Breaking Through the Defense Line (1)


Moro and a few team leaders stood next to the gravity detector, their eyes glued anxiously to the screen.

"The charge has begun…"

On the screen, Shuttle 10 moved like a fish with Parkinson's—left, then right, up, then down, shaking non-stop.

But the expressions of those present were extremely serious, the atmosphere tense.

"We must succeed!"

Someone murmured.

On the screen, no energy attacks could be seen. Even though laser beams have mass, they are too small and too far away to be detected by the gravity wave. But based on the shuttle's movements, one could infer how critical the situation was.

"It's almost there..."

On the screen, the curve representing Shuttle 10 was nearing the Pluto line.

The closer it got to the Pluto line, the harder it was to dodge, especially within a range of 300,000 kilometers. It required preemptive evasion, and it couldn't repeat its path, or it would easily be hit.