Start Anew

When the cerulean eyes finally opened again, it took them a while to register where he was. As Cardin made out the familiar bedroom, he became aware of the pain in his head, which, though no longer throbbing, still ached fiercely.

A sound to his right made him start and turn, only to find Keary lying close beside him, fast asleep. The dark head rested on the crook of one arm, while the other lay outstretched on the covers, as if reaching towards Cardin. As he took in the slender form that was curled protectively towards him, scattered memories of the earlier events began to surface.

The journey back had been a blur. Cardin had been vaguely aware of Keary's scent surrounding him, mixed with a tinge of iron, as he leaned into the other boy's warmth, a refuge from the piercing winter wind as the landscape had whipped past them.

"I need you to hold on tight to me, okay?" Keary had told him as he mounted the motorbike and secured the boy's body to his own. "Stay with me, Cardin."

Remembering the pleading note in his voice, Cardin realised how afraid the dark-haired boy had been that he would faint and fall from the bike, but there had been no other transportation options immediately at hand. Keary had done his best to temper his haste as he rode, easing the bike's speed whenever they came to a bend.

With his arms wrapped around the taller boy's waist, Cardin had managed to cling on, but by the time they had finally reached the house, he had had to be carried into the house and up to the bedroom, where Keary had lowered him gently onto the bed. His face, filled with worry, was the last thing that Cardin remembered seeing before he had surrendered his consciousness.

Now, gazing at those same features in repose, Cardin was struck by how much younger Keary seemed. He saw the line of dried blood scoring the pale cheek and recalled what had transpired inside the warehouse: the barrel of a gun, then a dark form whirling in battle, swift and deadly. He'd never seen anybody move like that before. But how fiercely Keary had fought, and had fought for him.

Hesitantly, Cardin reached out to lightly stroke the handsome face in front of him. He hadn't meant to wake him, but at the touch, Keary stirred. The dark lashes lifted slightly as the older boy slipped into the present, then the argent eyes looked up at him, instantly alert.


Cardin gave a small smile. "Hey," he whispered back. A wave of déjà vu washed over him as Keary sat up and bent towards him.

"How are you feeling?"

"My head still hurts, but much less now… thank you."

"Do you still feel dizzy?" When Cardin shook his head, the concern on Keary's face eased. "You should be in the clear by now, but try to get some more rest," he said. "Concussions take quite a bit of recovery."

He drew the quilt up to the boy's chin, and was about to leave the room so that he could sleep undisturbed when he felt a tug on his clothes. He glanced askance at Cardin, who had caught his sleeve.

"... Stay?"

Although there was a faint blush on the fair face, the blue eyes were imploring. They remained on Keary as he answered with a smile, then climbed carefully back onto the bed, this time under the blankets.

Settling himself close beside Cardin and clasping one hand in his, Keary murmured, "Sleep now. I'll be right here."

At the feeling of the warm and gentle caresses on his hair and face, Cardin relaxed into the feeling of safety. He gradually drifted back into a deep slumber, blissfully oblivious to the thoughts, fears and hopes that ran on behind the silver eyes which kept watch over him as he slept.


Amidst the bustling crowd, no one noticed the solitary petite figure that halted in front of the notice board as others jostled past, chatting with their companions or hurrying along laden with bags of shopping from the New Year sales. He stood there motionless, so lost in thought that he didn't seem to notice the young man, hood pulled up over his dark hair, who approached to stand next to him.

After scanning the board for a few moments, Keary spoke. "Still nothing?"


He turned to look at Cardin. "Sorry to hear that."

Cardin shook his head slowly, staring at the snowy ground. "That man, the other day… He kept insisting that I was hiding something, some kind of information."

"Are you?"

He gave a bitter laugh. "I don't have a clue what he was talking about. He kept calling me by a strange name, and was more than ready to kill me when I couldn't give him what he wanted." Cardin paused, took in a deep breath, then continued, "I was just thinking… If I was involved in something like that, where I came from, then… I don't think I want to go back. I want a fresh start."

He raised his cerulean gaze. Instead of the dejection that Keary had been expecting to see, the boy's eyes were clear with certainty, and held his with meaning.

Throat suddenly tight, the dark-haired boy asked, "Where will you go?"

Cardin hesitated. "I… feel safe here, with you." He paused again in embarrassment. "That is, if it's okay with you…"

Keary stared.

At the silence that met his words, Cardin bit his lip and looked away.

Of course, you idiot. Just because he hit on you a couple of times, doesn't mean that you can invite yourself to stay as you wish, like some stray cat that just walks into a house and makes itself comfortable.

He opened his mouth to attempt to save the situation, but just as he was about to spill apologies for his presumptuousness, he felt Keary take his hand, and something small and warm was pressed into his palm.

"Then you'll be needing this."

It was a key. Surprised, he looked up again into the gleaming silver.

"Your own keys to the house." Keary's voice was soft.

"What… When did you…?" Did he know? Cardin found himself blushing, although he wasn't even sure why.

"I made a wish," Keary said, lifting a hand to cup the blonde's face, "that my angel would stay by my side."

He leaned in. Cardin, pulse quickening, stood rooted as the other boy's lips brushed lightly against his cheek.

"Thank you, for granting my wish."

"I…" Before he could stop himself, Cardin reached out to clutch the front of the other boy's coat, pulling him in so that their mouths met. Instinctively, Keary's hand combed through the golden hair to cradle the back of his head, while the other slipped up to the small of his back, holding him close for a long and breathless moment as the oblivious world rushed past them.

When at length Keary drew back, he murmured, "What was that you were saying?"

Speechless, Cardin shook his head, trembling from the embrace.

The silver eyes softened. "Will you stay with me, Cardin? At least for now, and for a little while more?"

Heart racing, the golden-haired boy managed to nod, then watched Keary's smile widen before he bent down to claim his lips again.

"Happy New Year, Cardin Rasheville."
