Want To Have A Competition In Laser Weaponry With Us, You Aliens?

"Has the latest model of the rocket been sent over?"

"It has been delivered to the Meine..."

Inside the Great Xia Space Agency, Chief Engineer Yang was somewhat puzzled and asked, "Can our laser weapons really make a fair match with what the extraterrestrials have?"

"It's hard to say!"

Colonel Chu shook his head. "The technological level demonstrated by the extraterrestrials is not consistent. Some are only ahead of Earth by 50 years, while others are ahead by 200 years..."

"In terms of technology displayed by the extraterrestrials, the first is spaceships. Although we have never seen their spaceships, their ability to traverse the starry seas and reach the moon already says a lot..."

"Then, what's the point of sending the rocket over?" Chief Engineer Yang was still quite confused, not understanding why they had to send cutting-edge Earth technology to Area 404.