Passed To Fail More Miserably.


One thing that I forgot to mention regarding the thargtusks is that they are peaceful by nature until someone doesn't mess with them, and I believe I may have stirred the hornet's nest.


"What will you do next?Fight or flight?" Through mental transmission, Blaze asked.


A thargtusk has just materialised from a bush after I attempted to attack a small bird a short while ago, but my strike missed and struck the bush behind the bird instead. Perhaps it had been there all along.


As I could see that the Thargtusk had a wound on its forehead, my inferno bolt struck it, and now he is clearly enraged.





Thargtusk revealed himself and prepared to charge, raking the ground before charging towards his foes. 




As the beast charged into me, I cast fireballs with mana, but each bounced off of his thick fur and hid.