Please Begin Your Performance! (2)

The way Zhao Yu spoke, frightened Yu Chu Xue, her struggles began much more intensifying.

The back of her head was already pressed against the chair, and she constantly tried to shrink back.

"Umm umm umm~~!" Her pitch rose, seemingly wanting to say something.

Just as he was about to make a move, Zhao Yu stopped, saying, "Since I'm already here, there's no rush. I'll make sure you understand why you're dying..."

Zhao Yu pulled over a chair and sat down.

"You are quite ruthless!"

"I risked my own life, strategized and used the Su family to get ten million from the Huang family as a price on my head..."

"You casually tossed a bracelet, take away my money. Did you consider the consequences at the time?!"

The cold glint in Zhao Yu's eyes grew even sharper, simply killing Yu Chu Xue was letting her off too easily.

"Money is my life. If you take my money, I'll take your life. Is a fair trade?"

"Umm umm umm~~!"