Chapter 461 Hunter: The Call of Feces

Yelang was not the only one feeling lonely.

Many other streamers and countless players fell into the same quandary as him.

They stood dumbfounded next to a pile of animal droppings or a series of hoof prints, questioning their life choices.

Yet Hu, who logged onto the Lake District at the same time as them, had already completed the introductory task early on.

Given the same distance and the same beginner's gun, Hu's single shot fatally wounded a white-tailed deer which began to bleed heavily and fell dead after only a few steps.

The outcome was completely different!

There was just one reason for all this —

Hu targeted the deer's chest, not its head.

Seasoned hunters rarely aim at an animal's head when hunting, unless they have enough confidence in their own shooting skills and the weapon in their hands.

Firstly, the head is too small and not easy to hit.