The Star Destroyer Cannon Is Here, Blue Planet Is About to Explode!_1

"Breaking news, the Galactic Federation spaceship has broken through the Mars defense line and is heading for Earth, claiming they're coming to destroy Earth..."

The news sent shockwaves across the net.

"The Galactic Federation wants to destroy Earth? It must be a hoax!"

"Exactly, the Galactic Federation has 77 civilizations, and they were inviting us to join. How could they possibly want to destroy Earth?!"

"Spreading false information is punishable by law. I hope the relevant authorities take note..."

"Heh, if you said that aliens from the moon were coming to destroy Earth, I might believe you. But the Galactic Federation? That's just silly..."

Most netizens didn't believe it. After all, the Earth Federation had been boasting about the benefits of joining the Galactic Federation recently.

The entire public opinion sphere was filled with discussions about how Earth would develop after joining the Galactic Federation.