Little Snake (5)

"Every time we fight a commander monster, we'll make our way to even more distant places. We can always shake them off that way."

Ji Wu Shuang understood Zhao Yu's intention and nodded, "I believed that's the only safest way for us now..."

She started to talk about the overall situation within the inner circle.

"The five overlords have already begun their moves. The people from Wang Feng Valley and Tiger Howl Gang are playing their parts well. The number of fighters on both sides is dwindling, and most are hiding..."

"Moreover, both sides are in tacit agreement, quietly leading people to hunt commander-level monsters, secretly increasing the number of ultimate fighters..."

"We don't need to worry about them. Our efficiency is more higher than theirs. In one month, we'll definitely give them a big surprise..."

Ji Wu Shuang had calculated this in advance as well. Their side indeed operates quite efficiently.