Long Time Coming

Immediately, Keary pulled back. "I'm sorry. I couldn't resist." The cut on his face had healed, but its scar suddenly seemed now to stand out from his handsome features, which held sincere apology. "You must be tired. I should be more considerate of you."

But Cardin wasn't having it.

Considerate, my ass! Incensed, he clenched his shaking hands. Take responsibility for this state you've put me in!

"Hey!" Keary's eyes widened as the tie around his neck was yanked angrily, causing him to fall forward. He quickly put his hands out to avoid crushing the smaller boy, but found their faces inches apart. The silver gaze took in the blushing cheeks, the parted mouth, and the bright eyes under him.

"How reckless…" Keary touched the beautiful face carefully. He had been dying to pick things up where they had left off, but had fought away the ever-growing urge to pounce on Cardin, at first because the boy had been injured, but then mostly because he knew with certainty that there were many elements of his own life that would repel this angelic being. With everything Cardin had been through, it would be an emotional time-bomb from which neither of them would emerge unscathed, and he had absolutely no intention of sparking it.

But the darkened cerulean eyes and their unambiguous demand were drawing him in, clouding his reservations, dragging out his own desires to dive in and drown in them.

Just a small sip of salvation…

It felt like an eternity before their lips met, and time seemed suspended as they shared a slow, soft kiss. But just as Cardin was about to run his fingers through the dark hair to draw him closer, Keary moved back, wary of testing the limits of his self-control.

"Cardin, Cardin." His murmur was strained. "You've no idea…"

Confused, the blue-eyed boy reached up and touched Keary's face, only to have his hand caught and fiercely kissed.

He's holding back. But… I want him closer.

"Kiss me again."

Cardin's whispered command swept through Keary, loosening the restraints that held his desires at bay. Releasing a shaky breath, he bent to obey, meeting the hungry mouth under him with his own.

Still clutching the tie, Cardin parted his lips, and moaned softly when Keary's tongue pushed between them. He sucked on it gently, eliciting a groan as the other boy pressed closer, hardening against his thigh. Long fingers wove into his hair to cradle his head, even as his hand combed through the other boy's dark hair. He could feel a heartbeat pounding, but wasn't sure to whom it belonged.

He does want me. The thought flashed through Cardin's mind with a mixture of relief and triumph. It wasn't just my imagination.

He reached up to slip an arm across Keary's broad shoulders to pull him nearer, but just as he did so, the doorbell rang.

They froze, staring at the entrance. The bell rang again, then Nigel's voice, announcing his arrival.

"Yoohoo! Anyone home?"

Keary sighed heavily and dropped his head onto Cardin's shoulder. "That Joker and his fucking timing." He lifted his head to look at Cardin's flushed face. If Nigel saw this, they would never hear the end of it. "Head to the bathroom, just over there. I'll get the door." He hesitated, then dove in for one last lingering kiss before rising from the couch. Crossing the room, he cleared his throat and adjusted his coat, waiting to hear the washroom door click shut before unlocking the front door to let Nigel in.


By the time Cardin had gathered his composure and emerged, Keary had left for the gig and only Nigel remained, a knowing grin on his face.

"What's so funny?" Cardin asked with all the nonchalance he could muster.

"Nothing, nothing!" The rust-haired boy smirked. "It's just strange to see Keary so… disoriented." Nigel's impish smile widened as Cardin floundered for a response before finally relenting. Kicking back on the couch, he asked, "So what are we doing tonight?"

Cardin paused. Keary's views on school had been the complete opposite of Nimue's, so maybe Nigel would be a good tie-breaker. "Actually, there is something I want your opinion on…"

Much to his relief, Nigel's stance was far more neutral, almost enthusiastic. He started searching for questions and materials online for Cardin to try, before finally giving his verdict.

"From what you've shown me here, I reckon you'd place somewhere in the second year of senior high. If you enrol soon, you could probably catch the tail end of the first year and get familiar with the school before starting on Year 2 in March," Nigel mused aloud.

"I might just do that." Cardin sighed. "Thanks. Keary didn't think much of the idea."

"Keary?" The redhead laughed. "That guy dropped out the first moment he could. He's just way too rebellious. The teachers couldn't control him ever since–" Nigel looked like he was going to say something, then changed his mind. Cardin's ears pricked up.

"Ever since what?"

"Never mind, I forgot what I wanted to say. Why'd you think of it anyway? What do you want to get out of it?"

Cardin hesitated before answering slowly. "I just thought it would be a good place to start figuring out how I'm to fit in here… Maybe this will give me some clues as to what to do next. I don't think I'd be satisfied just shuttling between home and the café everyday."

"Fair enough. Score some certs and build new dreams." Nigel looked at him thoughtfully. "How old would you say you are anyway?"

Cardin shrugged. "Your guess is as good as mine."

"Well, my bet is on… 17? 18? You'll need an ID of course, but I can take care of that for you." He pursed his lips and scrutinised the blonde, then decided, "Let's just go with you being 16 going 17, so you can blend in better. But, for tonight…" A wicked look came over his face. "Tonight, you can be 20. It'll be easier."

Cardin shrank back from the change in his companion's expression. "Easier for what?"

Nigel sat up and leaned in close, eyebrows dancing.

"Wanna do something fun?"
