Night Attack! (1)

"Hu ~"

Zhao Yu was sleeping soundly on the table.

Suddenly, a reminder sounded in his mind.

[Vision: Ape Claw Beast discovered…]

[Vision: Ape Claw Beast discovered…]

The sound of notifications rang out crazily.

Through his vision, he already noticed that the entire teaching building was surrounded by a large number of Ape Claw Beasts.

"Enemy attack, there are monsters!"

He roared.

In the dimly lit classroom, students lay sprawled across desks, asleep.

Some students hid and lay under the desks.

They all woke up startled after hearing Zhao Yu's roar,

"What's going on?!"

"What happened?!"

Many still drowsy were bewildered after being awakened by Zhao Yu's shout.

Zhao Yu had no time to explain and hurriedly picked up the bone club placed beside the desk, stepped on the desks and looked through the window.

"Enemy, everyone get up and ready for a fight!"