The Base Was Lost (4)

"Are they from the Black Rock City Lord's Mansion?!"

She felt uneasy and spoke up, "Who are you people from?"

After repeatedly asking without a response.

Someone couldn't hold back any longer, "Sister Meng, should we kill them?"

"Sister Meng, we can't open the doors to the four buildings..." Xiao Liu returned with his group.

"To forcibly break in, we might need to use bomb..."

What should they do now?!

Meng Xian had hoped that by capturing these soldiers, she could extract some information and determine the next course of action.

Who would have thought that these soldiers would be so tight-lipped, refusing to utter a word no matter what.

Such loyalty and resilience made her believe that only a significant power could train them.

"We can't kill them. There are surveillance cameras on their doors; they've already seen us..."

"Damn it, destroy the surveillance!"