Third-Class Citizen (3)

Compared to the teams led by ultimate fighters, these teams were only at the threshold level, so it was obvious that they have higher fatality rate. However, the number of teams they formed was no less than the teams led by ultimate fighters. In fact, there were even more teams than the ultimate fighters teams.

In an instant, more than half of the tens of thousands of people on the square had dispersed. Only a small number of people were still waiting to enter the camp, wanting to figure out the situation before taking action.


"Kill them!"

On a plain, dozens of ultimate fighters were charging ahead, followed by a similar number of threshold level enhancers.

Hundreds of wolf packs with the size of calves were also charging at them.

As soon as the two sides came into contact, an intense battle began.

Fifteen minutes later, dozens of wolf corpses were thrown into the field, and the remaining wolves actually scattered in all directions.