the ancient eight masters. Yu Fu Zu.

  Wu Yun smiled and said, "How about it, do you have any ideas about his bones?"

  Lin Dong: "Brother, do you want to fuse the bones of the Six-fingered Sacred Dragon Emperor?"

  Wu Yun: "It's not me, it's you?"

  Lin Dong asked. Dong: "Me?"

  Wu Yun: "Why? Don't you dare?"

  "Dare, of course I dare, it's just that I merged, brother, what about you?" Lin Dong patted his head.

  He felt that for such a good thing, the eldest brother must come first, and only when the eldest brother chooses can it be his turn.

  Even though the elder brother had given up many good things to him before, Lin Dong knew very well that he had given up!

  "Me, I can do whatever I want!"

  Wu Yun smiled, and extracted the chaotic keel from the system space.

  The next second, he waved his hand.

  In the spacious hall, an extremely huge keel appeared out of thin air.

  The skeleton is black and white, with a slight purple light, just looking at it can make people fascinated. There are layers of mist surrounding the skeleton, exuding the light of dao rhyme, and flowing with the air of chaos.

  As soon as it appeared, the keel light of the entire Bone Hall dimmed, including the skeleton of the Six-fingered Sacred Dragon Emperor.

  In front of the chaotic keel, the keel here is like the light of a firefly, which can be ignored!

  This is what you said casually... Lin Dong swallowed heavily, he also wanted to be casual like this.

  "Brother, the Six-fingered Sacred Dragon Emperor is really not good enough for you." Lin Dong took a deep breath and said.

  He no longer dared to guess the origin of his elder brother. Before, he and Xiao Diao thought that Wu Yun might be a reincarnator, but later they thought that Wu Yun might be the reincarnation of the talisman ancestor.

  But after hearing many stories about Fu Zu, Lin Dong felt otherwise.

  Because Ancestor Talisman is not as awesome as a big brother!

  The world tree, the body script, the golden crow, the white tiger, the void mirror... and the skeleton in front of him that is even scarier than the six-fingered Sacred Dragon Emperor.

  All kinds of means, treasures, and miracles are proclaiming Wu Yun's extraordinary.

  What does Fu Zu compare with big brother? !

  If Ancestor Talisman had these methods of his eldest brother back then, he would have "died together" with the Emperor of Different Demons.

  "Okay, second brother, I want to absorb this keel. Go and subdue the Six-fingered Sacred Dragon Emperor. There is still the remaining will of the Six-fingered Sacred Dragon Emperor in that bone, and it is not so easy to get it. You can use the devouring ancestral talisman.

In the depths of the ancestral talisman, there is still the will of the Lord of Devourer, you only need to summon the will of the Lord of Devourer to take down the Six-fingered Sacred Dragon Emperor, go!" Wu Yun told Lin Dong the strategy, and let him do the rest Go for it yourself.

  The cake is fed to the mouth, and it needs to be chewed by itself.

  "Okay, big brother!"

  Lin Dong readily agreed.

  He himself is also a man of great perseverance, with a strong personality and passion, but because he is by Wu Yun's side, he is covered by Wu Yun's light, but he is still the same Lin Dong.

  And after following Wu Yun, he has seen a lot of things, and his vision has become wider.

  The pattern is open!

  The lofty Six-fingered Sacred Dragon Emperor is actually not that untouchable.

  Big brother, didn't you even take a fancy to him!

  How could he be afraid of the dead Six-fingered Sacred Dragon Emperor if he followed in the footsteps of his elder brother?

  Lin Dong resolutely walked towards the towering pillar, stretched out his hand to touch it, and looked directly at the pillar, the eyes of the six-fingered Sacred Dragon Emperor.

  In the next second, Lin Dong was dragged into the consciousness space.

  "Brother Lin Dong, it's up to you."

  Wu Yun withdrew his gaze, and put his hands on the chaotic keel. He will also start to absorb the chaotic keel and hit the wheel-running realm!

  As early as in Chaos Demon Sea, Wu Yun had already reached the peak of Death Profound Realm, and the energy of life and death in his body was so majestic that it almost overflowed.

  He had long been able to choose to sprint to the runner, but Wu Yun didn't do that.

  For him who has practiced a variety of powerful skills, the realm of this plane is no longer suitable for him.

  Although he didn't break through the reincarnation realm, his strength has been growing, at least the general reincarnation realm is not his opponent.

  Continuing the pursuit of the limit of martial arts and breaking through the cultivation system of this plane is just to make better use of the power of this plane.

  Now the chaotic keel contains majestic chaotic power, which can allow him to easily hit the runner realm, and with a lot of accumulation, he can even directly reach the pinnacle of runner.

  Wu Yun sat cross-legged in the chaotic keel, letting the strong chaotic air overwhelm him.

  The chaotic talisman turns.

  The runes are all lit up.

  The runes of life and death are densely covered all over the body.

  Devouring runes, the vortex is fully open.


  The body of the prison-suppressing god is burning.

  The god elephant suppresses prison energy, and hundreds of millions of particles are activated.

  Cang Tianba's blood boiled, purple light flashed, and he was haunted in the form of a green dragon. Wu Yun frantically absorbed and refined the majestic and powerful energy

  of the chaotic keel in the package of the kung fu runes . Time passes day by day! Wu Yun was immersed in cultivation.   

And Lin Dong was still looking at Liuzhi Shenglongdi, and they communicated in the space of consciousness.

  Between him and the Six-fingered Sacred Dragon Emperor, there were bursts of strange power fluctuations, including the dragon power of the dragon clan, the sound of dragon chant, and the devouring power of devouring the ancestor talisman.

  It was Lin Dong who was being tested by the Six-fingered Sacred Dragon Emperor!

  This wave of fluctuations came out of Hualongtan.

  Yuan Qian and other high-level dragon clan members immediately sensed it.

  "Someone is challenging the ancestor!"

  An elder lost his voice in surprise.

  They are all people who have lived for a long time, have witnessed the opening of Hualongtan too many times, and have encountered similar situations.

  To challenge the ancestor means that someone has entered the core of Hualongtan, the Palace of Bone Burial.

  From there, at least you can get the first-class keel.

  But being able to walk in front of the ancestor and dare to challenge the ancestor proves that this person has high ambitions. Not to mention the possibility of succeeding in the challenge and obtaining the skeleton of the ancestor, even if it is even worse, he may be able to get an ancient keel.

  "Who was able to make it this far?"

  "Oh, it shouldn't be Xin'er. Although she's not bad, she's not that good. After all, even Qingzhi didn't succeed." "I'm afraid it's Lord Wu Yun!"

  "He won't really be able to bring out the bones of the ancestor."

  "It should be impossible. He is as outstanding as Qingzhi, and he only got an ancient keel." "An ancient keel

  is acceptable. If the bones of the ancestors are brought Let's go, it will be a great loss to our Dragon Clan."

  The elders of the Dragon Clan were anxious, excited and worried.

  After all, the bones of the ancestors had been kept in the Bone Hall, and no one from the Dragon Clan could bring them out, and they were looking forward to someone being able to bring them out.

  However, do not expect this person to be an outsider!

  About a month has passed.

  Yuan Xin came out of Hualongtan.

  "Premium keel, alas, it's not bad."

  Seeing Yuan Xin coming out, the elders of the dragon clan were mixed with joy and sorrow.

  It can now be confirmed that the person who challenged the ancestor was Wu Yun.

  As for Lin Dong, they didn't know much about him, but he was probably not as powerful as Wu Yun.

  The people of the Dragon Clan were in complicated moods on the outside, but Wu Yun and Lin Dong had a great harvest on the inside.

  Although Wu Yun's Chaos Dragon Bone was stronger than the Six-fingered Sacred Dragon Emperor, because the Chaos Dragon Bone was a system reward and directly belonged to Wu Yun, there was no power fluctuation, and the Dragon Clan didn't notice it.

  As for Lin Dong, he successfully summoned the consciousness of the Lord of Devourers, and obtaining the six-fingered Sacred Dragon Emperor skeleton was a sure thing.

  The Six-fingered Sacred Dragon Emperor was unable to defeat the Lord of Devourer during his lifetime, and it was no different after his death.

  Now both of them are absorbing the strength of the bones in the Bone Hall.

  Lin Dong was also attacking the Runner Realm.

  A month passed again.

  The people of the Dragon Clan are already impatient with waiting. After all, Hualongtan can't be opened all the time, which will cause energy to dissipate.

  "These two people, why haven't they come out yet, won't there be any accidents?"

  The Dragon Clan members couldn't help but feel a little worried.

  After all, these two people were introduced by Qingzhi, and Wu Yun's ancient monument is still helping the dragon clan solve the problem of suppressing the devil prison, so they don't want any accidents between them.

  "Patriarch, do you want to close Hualong Pond!" an elder suggested.

  "Wait!" Yuan Qian said in a deep voice.

  Another three days passed in a blink of an eye, and the elders of the Dragon Clan were already arguing fiercely whether to close Hualongtan.

  After all, no one has ever stayed in Hualongtan for such a long time.


  Suddenly, this piece of land trembled, and at this time another wave was set off, countless eyes shifted away in an instant, and then they saw, in that Tan, two huge vortexes slowly formed.

  At the moment when the vortex was formed, two beams of light burst out from it and rushed straight into the sky. With the appearance of the two beams of light, a strange and powerful coercion also slowly spread at this moment. spread out.

  A beam of light rises from the Hualongtan, within the beam, two figures can be vaguely seen gradually emerging.

  Booming... Above the sky, the dark clouds suddenly shrank, and countless huge black and white thunderbolts, like ten thousand dragons galloping, roared down suddenly, exploding against the two figures in the beam of light overwhelmingly and go.

  "Life and death tribulation!"

  "This is to advance to the wheel-running realm!"

  "That is the power of life and death, and it is too majestic." "

  My God, the thunder tribulation caused by his life and death power is so terrifying."

  " Such a mighty power, I am afraid that people

  at the peak of the wheel can not bear it." "What is Wu Yun's practice, and why is he so different from life and death?"

  The elders of the Dragon Clan looked at him in surprise. The tribulation of life and death brought about by Wu Yun.

  They are all strong men above the wheel-running realm, and they have also experienced life and death, so they are no strangers to life and death, but their life and death are nothing compared to Wu Yun's!

  There is no comparison!

  If they bear it, it is estimated that they will not be able to hold it for a while.

  Even the elders who have reached the peak of reincarnation and are about to touch reincarnation, dare not face the life-and-death calamity caused by Wu Yun at this moment.

  "This kid is too monstrous, no wonder he can display the strength that Qingzhi admires in the Profound Death Realm." "

  Now that he has broken through the Wheel-Running Realm, he may be comparable to a strong man who has survived three stages of reincarnation."

  "Wu Yun My lord, you are already a figure comparable to the ancient eight masters."

  Yuan Qian and other senior officials of the Dragon Clan looked at Wu Yun in shock, they witnessed and participated in the birth of a great existence.