A Complete Victory (5)

She couldn't help but start thinking.

But soon, she gave it up.

In her memory or rather among the few major groups she knew of, none were led by a woman.

Wait, Zhao Yu wouldn't be selling his... would he?!


Chu Yue Yue quickly voiced her speculation.

This matter was very important to her!

"How dare you, Chu Yue Yue! I come to help you, and you accused me?!"

Zhao Yu was angry, Chu Yue Yue actually suspected him of selling himself!

"Damn, I'm going to deal with you!"

Chu Yue Yue was relentless, "Zhao Yu, be honest, is it true or not? How else do you explain having so many tanks?!"

"I built them myself!"

"Chu Yue Yue, you really underestimate me..."

"Don't you know that a soldier should be looked at anew every three days?!"


Chu Yue Yue was unwilling to concede, but she could only think of one thing...

She thought of another possibility.