Arriving at Moon City

Three days later, the envoy from the State City finally arrived. The leader was a powerful Third Tier fighter, looking very young, with flowing long hair and delicate features. If he hadn't spoken, Zhao Yu would have thought he was a woman.

"Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Xu Chang Qing, and I'm from Qian City..."

Zhao Yu nodded. Qian City was the state city above Moon City. The eight state cities were divided according to the Eight Trigrams, and their names were said to trace back thousands of years.

"My name is Zhao Yu, King Slayer Rank Five..."

"First Tier!"

Xu Chang Qing emphasized, then smiled and explained, "From now on, I am your protector. I will guard you until we reach Qian City..."

"However, I must emphasize one thing: all your value comes from your identity as a First Tier King Slayer Rank Five..."