Champion (4)

Originally, they had rushed up to rescue Zhao Yu.

However, halfway through, he was shocked to discover that compared to Zhao Yu, it was obvious that Wu Liu was at a disadvantage.

" So, he shouted just now to ask us to save him?!"

A referee was enlightened.

When Wu Liu heard this, he was so angry that his mouth tilted and his eyes slanted.

"Don't interfere yet!" he shouted again.

According to the rules, if someone was saved by the referee in a battle, it meant that they admitted defeat.

It was as if the referee felt that if they didn't make a move, the contestant would die, so he decided to save him.

Moreover, part of the reason why they took action was because of Wu Liu's shout.

"I can still hold on!"

Wu Liu's veins bulged. The attack with a difference of sixty Vitality points was forcefully withstood by him.