Great Xia Is Giving Us Resources?!_1

"Nanyuan News Express: A fire broke out in Binhe Park early this morning. There are no casualties yet. After investigation, it was caused by people setting off fireworks…"

"Haicheng Morning News: A fire broke out in Nanshan Park, resulting in three people injured and more than ten cars damaged. After investigation, the fire was caused by fireworks..."

The people of Great Xia woke up and clicked on the trending news, intending to check the status of the Universe Federation spaceship that had broken through. To their surprise, eight out of the top ten stories were about fires caused by fireworks in various places.

"When I went to sleep everything was fine, but when I woke up, I found that my car was burnt down to its shell..."

"Last night, someone in our community was setting off fireworks and accidentally shot them into someone else's window, causing a fire, which hasn't been reported yet..."