Last Laugh

"Koko! I'm done!"

In front of the screens in Mikka's bedroom, Kumiko leisurely looked up from painting her nails dark purple, to see the other girl's face looming large into one of the security cameras. "About time."

"The song finished, so I lost my momentum." She puffed her cheeks out in a sulky pout. "Okay where to now?"

"Top floor. I'll guide you when you get there. There are still a few guards walking around, so be careful."

"Aye aye!" Mikka sped out of view in a flash, but a beat later, the neon blue hair popped back into frame. "Can you put on another song?"

She skipped her way through the facility, easily bypassing any obstructions that dared to present themselves, and eventually let herself into a large, expensively furnished office, slamming the door shut in the faces of three pursuers. Ignoring the shouting and hammering on the other side, she leisurely dropped into the super comfy chair with leather upholstery that was more cushy than any swivel chair had a right to be, made quick work of the password, and proceeded to initiate the transfer of all the information into the hard drive she'd brought along with her. There was quite a lot of data, but it shouldn't take too long.

After doing a thorough investigation to see whether the chair could swivel her around faster than her chair at home, Mikka leapt up from the spinning seat and wobbled giddily around the office. She ran her hands over everything, all the chairs, picture frames, books, paperweights and alcohol bottles decorating the room, until she finally came to a halt in front of a small cage.

In the corner of the cage curled a tiny ball of white fluff, asleep. Mikka wondered what breed of animal it was. It looked a bit like a rabbit, but without the distinctive long ears. She turned aside.

"Koko, what does this company do again?"

"You were the one who did the research, Kiki."

"I do lots of research all the time," Mikka whined. "How'm I supposed to remember everything?"

"Hmm, let's see… Oh. They're trying to devise something that can regrow limbs. Experimenting first on animals."

"The fuck??" Mikka whipped her gaze back to the creature in the cage. Sure enough, it was a rabbit; she'd doubted it earlier because its ears were missing. As she bent closer to examine it, the rabbit opened its eyes, or rather, eye, to look at her, its nose quivering as it scented the unfamiliar intruder. It startled when it saw Mikka's face peering so close to the thin bars, then shuffled backward in fear, its movements uneven; there was a stump at the end of one of its little legs where its right paw should have been.

The pitiful sight set Mikka's anger ablaze. Just what kind of fucking unethical experiments were these bastards conducting here?? How could they do something so atrocious to an innocent creature?? And most importantly, why did they choose to pick on something that was so. Fucking. CUTE?!?

Paying no heed to the growing commotion outside the office doors, she made to unlock the cage.

"Kiki. I don't think that's a good idea," Kumiko cautioned, watching through the security feed as her friend swung the cage door open and reached in.

"It's fine. It's just a rabbit." Mikka cooed soothingly as the animal shifted away from the black-gloved hand she stretched into the cage. "C'mere cutie, I'm not going to hurt you!"

"I really wouldn't do that if I were you. You don't know what they've done to it. Also, the guards are cutting through the locks and the hinges."

"Ya, I hear them. The data transfer should be done by now. I can't just leave this poor thing here like this though??"

"Okay? What are you thinking?"

"I can take it back. You wanna come home with me, don't you, you adorable widdle tuft of fluff?"

"... Again, I'm not sure that's the best idea for you, Kiki." Knowing her friend's erratic nature and attention span, Kumiko would be seriously concerned for the rabbit's welfare if it were to come under Mikka's care.

But the rabbit was proving difficult to get ahold of, evading Mikka's grasp far more quickly than a one-eyed, maimed widdle tuft of fluff had any right to do. Losing patience, Mikka swiftly grabbed the nape of its neck and retrieved it from the cage, bringing her other arm up underneath to cradle it.

"There you go! Easy does it. Now let's get you ou—OWOWOW OW!!! WADDAFAKK!!! NOPE, NOPE, it BIT me, FUCK it, I hope it dies, I'm OUTTA here, I'm DONE!" She let out a frustrated scream of a groan, flailing her bitten hand in the air as the rabbit leapt out of her arms and scooted for refuge under a nearby armchair. "UGH, SO done!!"

"Shouldn't've done it, Kiki."

Sparing no more time for an animal that didn't want to be saved, Mikka returned swiftly to the computer and disconnected her hard drive, then rapidly typed in a few lines into the terminal. The screen seemed to glitch, went blue, then shuttered to an unresponsive black. F to the next person who tried to login; Mikka had programmed things such that a virus would be immediately disseminated throughout the server network under that person's ID. Again, that wasn't part of the brief, but THAT should teach them to leave around rabbits that bit well-meaning kind-hearted SAVIOURS!!! Although, it probably wouldn't really matter after what she had lined up next.

When the guards finally managed to bash through the doors, Mikka had already made herself scarce, a black hood pulled up over her electric blue hair so she could sprint away from the facility grounds undetected under the darkness of the night. Once she was a safe distance away, she turned back to face the building.

"Okay Koko, it's time. BEGIN THE LIGHT SHOW, MWAHAHAHAA!!!"

"Alright." A few taps. "Enjoy."

Mikka watched with clasped hands, rapture on her face, as the lights in the facility came on in running flashes through the windows, faster and faster until a pixelated cat face winked into view. It smiled, blinked again a few times, then opened its mouth in a silent purr before turning into a series of bubbling heart shapes that scattered and popped. Then all the lights came on, brighter and brighter, some of them showering sparks, then flickered gloriously before going off with a loud pop.

"Heheheheheee~" Giggling happily, Mikka patted her gloved paws together in glee. What a perfect way to end the night. It was totally appropriate to end her mission with a bang. As an added bonus, all their electronic devices—computers, servers, cameras, machinery— were now essentially only good as very intricate paperweights.

As she resumed her escape, a thought occurred to her.

"Hey Koko, I just realised, that rabbit probably had some weird experiments done to it right?"

"Yes, Kiki."

"D'you think I'm gonna get, like, weird superhero powers from that bite or something?"

"No, Kiki."

One corner of Mikka's mouth twitched up grouchily as she clicked her tongue. "Dammit. I could've been awesome."

Kumiko didn't look up from her nails as she asked, deadpan, "Are you really dying to be known as Radioactive Rabbitwoman, Kiki?"

"Okay, no, that's just fucking weird," Mikka snorted. "Anyways, I think I'm gonna change my hair to pink. Waddaya think?"


Kumiko had left by the time Mikka finally climbed through her bedroom window, being extremely careful not to disturb her parents. The couple had had Mikka considerably later in life than most people usually had children, and were much older than the parents of her classmates in school, even if Mikka was exceptionally bright and had studied a year ahead. She had long ago arrived at the definitive conclusion that her parents needed a peaceful sleep much more than they needed to know about their daughter's various adventures.

She had just flung herself down onto her bouncywouncy bed when a notification alert sounded from her computer.

"Ugh, what is it now???" She flailed her limbs in annoyance, but eventually wriggled herself around to crawl toward her desk, JUST in case it was Keary, JUST in case he had somehow gotten wind of her glorious bout of Independent Initiative™ tonight and had something to say about it. Although, actually, if that really were the case, he wouldn't be so kind as to send her an email about it.

Swiping the wireless keyboard and mouse and chucking them at the foot of her mattress, she propped herself up on her elbows, pouting as she poked at the keys, her feet kicking lazily in the air.

It was an email. Not Keary then. Moreover, the email had been sent to an old address, the one she had stopped using after she graduated from high school. She still kept it around because she still had several subscriptions and accounts to newsletters and collections of adorable kitten pictures and videos, like this one right now, which was titled "Wait Till You Hear This Cutie Purr!"

Sounded like something that would trigger her cuteness aggression for sure. And then she wasn't going to be able to sleep for another three hours because of the adrenaline.

Worth it.

She clicked the link, anticipating a series of heart-melting squeaks and mewls. Instead, what erupted over the speakers were loud, erotic moans and hitched whimpers that sent her scrambling.

"HOLY FUCKING MOTHEROFCHRISTABELLAMONTANA—" Mikka leapt up, slamming the mute key. The sudden silence bounced off the walls, but her blood was pounding in her ears. All traces of her earlier triumph drained away as she stared at the face of the girl in the video she had just opened, features twisted in an expression of pain and pleasure as an unknown person's dick pounded into her from behind—

Mikka's face.

