Moro Fleet's Military Advisor's Strategy (1)


Just as his subordinates were about to leave, Moro abruptly stopped them.

"I need to consult with our strategist first... let's discuss after that..."

After he finished speaking, Moro, together with several team leaders, hurriedly left the control room.

Arriving at the door of the medical room, Moro turned to the others and said, "Too many people shouldn't enter the medical room. You all wait at the door!"

Entering the medical room, what greeted him was a head suspended high, with various tubes and artificial organs attached underneath.

Three white-coated medical staff were monitoring on the side. Seeing Moro come in, they quickly came forward to salute.



" Alright." Moro slightly nodded, asking, "How is Auda doing?"

"Captain, Lord Auda's life signs are stable..."

"That's good. I have urgent matters to discuss with him. Wake him up!"
