Notion Of Justice

His leg swung up in a kick aimed to catch the man on the chin, but the man was fast, and quickly stepped away. His grasp on Cardin's throat released, but there was no time to rest. Shoving through the instinct to gag and cough, the golden-haired boy forced himself to follow up with several more attacks, his limbs whipping through the air and pushing the man back. Encouraged by the ground he had gained, Cardin sprang high, twisting his fist back to strike.

But at this point, the man blocked the attack almost effortlessly, then parried with a wide swing that Cardin only just managed to avoid. The blonde fell back a step, and was almost immediately thrown into the defensive as the stranger took his turn. The man's movements were hefty, yet swift; he was clearly accustomed to moving in combat with heavy weapons, and adroitly used his own bodyweight in his assaults.

Realising that he was being backed into a corner, Cardin made for the bar at the first moment he was able to find an opening, and leapt over the counter. He grabbed a bottle from the shelf and flung it at his opponent, who avoided it easily as he closed the distance between them, flipping lightly over the bar.

Hastily, Cardin vaulted back, reaching into his pocket for the lighter as he did so. Safety be damned; he needed to set this place ablaze, and get out of here as soon as possible, if he still could. Taking this stranger down together with the bar would help him rest easier knowing he had protected Keary from this vengeful madman.

However, even as he twisted midair to land, he heard the hiss of sharp metal sliding against metal. The moment his feet made contact with the ground, he instinctively crouched and darted aside, only just missing the knife that the stranger had flung at him from behind the bar.

He barely had time to silently thank Shun for the practice before he saw the man's shadow shift; another projectile was about to come his way. He began to run through the bar, and was able to avoid the other two knives that the stranger threw at him. So far so good. Despite the darkness, he was able to anticipate his enemy's moves, and stay one step ahead.

That is, until he slipped in a puddle of gasoline.

Although he managed to throw his arms out, his body slammed heavily against the wet floor, the lighter flying out of his hand. But there was no time to wallow in the pain that jolted through him.

"Game over, boy," the man chuckled, as he reeled his arm back to let fly the killing shot.

Cardin curled tightly into himself, eyes screwed shut as he braced for the inevitable. In that final split second, his mind flashed through memories of the gentle touch, the tender kiss, the warm smile of a certain silver-eyed boy.


But the knife never found its target. From where he lay, he heard a muffled yell and a loud thud before the door burst open, and then the sound of a clang in the air just beside him, before two knives clattered to the ground at the far end of the room. Almost not daring to look, he cracked his eyes open and instantly felt relief surge through him at the sight of the familiar dark figure, who was now standing between him and danger.

As the unnamed man looked upon the newcomer who had intervened, a broad grin broke across his face.

"The devil himself! I was just wondering if you were even going to show up tonight." He casually removed his coat, letting it fall to the floor as he rolled up his sleeves. "I was just getting acquainted with your newest member… What's his name?"

Keary didn't respond. His silver gaze was rapidly assessing the situation, noting the bodies of the four unconscious men on the slick ground. Cardin had done well with the gasoline; the entire place stunk with its fumes. The only problem was that the fair-haired boy was now covered in it. All that was needed was a spark and the whole place would blow, but Cardin would burn along with it.

In a low voice, he addressed the golden-haired boy over his shoulder, not taking his eyes off the man behind the bar. "Get through the back door and run as far as you can."


"Go, now." His tone brooked no argument, but he turned his head to look straight into the cerulean eyes. "I'll be right behind you."

Hesitantly, Cardin pushed himself up. As he started toward the exit, he saw movement in his periphery, and flinched as another tool came sailing through the air towards him. Another loud metallic clang resounded; Keary had again stepped smoothly in front of him, dagger drawn.


Cardin ran. Darting out the door, he was greeted by a view of a field of bodies strewn over the ground. There had to be at least forty, no, fifty men lying here. Had Keary fought through them all to get to him? His mouth tightened. Without stopping to look too closely, he began to sprint as quickly as his legs would take him, in the direction where Keary's motorbike stood waiting. He couldn't let Keary's efforts go to waste.

Back in the bar, the man made a show of groaning loudly. "You're no fun. Things were just starting to get good between me and your little blondie."

"If this is about Lisette, you can leave my people out of it. Your quarrel is with me."

At the name, the expression on the man's face changed, the facade of humour twisting into unveiled loathing. "You hurt mine, I'll hurt yours. And now you're trying to destroy my aunt's property?" He stepped out from behind the bar. "I should have just broken that boy's neck when I had the chance."

"Hitting this bar is purely business. Somebody else wanted it down. As for Lisette, she knew full well what she was asking for. I warned her, but she refused to leave," Keary replied, unfazed. "Or couldn't she bear to tell that part to her darling brother Kaesar?"

Kaesar's thin lips pulled back into a snarl. "Answered like a typical bastard, pushing the blame for his actions onto others. What you did to her… unforgivable!"

"On the contrary. I take full responsibility for any charge you bring against me, so long as it's on me, and me alone." Keary stepped one foot back. He knew that in his current condition, he wouldn't be able to last long against Kaesar, but he had stalled long enough; Cardin should be well out of range by now. He raised his dagger. "Now, are we going to fight, or are you just going to stand around and chitchat like a bored prostitute?"

The roar that Kaesar gave was filled with pure hatred as he lunged forward. He moved fast, but Keary was ready. With his free hand, he pulled a lighter from his pocket, and clicked.

The explosion and shattering of glass panes could be heard from where Cardin was in the distance. Whipping his head around, he saw the interior alight, orange tongues licking black smoke skyward. But Keary was nowhere to be seen.

Seconds ticked by, and panic set in. Where was he? Why wasn't he out yet? Cardin felt the strength drain out of him.

Was he… dea–

The thought was curtailed as Cardin saw a dark figure crash through a half-broken window, landing in a roll amongst the shards of glass.

"Keary!" he screamed.

The figure rose and sprinted towards him, even as he coughed harshly into his sleeve. "Get on the bike!" he shouted.

Cardin scrambled to obey, and just as he managed to clamber on, Keary swooped up behind him, his arms on either side of the blonde, hands already revving the engine. "Stay low," he ordered, and the bike shot off.

As they sped past the bar, Cardin saw the unknown stranger dart out of the flames towards them. Then he stopped and held his arm out straight: a firing pose.

"Get down!" Keary barked, bending to push Cardin down with his weight, covering the smaller boy's body with his own. A few shots rang out, but the bike didn't waver from its path, and soon it vanished from sight.

Kaesar cast the pistol aside in disgust. What was he thinking? Had he really been willing to give that demonspawn such an easy death? No; now, more than ever, he had to make sure he hit Keary in a place that wounded him so badly, he would be begging for the mercy of death. He turned to survey the blaze behind him.

"Ah, Keary, you've just made another woman in my family cry." His clenched fists tightened as the flames reflected in his eyes glinted dark green. "I'm truly going to savour the day I destroy you."
