Can You Keep Up?

It wasn't the hiss of his sharp inhale, nor the scratch of his fingernails on the armchair fabric, but the look of almost pain on his face as she moved her mouth slowly down his length, that made her realise that he might actually be much younger than she had thought.

Wait, could this be his first time?? But it was not like she could just stop and ask him at this point, especially not with her mouth filled with cock. Besides, she had given him the choice, and he had asked for a demonstration. She would just have to watch him closely.

And what a sight to watch. It was magnificent to see him fighting to cling onto his composure as his toned torso heaved and tensed under his opened shirt. The sight of this dark and beautiful creature struggling under her touch sent a gush of warmth through her body to the point between her thighs.

Well, no point in losing your virginity halfway, she reasoned. She slipped a condom out of her robe pocket, and put it in her mouth so that she sheathed him in it when she next took him in, glorying in his responding groan. Rising from where she knelt between his knees, she hitched her robe up slightly to straddle him, lowering herself over him slowly.

His eyes widened as she engulfed his senses. He could smell her perfume and musk and sweat as she leaned in; her hair fell in long, curled waves around his face, her full lips parted as she moaned softly, her curvy hips rocking slowly back and forth.

Taking his hand, she guided it to her waist, where he slipped to her lower back, grabbing a fistful of fabric. The silk robe fell open, exposing one of her shapely breasts. Impulsively, he craned forward to suck gently on her nipple, then harder as she moaned.

"Darling, bite me here." She pulled back slightly and swept her hair aside to bare one side of her fair neck. He followed her indication and bit down. "Mmngh, harder. Harder… yes!"

He tensed as she tightened around him and started to ride him in earnest, her hands reaching across his shoulders to hold onto the back of the armchair. Before long, she felt the pleasure building inside her, and shifted herself to take him in even deeper.

"Wait, hang on…!" His hands grasped at the material around her hips with urgency as his body began to tremble. "Edith, wait…!"

Weaving one hand through his dark hair, she yanked his head backward, making him gasp as she pressed in close. "No waiting, darling." Her lust spoke low into his ear. "Come for me now, there's a good boy."

She felt him grow even stiffer as he strained under her and cried out, gripping her robe so tightly that she thought the silk would rip. Fuelled by the sound of him coming undone, she bucked her hips rapidly over his taut body, her back arching as she soon reached her own climax.

As she settled back down, she turned to observe him, taking in the sight of him catching his breath, head flung back on the chair. His eyes were shut, but opened to look at her when she gently brushed a lock of dark hair away from his flushed face. She paused. They weren't grey; they were silver, gleaming bright like the edge of a knife blade in the light.

Beautiful. Beautiful. She smiled as she stroked his cheek.

"I think we're going to have a very good time together, you and I."


In the months that followed, she taught him what she liked and how to please her. He became fluent in reading her: when to push and when to pull; when to go fast and when to slow down; when to touch her softly and tenderly and when to be rough and aggressive.

She, in the meantime, learned that his neck was extremely sensitive, especially around his nape, but he wouldn't let her touch him there by hand, and drew a hard boundary at any sort of choking. To her relief, he was still willing to hold her by the throat if she demanded it, and was at least willing to wear a collar… sometimes.

They experimented with different kinds of toys and contraptions, tried out different types of plays, and as they grew more familiar with each other's bodies and preferences, she found herself enjoying their sessions more and more.

"Oh fuck," she once commented, after they'd hit a particularly intense climax. Her back was against the bedroom wall, her legs hooked over his arms and spread wide to receive him as she clung on to his broad shoulders. "Fuck, K, you're getting way too good at this. I think I just saw god."

The silver eyes that looked up at her glinted mischievously. "Oh, what did he say? Do you need to go back and finish that conversation?"

Leaning close, he drove into her, catching her by surprise and eliciting a sound that she'd never heard herself make before, a decidedly unsexy croak of a gasp. Embarrassed, she clapped her hands over her mouth. He laughed.

"Did it feel that good? You convulsed inside."

"That's because I'm still sens–ACKK!" she shrieked and almost toppled off as he thrust into her again. "What–! How–?! How are you still hard??"

Slipping his arms under her thighs, he lifted her, then turned and fell with her underneath him onto the bed, bearing his weight down through his hips. Then he started moving once more, setting a pace that made her keen, her long fingernails raking his back. "Dry cum," he panted in quick explanation. "Send my regards," he growled, pressing in deep, and then didn't stop until she came again so hard that she couldn't feel her toes.