Old City! (5)

Zhao Yu nodded to himself, agreeing with Eagle's assessment. Those teams that served the big shots were hired specifically to search for something.

"How many people do you have, and what are your capabilities?!"

Following Eagle's advice, he directly inquired about the price.

"One third-level enhancer, two second-level enhancers, and four first-level enhancers. We often search in the old city and are very familiar with it... What do you think?"

"Not bad, how much is the price?!" Zhao Yu continued to ask.

"How many people are you planning to bring? Just the six of you, or are there others?" Instead of quoting a price, the burly man inquired about Zhao Yu's situation.

Zhao Yu's mission was to eliminate several hundred mutants in a certain area of the West Third Ring. A small number of people would definitely not suffice, so he had to take everyone with him.

"A total of 21 people, is that okay?"