Song Han

Zhao Yu was surprised to find that Song Han had arrived earlier than expected and had been waiting for him at the entrance for quite a while.

Song Han looked maturely dressed, wearing black stockings, and her upper body appeared tightly clad, revealing hints of her toned muscles.

Such beautiful woman!

Zhao Yu felt that her clothes were barely containing her. He immediately drove his car up next to her, and the door opened automatically.

"Get in!"

She hurriedly got inside after she confirmed it was Zhao Yu.

As the car started moving, Zhao Yu casually asked, "Do you usually dress like this?"

"No," Song Han replied, "You asked me out, so I went back to the dormitory and changed into this outfit." She wouldn't dare wear such attire at school, but she had prepared this outfit beforehand.

Zhao Yu sighed in relief, pressed down on the accelerator, and headed towards the manor.