Chapter 7: ambush

After leaving the auction house, Jadhiel was excited about his reward. He did not have too much for the young master to encircle him with his thugs. He only has to deal with a bit of pain, to become much stronger. The young master and most of his thugs have the same cultivation as him, while he could sense from a far sort of secret defender of the young master that was in the Soul Condensing Realm.

"Your peasant, how dare you to humiliate me in the auction. Don't you know who I am?" The young master shouted.

"An arrogant brat."Jahdiel said, unknown to him the 'young' master was more than double his age, as even in the central region eighteen years old Soul Awakening cultivator was unheard of.

"My guards and followers beat him up to the point he cries for his mommy and then cripple him." The young master commanded.

"Yes, young master!"The guards shouted in unison.

So Jadhiel started to be beaten, while to thugs held him by both his arms. His nose was broken, his arms dislocated, his two hundred and six bones were broken, he got two black eyes, his hair was torn out, his dantian was broken three times.

His strong willpower is what has been holding him back for a long while from shouting. His body keeps on regenerating at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This continue for an hour because Jadhiel wanted to milk the most benefices from it, as the more he was hurt the more he could gain from his revenge until a thug went too far and punched his balls, it was then that Jadhiel could not hold back any longer and shouted:

"Your b*st*rd!"

Jadhiel clicked on the revenge button. The young master and his thugs got their arms, eyes, and noses torn out of them. Then, their faces were torn out of their heads. All their bones and body skin were torn out as well. Finally, their abdomen was torn out and their faceless and without skull heads were directly connected to their legs. After that, they finally died.

"Demon. What have you done to my young master?!" Shouted the secret protector revealing himself.

"You mean dead master. Just basic revenge, nothing much." Jadhiel said.

"How dare you!"The elderly man shouted. The man did not get closer, however. He passed a while properly analyzing his enemy, before attacking. After thinking for a while, he concluded that Jadhiel was not hiding his strength, he was only a Soul Awakening realm. The man concluded that Jadhiel led himself to get a good beating because, whatever technique he was using, needed time to charge, and may only work at close range.

The man decided to attack from afar and use a soul attack because in his head the difference in strength between the souls of a Soul Awakening cultivator and a Soul Condensing cultivator was enormous.

So he attacked Jadhiel's soul. The man's soul was like a strong and dangerous weed that invades, corrodes, and poisons his enemy's soul. As that parasite enter Jadhiel's soul, he felt like he has died and entered the underworld. Jadhiel's soul was so wide, although qi was not condensed, a lot of it was spread through this 'world'. His soul instantly wanted to submit to this place that seems to hold authority against him, the man however fought hard against his instincts.

The place was transparent with qi swimming around it, instead of one soul essence at its center, there were one hundred and one.

The biggest one at the center seems to be the master. It seems like a white globe, while the others seem like a transparent one and have cavities, where qi enters. Qi strands from the central essence connect it to the other ones by their cavities. These other globes seem to be lifeless essences that are controlled by the central essence.

He tried to poison Jadhiel's soul, but as more time passed, his soul seems to lose more control of itself.

"What is that a bug?" Jadhiel thought to look at the thing inside his soul."No, it seems more like a plant. But what is a plant doing inside my soul? Why this plant seems to be this strong?"

Jadhiel saw that there was a small white crystal connected to the ugly plant, so he willed his soul to tear it out to examine it, and he started to mess around with it.

There seemed to be nothing special about it except that the thing emitted an ugly miasma, which seemed toxic, so Jadhiel spelled it from his soul. Unknown to him that miasma is bad intent and vengeful will.

He tried to break the crystal, which he could not even with all his strength, so he threw it out of his soul. He tried to pay attention to the plant, but the thing seems to have already dissolved in his soul.

His soul was not an empty transparent space anymore a small forest started to grow around it. He also broke through the Soul Condensing Realm.

Jahdiel stopped concentrating on his soul and looked around wondering why that cultivator have not attacked him. He started to think and concluded that the weak thing, that nourished his soul may be a soul attack from his enemy.

His enemy's body fell to the ground he checked his pulse and saw that he was dead. He wondered what happened with that thing he spelled from his body.

It was impossible to destroy the essence of a soul with his cultivation rank, so the man's soul was simply through at the reincarnation circle and got his intent whipped out returning to the blank slate, which most souls are born as.

Jadhiel scavenged the cultivator and his thugs for anything valuable, as it's common in the cultivation world. There seems to be nothing as a space ring in this world, Jahdiel concluded. Seeing all the bags, which the thugs, were previously caring, they carefully put them on the ground, before beating him up.

There were little to no gold coins in the backs, Jahdiel guessed the young master really spent a lot in the auction. He was happy that the dead young master seemed to be the buyer of that law formation he was interested in.

He found some useless thing in the back however like a lot of yang haoma, and Jadhiel definitely has no need for that much aphrodisiac, he was glad he could fetch a good price for it, though. There was also a Roc egg, which Jahdiel was thinking if he should sell or keep for himself, as qi beasts were quite difficult to domesticate.

Only disciples from the Eight Treasure Sect could domesticate qi beasts easily because they have some special private techniques to do it, which also allow them to cultivate together with their pets making them and their pets' cultivation much faster. Jahdiel thought that maybe he should join the Eight Treasure sect, later deciding to reflect more about this at another time.

He checked the system and saw that his panel changed:

Instantaneous Revenge System


Age: Eighteen Years Old

Cultivation: Soul Condensing Realm

{New}Body Cultivation:First Realm{?}

Special physique:

Evolved Golden One-Hundred-and-One souls physique{?}

Evolved Vitality-Meridians-and-Dantian {?}


[Revenge and compensation]

First Jadhiel clicked to see the explanation about his body cultivation, it said:

'As host compensations ended up strengthening all host organs, the result ended up being the same of breaking through the first realm of body cultivation.'

Some may wonder why there is no creativity in the body cultivation realms, it's because the cultivator does exactly the same thing in this realm as in all others, they strengthen all their body, it's just that in some specific milestones both the strength and difficulty of improvement increase exponentially.

Body cultivators were few because the art was very expensive, painful, with few techniques that were well-guarded secrets, and have dismissive life increasing effect on cultivators, although if a mortal was able to body cultivate he may be able to live as much as a normal cultivator.

Body cultivators also can lose their cultivation, if all their meridians are broken. No scholar was able to determine why until this day. Jahdiel knew the value of becoming a body cultivator. The woman he defeated in the Muo Be Sect was a body cultivator disciple from the Heavenly Ore Sect, which with only stage three of body cultivation could go face to face with a weak Triad Balancing realm. She, in fact, killed the elder bother of my previous master before announcing her breakthrough to the Soul Condensing Realm, to avoid future problems.

At the previous evolution of his One-Hundred-and-One souls physique, he put golden in it, after he saw that the effects were the same, but stronger. He looked at the description of his first physique evolutions:

'After absorbing a soul one realm above host, all previous aspects of the physique have been improved, soul physique can now corrode and poison enemies' souls both while defending or when attacking, an ability inherited from the absorbed soul techniques.'

Jadhiel renamed it as One-Hundred-and-One souls Golden World physique, quite a long name, but Jahdiel laced a better name idea. Soon after he looked into the description of his second physique and it said:

'With the strengthening of the host body, first legs, and then the rest of the body, the vitality affinity of host daintian and meridians expanded to the body as a whole, regeneration ability had increased exponentially, all physique aspects have been improved.

Host physique gained the unique ability to body cultivate by directly storing qi at host body(out of the cultivation organs); without needing to use a vast amount of expensive herbs, tortuous exercises, and unique body cultivation techniques like usual body cultivators..'

After all this, Jahdiel took the gold he still has left and rented a room at one of the Eight Treasure Sect inns. Finally, after an exhausting day, Jahdiel sat on the bed, and started to relax and stabilize his foundation, he also started to body cultivation, which was very easy for him. After a week his body cultivation was already at the Sixth Realm.