Sweater Weather

The waves of his orgasm still spilling through his body, Cardin opened his eyes to find himself kneeling on the bathroom floor. The fantasy had been intense, as had been his climax, and he sat back on his heels with a shudder of relief. He cleaned up quickly and stepped out of the bathroom, so intent on towelling his wet hair that he didn't realise there was another person in the bedroom until he spoke.

"Quite the midnight shower."

Cardin spun around in fright. Silver orbs stared up at him from the figure that sat on the bed, silhouette dark against the moonlight that streamed in from the windows. Cardin gaped in horror.

No, no, no, no, no… This can't be happening…!

"Tell me, Cardin Rasheville," came the silky, dark voice, "did it feel that good?"

He was so mortified he thought he would faint as Keary rose from the bed and slowly closed the distance between them. Cardin backed away, frantically trying to cover his nakedness with the damp towel.

"I-It's… no, no, no please, it's not what you think!" His bare back hit the cupboard but he continued to push against it. Oh god, please tell me this is just another dream… Please!

Keary stepped closer, and Cardin turned aside in a panicked attempt to escape, only to find himself trapped when the taller boy quickly reached out to put a hand against the cupboard to block him. Cardin squeezed his eyes tightly shut, only to open them when fingers took hold of his chin and tilted his face upward.

"Tell me." The note of barely concealed lust in the low voice sent shivers running through his body. "Tell me what I think it is, and what it really was."

"I… I…" Cardin's mouth was dry even as the water from his hair trickled down his bare back. Scenes from his earlier fantasy flashed in his mind, and he felt himself flush, heat running through his trembling body. "I…"

The expression in the dilated blue eyes, embarrassment mixed with something darker, something carnal, was all the confirmation Keary needed. He smiled and closed his eyes, hearing his heartbeat thundering in his ears as he leaned in, burying his face in Cardin's wet hair.

"And here I thought I was the only one going crazy," he breathed.

The boy shivered at the words, then let out a small gasp when Keary softly kissed the spot just beside his ear. Keary felt him tense, head thrown back, and took the reaction as permission to continue kissing along his jaw and neck, only stopping when Cardin let loose a loud moan. With immense effort, he pulled back.

Even in his imagination, he could never have pictured what he saw before him now. The boy's fine features were even lovelier now as he blushed in the moonlight, eyes hooded with need, lips parted as he gasped for breath. Keary felt himself stiffen almost painfully with desire, and groaned softly.

"May I kiss you?"

Cardin didn't reply, but when Keary tipped the boy's face up to himself and carefully touched his lips to his, ready to stop at the slightest hint of resistance, the soft mouth opened readily to let him in. In that moment, Keary thought he might die from the intensity of euphoria that swept through him. The last vestiges of his resolve vanished, and he pressed himself against the boy, tongue plunging into his mouth to taste him, a parched man in front of an oasis.

He felt Cardin throw his arms around his neck, fingers twining themselves in his hair, and thought his heart would burst. Keary slipped his arm around the boy's waist, the other snaking up his back and pulling him against himself. Encouraged by Cardin's responding moan, he pushed yet closer, and let his hands start to roam the bare body pinned between him and the cupboard doors. As his touch slid down the boy's firm ass and brushed down along his inner thighs, Cardin groaned loudly and threw his head back, his knees buckling.

Swiftly, Keary hoisted him up, hooking the boy's slim legs to curl around his waist before lowering him onto the bed. He dove in for another kiss, instinctively moving his hips against the boy's. Cardin broke the kiss again, back arching as he called out his name. Feeling drunk, Keary sat back.

"Fuck, Cardin. You're driving me mad." His shirt was damp with his sweat and Cardin's bathwater, and he yanked it impatiently over his head, revealing a lean, toned body, and let it fall to the floor. He looked down at the blonde where he lay, his wet golden locks fanned out messily over the covers, his face and toned body flushed with wanton desire, his legs spread to reveal his arousal. "Now this is a sight to behold."

Cardin gasped as Keary bent to take a nipple in his mouth, and writhed as he teased it with a soft, warm tongue before sucking on it gently. He was ashamed of the sounds that the dark-haired boy was drawing out of him, and tried to muffle them with the back of his hand, but was quickly lost in the sensations of Keary's mouth exploring his body. He never knew it was possible to be this hard, especially this soon after his shower.

As if reading his mind, Keary's kisses began to move down Cardin's torso. Cardin twisted as if in pain as the other boy took him in warm hands, and a raw, animalistic cry ripped from his lips as Keary licked the tip.

"Shh," he whispered against the heated flesh, argent eyes darkly wicked. "The neighbours will hear you."

Cardin choked back a sob, but couldn't suppress another loud cry when Keary took him into his mouth.

"Ke—Keary!" he gasped. "Kear! Wait… waitwaitwai—ah… ahh…!" He moaned hoarsely, losing all restraint and coherent thought as Keary ignored him and started to move along his length. Unthinkingly, he gripped at the sheets, straining and bucking into the moist heat that seemed to be engulfing all of him, melting him down like lava on ice…

A sudden clatter at the window made them both start. Before they could move, another came, and then a third. Someone was throwing small stones at the glass.

Cardin whimpered as Keary released him. Rising from where he'd been kneeling, the dark-haired boy went to the window.

"Shit…" he murmured, quickly turning back to the bed and flipping the rumpled blanket to cover Cardin. "I'm so sorry. Hold that thought." Grabbing the discarded shirt, Keary pulled it swiftly over his head and hurriedly exited the room, leaving an extremely dishevelled and confused Cardin weak with need on the bed.
