Prehistoric, two masters of darkness! The Heavenly Illusion and Earth Illusion Kings!

The two most outstanding geniuses of the Mink Clan today.

  Two powerhouses in the Revolving Realm!

  At this moment, the duel begins to compete for the position of the candidate for the patriarch.

  Tianyao Mink Clan, in front of the ancestral temple.

  Under the watchful eyes of Tian Yao Diao's clansmen, two genius minks who dislike each other came to the duel stage.

  "Hehe, brother Diao, I haven't seen you in a hundred years, and I still hope to teach you today." Hao Jiuyou clasped his fist at Xiao Diao and smiled.

  "Stop talking nonsense, haven't you always wanted to surpass me, now is the time to prove yourself, let me see what kind of ability the former follower has now." The arrogant little mink didn't want to talk to

  Hao Jiuyou at all , he was already domineering, but now he has his elder brother backing him, so he didn't take Hao Jiuyou seriously at all.


  Hao Jiuyou snorted coldly, he was very sensitive to the term "follower", and the coldness in his eyes became more and more intense.


  Xiao Diao took the lead, and a streak of purple horses swept out.

  Hao Jiuyou's figure flew directly into the air, dodging the attack, and at the same time his palms floated.

  The vast primordial power between heaven and earth roared like a flood, and under the concentration of that kind of primordial power, one could see that in the palm of Hao Jiuyou, there were actually dark purple stars condensed and formed.

  "Hehe, the Big Nine Star Palm?"

  Xiao Diao smiled disdainfully, the Big Nine Star Palm is the unique skill of their Tianyao Diao clan, so he will naturally know it.

  At the moment, the palms are also floating, and the violent Yuanli is roaring in this world like a river.

  In just a few breaths of time, the palms of Xiao Diao and Hao Jiuyou were already condensed by nine stars.

  Those nine stars seem to be gorgeous, but anyone can feel the powerful power contained in them. With such an offensive, even ordinary runner-level powerhouses can only temporarily avoid the edge.


  The light palms collided like two meteorites from the sky, the dazzling light spread, and the violent energy ripples also spread like a tide.

  Two hurricanes filled with vast energy collided in the sky, and at that moment, even the space was torn into dark cracks, and the world became dim at this time.

  "It's so strong!"

  "Both of them are on par in strength. I'm afraid it will be difficult to tell the winner in this fight." "

  I didn't expect that Hao Jiuyou, who has been cultivating for a hundred years, has also caught up with Xiao Diao."

  Lin Dong was in the audience . Looking at it, he frowned slightly, Hao Jiuyou's strength surprised him a little, but Xiao Diao hadn't shown his real strength yet.

  Xiao Diao has also gained a lot of benefits from working with his big brother all these years, at least the cultivation of calligraphy has allowed Xiao Diao not only to recover his strength, but also to improve himself to a higher level.

  Before that, the little mink had already been preliminarily refined into a void body. With the unique skills of the demon mink clan in the sky, few people in Zhuanlun could match it.

  Xiao Diao began to exert strength, gradually grasping the initiative in the battle, and suppressed Hao Jiuyou.

  "This bastard, I don't know how much I have paid for this kind of power in the past hundred years. Is this not as good as his last hundred years of recuperating?" Hao Jiuyou cried out unwillingly.

  His eyes turned hard, and then a black rune flashed out of his palm.

  The runes are extremely complicated, like countless black rays of light spreading out, filling Hao Jiuyou's entire palm, and faintly, there is a very gloomy fluctuation emanating.

  "This is... the breath of strange demons?!"

  Lin Dong in the audience immediately noticed that he was carrying the Devouring Ancestral Talisman and the Thundering Ancestral Talisman, and he was extremely sensitive to the breath of strange demons.

  "Sure enough, there is a ghost in Hao Jiuyou, who has become a member of the Demon Prison and joined the strange demons."

  Lin Dong glanced at the surrounding Sky Demon Sables. Since Hao Jiuyou is a strange demon, those Sky Demon Sables who support Hao Jiuyou may also be involved.

  Especially those two elders who have always supported Hao Jiuyou!

  Lin Dong secretly paid attention.

  "Brother doesn't know if it's going well or not. If he doesn't come back in time, I'm afraid this situation will be a bit difficult to control."

  He couldn't help but feel a little worried.

  The strength of the Tianyao Mink Clan is not inferior to that of the Dragon Clan, and there are quite a few strong people in the Zhuanlun Realm. If the traitors such as Hao Jiuyou are completely revealed, and the entire Tianyao Mink Clan is in chaos, even if it can be suppressed, the casualties are estimated to be too high. It will not be small, and it is somewhat disadvantageous for the Tianyao Mink Clan.

  At this time, the situation in the field changed again.

  After Hao Jiuyou used the power of strange magic, his strength increased greatly.

  His palm was hidden in the hurricane, so that outsiders could not see the runes in his palm. At this moment, those runes shot out dense black light.

  These rays of light shuttled through the black hurricane like a complex vein.

  The black light merged into the black hurricane, making the color of the hurricane deeper, but the two colors were similar, so it was hard to detect with the naked eye.

  Only some powerful elders could vaguely feel the hurricane in Hao Jiuyou's hand, as if its power had suddenly increased a lot.

  The madness in Hao Jiuyou's eyes was full, and he looked at Xiao Diao with a smirk, "Today, I want to let you know that I, Hao Jiuyou, am the most outstanding genius of the Tian Yao Diao Clan." "You are only worthy of being trampled on by me.

  " Underfoot!"

  The black hurricane came violently and collided with Xiao Diao's purple hurricane. This time, the purple gold hurricane, which was not afraid of the opponent at all, shattered inch by inch.

  Then, like a chain reaction, the vast hurricane of Yuanli, which was thousands of feet long, exploded directly under the astonished gazes of the many.

  This scene surprised everyone, they didn't expect Hao Jiuyou to be so terrifying, and his power increased so much all of a sudden.

  "Little Diao!"

  Many people looked at Xiao Diao worriedly.

  With the collapse of Zijin Hurricane, Hao Jiuyou turned into a black shadow and appeared in front of Xiao Diao, and slapped it out.

  "I said, I want to step on you...Huh? Where are you..."

  Hao Jiuyou's ferocious and crazy expression came to an abrupt end, he slapped the air with his palm, and Xiao Diao's figure disappeared.

  "You only have this little strength after getting the method of the strange demon?"

  Suddenly, a mocking voice came from the void.

  Only hear his voice, not see his person!

  "Where are you?"

  Hao Jiuyou's eyes were terrified, he couldn't sense Xiao Diao, but the other party was obviously by his side.

  The clansmen of Tianyao Diao were also surprised and puzzled, they couldn't see what Xiao Diao was doing.

  Turning into nothingness... Lin Dong's eyes lit up, and he saw that Xiao Diao was using a void body. He didn't expect Xiao Diao to have cultivated to such an extent.

  "Confinement of nothingness!"

  Xiao Diao sipped lightly, and chains of nothingness shot out one after another, interspersed with Hao Jiuyou, imprisoning him.

  Hao Jiuyou struggled, but no matter what strength he used, he couldn't break free from the chain of nothingness.

  "Impossible, you can't be so strong!"

  Hao Jiuyou shouted wildly.

  "Little Diao wins, well, Xiao Diao, you can let him go!" the Great Elder announced.

  "Let him go? Hehe, haven't you seen it yet?"

  "He has the power of strange demons in his body!" "

  Traitor, why did you turn to the strange demons and betray the Sky Demon Sable?"

  Xiao Diao cast the chain of nothingness directly Inserted into Hao Jiuyou's body.

  "I was persecuted by strange demons a hundred years ago, and I still couldn't figure out where the problem was. Now that I see you using the power of strange demons, everything can be explained clearly. It was you who betrayed me back then! ?"

  The Tianyao Diao people were in an uproar, looking at Hao Jiuyou in disbelief.

  "Little Diao, you can't slander people without evidence." Suddenly, an elder questioned.

  "Let go of Hao Jiuyou first, even if he makes a mistake, it's not your turn to deal with him."

  Another elder forced Xiao Diao.

  They are all people who supported Xiao Mink before.

  "Hehe, I have defeated him. I am now the only candidate for the patriarch, and I can take over the position of the patriarch. You say I have no right to take him down?" Xiao Diao smiled disdainfully, "Elder, take them both for the time being." Excuse me, if you have taken refuge in a strange demon, you can find out by checking."

  "Dare you, are you starting the internal fighting of the Sky Demon Sable Clan first?" the elder scolded.

  "Infighting? You have already opened it up. My father was persecuted by strange demons in the cave. As a result, he has not left the customs for a hundred years. There are many clansmen who are retreating in the cave. I am afraid the same is true."

  " Grand Elder, don't you find it strange why there has never been a patriarch in Tiandong in the past hundred years." "

  Besides, my father, as the patriarch, would not be able to retreat for such a long time under normal circumstances, at least he would explain Only when you are clear will you retreat."

  "And the elders who guard the cave have always supported Hao Jiuyou, and they all belong to his faction." "

  These... have you never felt strange?"

  Xiao Diao asked sharply, his voice running through the whole All the members of the Sky Demon Sable Clan were startled and thought about it one after another. Many people frowned. Apparently Xiao Diao's words made them aware that something was wrong.

  "You're talking nonsense, talking nonsense, I think you just want to take the opportunity to attack Jiuyou, eliminate dissidents, and you will be punished."

  "You have vicious intentions. I'm afraid you want to put Hao Jiuyou to death. You are so narrow-minded that you are not worthy to be the patriarch of the Tian Yao Diao." "Let go of Hao Jiuyou!"


  Several elders couldn't wait to refute. The two elders shot directly, trying to rescue Hao Jiuyou who was imprisoned by nothingness.

  "Are you in a hurry?"

  Xiao Diao laughed and shouted loudly.

  "Second brother!"

  Lin Dong had already made his move at this time, appearing in front of Xiao Diao, taking his place as the two elders.

  At the same time, the elders who supported Xiao Diao also made a move, surrounding Xiao Diao in the middle.

  "You, a human race, dare to meddle in the affairs of our Sky Demon Sable Clan."

  "Little Diao colluded with the Human Race, and wanted to murder the Sky Demon Sable Clan, and asked the Great Elder to suppress the two of them."

  An elder who was stopped by Lin Dong shouted loudly road.

  He spoke righteously, as if he was sure that Xiao Diao brought a human race here to persecute the Sky Demon Diao family.

  The Great Elder frowned, he didn't expect the matter to develop to this point, and he didn't clear his mind for a while.

  Like him, many elders have some doubts about what both sides said.

  "Stop it!"

  At this moment, a deep voice came.

  "The patriarch!"

  "It's the patriarch!"

  The chaos in the field fell silent because of the voice, and everyone looked in the direction of the sound.

  A stalwart figure with long dark golden hair appeared.


  The clansmen of Tian Yao Diao bowed respectfully. As an old patriarch, no one can shake his majesty even if he retreats for a hundred years.

  "You son of a bitch, you are still alive." The patriarch of Tianyao Diao gave Xiao Diao a complicated look.

  Xiao Diao rolled his eyes, still looking cynical, "Old man, do you want white-haired people to give away black-haired people so much ?"

  "Patriarch, you're finally out."

  The Great Elder was relieved, with surprise in his eyes, and he was a little bit unsure about the current scene.

  The head of the Tianyao Diao family looked at the elder, and said in a deep voice, "Elder, you have disappointed me." "Patriarch, I..." The elder was ashamed. .

  "The Heavenly Cave is an important place for my Heavenly Demon Sable Clan, but in it, the "Eternal Illusion Flower" was secretly planted by the different demons, causing this king and all the strong ones in it to fall into an illusion , if little friend Wu Yun hadn't sneaked into it to rescue me today, maybe our Tianyao Diao clan would have been wiped out by the Yimo clan!" The head of the Tianyao Diao clan sternly said.

  "It's not just the Eternal Illusory Magic Flower, many members of your clan have been invaded by strange demons!"

  This is Wu Yun who also appeared, examining everyone.

  "Little friend Wu Yun, there is a way to find them all." A ruthless look flashed in the eyes of the head of the Tianyao Diao clan.

  "No problem, I am the nemesis of strange demons."

  Wu Yun smiled, and immediately focused his eyes, pointing to many people in the field, "He, he, and him..."

  Suddenly, there were about a dozen of them!

  "You..." The head of the Tianyao Diao family looked at these people and almost vomited blood with anger. Several of them were contemporaries of him.

  "When the demon seeds are mobilized and the demonic energy enters their brains, their sanity has been eroded, and it is useless for the patriarch to be angry." Wu Yun said lightly.

  "Take them!"

  the patriarch of Tian Yao Diao ordered angrily.

  With the leader of the Tianyao Diao patriarch as the backbone, the clansmen no longer wavered, and took action one after another, suppressing all the dozen or so people Wu Yun pointed out.

  Although they have the power of different demons in their bodies, the Tianyao Sable Clan is the overlord among the monsters after all, and there are many strong ones.

  "How to deal with this guy?" Xiao Diao still imprisoned Hao Jiuyou with nothingness.

  "Let him talk, this guy should be the key person." The patriarch of Tianyao Diao said lightly.

  "Huh..." Hao Jiuyou panted heavily, Xiao Diao's suppression put a lot of pressure on him.

  He glanced at Xiao Diao very unwillingly, and then stared at Wu Yun with hatred. It was these two people who had planned for a hundred years and lost in the first battle.

  But right now, it has been exposed, and it is time to find a way to get out.

  Hao Jiuyou's expression became even crazier. He grinned and said, "My body is filled with the phantom fragrance of the eternal phantom flower. Once you kill me, my body will explode, and the phantom fragrance will cover the entire sky. The demon mink clan, and all of you will also fall into the illusion, and at that time, maybe the sky demon mink clan will also be removed from this world." "Let me go, or I will commit suicide!"

When everyone heard this, there was an uproar.

  I didn't expect Hao Jiuyou to be so ruthless, and when his death was imminent, there was such a method of burning jade and stone together.

  "Little Diao, let him go!"

  "Don't worry, he won't cause any trouble."

  Wu Yun suddenly said.

  Xiao Diao hesitated for a second, but still did what Wu Yun said, and released Hao Jiuyou's body from the imprisonment of nothingness.

  "Haha, Wu Yun, you are too arrogant. You don't understand the Lord's methods at all. You will destroy the entire Sky Demon Mink Clan today!"

  Hao Jiuyou laughed loudly when he lifted the restraint. The repressed traitors, including several elders from the Zhuanlun Realm, all burst open.

  It turned into streaks of black blood mist, and the thick evil devil energy spread out, and then quickly gathered in front of Hao Jiuyou, turning into an extremely huge black vortex.

  Standing behind the black vortex, Hao Jiuyou smiled ferociously at Wu Yun and the others. Immediately, his fingers slid across his shoulders, and blood spurted out with a severed arm, rushing into the black vortex.

  "Welcome my king to come, bloodbath the demon mink clan!"

  Blood poured into the black vortex, Hao Jiuyou knelt down, his face looked extremely fanatical and pious.

  The black vortex spun crazily, and there was a strange sound coming out, which was extremely frightening.

  The entire Sky Demon Sable Clan panicked.

  "Is he summoning a powerful existence?!"

  "It's a strange monster, he's summoning a different monster!"

  However, Wu Yun looked at all this calmly.

  That's exactly what he's aiming for.

  The Demon Prison is hidden in the dark, and it is difficult to find those strange demon kings. Hao Jiuyou has the means to summon them, so how could Wu Yun miss this opportunity.

  With the background he has now, it is not a problem to deal with several strange demon kings.

  After a while, the sound of low footsteps came from the depths of the vortex. Two pairs of pale arms, carrying an evil aura, slowly protruded from the depths of the vortex, touching the edge of the vortex, and then two pairs of pale arms. A slightly pale face.

  "The two strange demon kings are not bad!"

  Wu Yun showed a triumphant smile at the corner of his mouth.

  "Two different demon kings, this is not a small skill. It seems that you have been eyeing our Tianyao mink clan for a long time?" The head of the Tianyao mink clan said lightly.

  "Report your name!"

  "Hehe, you are actually able to wake up from the phantom fragrance. You are a little capable."

  One of the strange demon kings said, "I am the king of heaven and fantasy, and you are qualified to be my opponent!"

  "I am the magic king of the earth." Wang, today I am here to destroy your Sky Demon Sable Clan!" The other also spoke.

  Sky Fantasy King: "It was revealed so early, Hao Jiuyou, you disappointed me."

  Earth Fantasy King: "You have completed the other plan."

  Hao Jiuyou: "Don't worry, my lord, everything is ready."

  "Very Good!" The Illusion King smiled.

  Then, he and the Illusion King looked at each other.

  "Endless Illusion!"

  The two shouted in a low voice, their eyes were cold and indifferent, exuding a strong killing intent and morbid madness.

  Buzzing buzzing... The ground in the Temple of the Heavenly Demon suddenly vibrated, black rays of light burst out from the tops of the peaks outside, and the black awns condensed and turned into dark colored flowers.

  "Eternal Phantom Flower? So many?"

  Everyone in the Sky Demon Sable Clan was terrified.

  Unexpectedly, their entire clan was planted with eternal phantom flowers.

  "Hey, for the past hundred years, I have secretly buried the magic flower seeds in the form of formations in the mountain. Now as long as the two adults activate it, the entire Sky Demon Sable Clan will be covered by the eternal magic flower. Enveloped by the formation, you have nowhere to escape!"

  Hao Jiuyou stared at Xiao Diao, Wu Yun and the others with a ferocious face.

  "Sixty-nine eternal magic flowers, yes, very good, thank you for your hard work, you are a good planter."

  Wu Yun looked at the blooming eternal magic flowers, a little excited, and praised Hao Hao in an appreciative tone. Jiuyou, it seems that he is the strange monster.

  So many eternal illusion flowers are enough for him to raise his spiritual power to the level of Fu Zong.

  Otherwise, it will take a lot of time to cultivate it by yourself, even if you have a palm bottle.

  Everyone looked at Wu Yun suspiciously, not understanding why he was happy.

  Hao Jiuyou suddenly felt bad, and bad thoughts came to mind.

  In the next second, Wu Yun took down the Ancient Monument of the Wilderness from his chest.


  The ancient stele landed heavily, skyrocketed rapidly, and changed into thousands of feet in the blink of an eye; the huge ancient stele tens of thousands of feet high covered the sky and the sun.

  In the next second, green light bloomed, and countless branches of the world tree came out, interspersed into the mountain peaks, and wrapped the eternal magic flower.

  After a while, those eternal magic flowers disappeared in the green light.

  The Heaven Illusion King, Earth Illusion King, and Hao Jiuyou were astonished, as if they hadn't expected that the trick they had arranged for many years would be so easily broken by Wu Yun.

  The two strange demon kings suddenly felt bad and wanted to leave.

  However, at this time, two special ancient talismans floated out from the ancient stele, namely the Space Ancestral Amulet and the Fengtian Formation Map and Feng Yun, which have gradually become comparable to the Ancestral Amulet.

  The surrounding space has been imprisoned, and the two kings cannot break through the space and escape.

  "Spatial Ancestral Talisman!"

  "Sealing Lingbao!"

  "Hehe, I have some knowledge, but now I know, it's too late."

  Wu Yun chuckled and said, "Lord of Darkness, Lord of Great Desolation, two seniors, please join me Let's capture the king together."

  As soon as his words fell, two rays of light shot out from the ancient monument, and when the rays dispersed, two figures appeared, a man and a woman. The man was tall and straight, like a mountain, with a strong body and muscles. Obviously, full of oppression.

  The woman's face is covered in darkness, making it difficult to see her true face, full of mystery, but her figure is so charming and enchanting, it is not difficult to imagine that she must be a matchmaker, her whole body is like a black hole, and even the light is swallowed .

  The two ancient powerhouses, nourished by the World Tree in the ancient monument, have almost recovered and can move freely in the ancient monument.

  Today is just the time to help and kill the two kings of the strange demons in advance.

  Seeing the appearance of the second of the eight masters, the faces of the Heavenly Illusion King and the Earth Illusion King instantly turned pale, knowing that they had been designed.

  "Hao Jiuyou...!"

  the Sky Illusion King said angrily.

  "My lord, I don't know..."

  I saw the Sky Illusion King's eyes, Hao Jiuyou's body exploded immediately before Hao Jiuyou finished speaking, turning into streaks of black mist and blending into the Sky Illusion King's body.

  "Hehe, Heaven Illusion King, Earth Illusion King, I never thought that you two are still alive."

  The Primordial Lord sneered, they were already old friends in ancient times and knew each other very well.

  "Hmph, it's not that easy to kill us."

  The Heavenly Illusion King ran away directly.

  The Eight Lords are not something that ordinary demon kings like them can defeat. These are existences comparable to the Palace of Kings.

  Moreover, there are space ancestors to assist.

  They must run away with all their strength, trying to be sensed by the adults in the palace, and come to rescue them.

  Wu Yun appeared in the sky in an instant, and a number of fetishes appeared around him, locking on to the second king. He smiled indifferently and said,

  "Don't run away, my power bank!"