Chapter 16: Meeting.

( Laplace P.O.V. )

It's been a few years since Tear died and we were currently having a meeting on how to dispose of Mikoto.

'That wretched B*tch will soon die...'

We prepared a lot of countermeasures on her ability and we were now going to have a meeting on the so-called Akatsuki.

The Akatsuki started to arrive one by one. They did not actually come and just projected themselves.

It took 3 months to barely make them appear and we used a lot of resources to barely contact them so this is a very important meeting.

"Good Morning esteemed guests. I am Yuuki Kagurazaka and I'm the host for today's meeting."

"I'm here to discuss how to dispose of Mikoto Zoldyck."

They didn't react at all and just stared blankly but I could tell that the person named Konan was highly alert as if something was about to happen.

Her eyes were going all over the place as if trying to find where we were but, I already knew this might happen so an amulti-dimensionall barrier was made to prevent other people from sensing us.

"I suppose you want something from us?"

A man said. I believe his name was Pain or something similar to that. Their information was highly protected so we barely know anything about them but for some reason, The Boss seems to know who they were.


"Then what might that be?"

Konan started to look suspicious of us and analyzed Yuuki's movements.

"Before I get to that. How about I share my information about them and talk about that later?"


The Boss made that statement to make them let down their guard and make him believe that they would want to be with us.

"I gathered as much information from THEM..."

"By you mean them, do you mean the entire Zoldyck Family?"

Pain said as he was then shocked at what they did as they knew that 5he Zoldyck family is a family that is renowned around the world for being the greatest assassins in all history.

"Yes, b-"

"Are you crazy?!!? Do you know what you've gotten into with extracting information on them?! Have you gone mad?!"

Konan started to frankly scream and the masked man waved his hand and Konan finally stopped.

"Even I who is a Simi-Demon Lord can't deny the fact that I can't beat the Elite Butlers in the Zoldyck Family, so doing this is a bit too much even for me..."

The Masked man stayed calm as the others became more furious at them. They started to talk and the more they talked, the more irritated I became.

"How about you listen first and then judge it?"


"So, let's go back to business. I now have information that Mikoto has a secret space. She is the only one who can access it and she can freely control the space within it."

"That is already a well-known fact. Give us something that can be beneficial or else..." Pain said as he then became angry.

"Of course, of course. Mikoto's Mother Kikyo is actually the renowned God of the Luminous Faith."

The four of them were shocked as this information was highly restricted and even Zetsu who lived for a long time did not know this as the Luminous Faith had a HIGH concentration of Holy Magic and disrupts even a Disaster Class Monster.

"How are we supposed to believe that the Mistress of the Zoldyck Household is the God of Luminous Faith?"

Zetsu added as it was too suspicious of information.

"As you all know. Kikyo is renowned for having the title in the underworld of Queen of Nightmare and is the Queen of all Vampires."

"We know that much."

"Just wait. According to our investigation on the black market, we were able to find out where the supply of blood was coming fro-"

The four of them looked displeased and looked at him with pure foolishness.

"Are you stupid?"

Pain was the first to say it and the others then followed.

"So basically you just tracked where the source of the blood flow and you just randomly said that she was the God of Luminous Faith?"

Zetsu added looking annoyed at spending his time with buffoons who knew nothing of this world.

"Y-yes but we have high evidence as we also spotted the Personal Butler of Kikyo."

"Do you suppose we are to believe that?"

Konan said as she felt a tingling feeling in her neck.

"This, This is too far..."

"Even if you found the Personal Butler of Kikyo in the Luminous Faith. There is still a high chance that he was just delivering the Blood."

The Masked man added as I felt worried about the Boss. The Boss never failed this badly before and I didn't know what would happen if this continued.

"And we already know that there have been some shady things happening in the Luminous Faith. Your information is not valuable at all and we might get killed because of you. We are already in constant sur-"

Pain suddenly looked at Konana and it made her shut her mouth.

"N-No I assure you all that this is the truth. The Zoldyck Family has a benefactor and it is the Luminous Faith."

"The first thing you said was Kikyo being the God of Luminous Faith and now they are the benefactor? Your lies have gone too far."

The Masked man said as she looked pissed at what he said. I wanted to intervene and help Boss out but he said to not intervene or his plan might fail by it was already failing.

"We've wasted our time."

The Four of them suddenly disappeared and Boss suddenly dropped to the floor and started to hysterically laugh like a lunatic as I looked at him.

I went near him and grabbed his right shoulder and comforted him.

"Boss. You did your best."

He looked and I and I took my hand off his shoulder and he then stood up.

"Did you think I lost?"


"I guess I should tell you the truth. I was never planning on giving them information..."

I was shocked and looked at him and said. "Then why did you start the Organization in the Black Market?"

"Alright, I'll tell you a secret. I already knew that we would fail so I got as much information as I could from the Black Market and put some lies into it."

"And how is that supposed to help?"

"I got the information I needed for the next plan. Did you not hear what Konan said?"

"They were in constant-"

"Surveillance by a Demon Lord or a Hero. I made this meeting to find out why their growth has slowed down than usual."

"Sorry Boss for doubting you," I said as I scratched my head.

"It's fine."