I'll Stay Out With You Tonight! (2)

Zhao Yu pondered for a long while but still couldn't figure out the difference between what she was saying and what he had said earlier.

"I remember now, you mentioned that anyone wanting to be your boyfriend would need to give you a monthly allowance of 88,000. How come when it comes to me, it's suddenly 10 million or 5 million?"

Song Han rarely looked embarrassed. If wasn't Zhao Yu would die in a month, she wouldn't have approached him.

After all, by enduring just one month, she could become a millionaire!

"That offer came with conditions. The entire year's allowance had to be paid up front..." Song Han tried to argue.

"That's still only one million! Aren't you just trying to take advantage of me?"

Song Han was at a loss for words, uncertain whether Zhao Yu was trying to negotiate or simply making fun of her.

"Is there anything left for us to discuss?" She regained her composure and asked.
