Treasure Giver Boy

"Are you Zhao Yu?!"

The group leader of these young people was not polite at all. They immediately surrounded Zhao Yu, glaring at him menacingly.

Zhao Yu squinted his eyes. Although he had anticipated some trouble in Moon City, he didn't expect it to happen so quickly. He had just arrived, and someone was already looking trouble for him.

People in the square noticed the commotion. Some fled to a distance, fearing they might get involved, while others, not minding the excitement, gathered around and film.

"Who are these people?!"

"The one leading them seems to be Huo Ying..."

"Huo family's young master, he's part of that group of spoiled rich kids. They are a bunch of good-for-nothings, always causing trouble. Who are they targeting this time?!"

Someone recognized the group's origins and frowned, feeling a bit worried for Zhao Yu.

Zhao Yu squinted his eyes and asked indifferently, "Who are you, and what do you want from me?"